
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Ch.15 Revealing the Bloodthirsty Art

Zhao Feiyun's confidence was evident in his words and demeanor on the duel stage as he addressed Zhuge Xiang. To him, the outcome of this duel seemed like a foregone conclusion. With his second-level Qi Cultivation Realm, a pair of magic boots, and one-star magic weapon short knives, he had good reason to feel superior, especially considering Zhuge Xiang's recent breakthrough.

However, Zhuge Xiang's response was calm and composed. He unstrapped the blood refining knife from his back, ready to face Zhao Feiyun. His words carried an air of confidence as he asked about the blood spirit fruit, indicating his belief in victory.

Zhao Feiyun retrieved the blood spirit fruit from his pocket and held it up for all to see. He challenged Zhuge Xiang, implying that he had nothing to offer as a prize for victory.

Zhuge Xiang didn't waste any time on further banter. He rushed towards Zhao Feiyun, fully focused on the duel ahead. The nearly 200,000 spectators in the arena couldn't sway his concentration.

As their weapons clashed, it was clear that both were at the second level of the Qi Cultivation Realm. However, the crucial difference lay in the fact that Zhao Feiyun had recently broken through, while Zhuge Xiang was on the cusp of reaching the third level. Additionally, Zhuge Xiang wielded the blood refining knife, a one-star magic weapon with formidable attack power. The outcome of their clash would soon reveal which combatant had the upper hand.

Amid their intense struggle, Zhao Feiyun felt a powerful force pushing him back. He involuntarily took two steps backward, his grip on the short knife numbed, and his eyes widened with disbelief.

Impossible! How could someone who had comprehended Qi just half a month ago possess attack power surpassing his own at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm? Could this person be wielding a two-star magic weapon?

Regardless of the circumstances, Zhao Feiyun was shocked to discover, after their direct confrontation, that he, despite being at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm, was outmatched by Zhuge Xiang in terms of raw strength. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but an undeniable fact.

Observing Zhao Feiyun being pushed back and struggling to regain control, Zhuge Xiang aimed to capitalize on his advantage and press the attack. However, Zhao Feiyun, a proficient ghost walker, boasted agility far superior to others. Additionally, he possessed a pair of boots enhancing movement speed. When he employed the ghost walk technique, he moved like a slippery loach, effortlessly eluding Zhuge Xiang's strikes.

"Your attack power might be impressive, but I specialize in the ghost walk technique and possess magic boots that boost my speed. You won't even touch a thread of my clothing. You're destined to lose," Zhao Feiyun declared with confidence, unleashing the Ghost Step and retreating several feet. He maintained an unwavering gaze on Zhuge Xiang, despite being impressed by Zhuge Xiang's attack power.

Without uttering a word, Zhuge Xiang responded with a subtle, pursed-lip smile. It appeared as though he accepted Zhao Feiyun's challenge. He continued to wield the blood refining knife, relentlessly attacking. However, with Zhao Feiyun's ghost walk technique, Zhuge Xiang struggled to land a single blow.

In the realm of martial arts, speed was often the unbeatable factor. While Zhuge Xiang possessed higher attack power than Zhao Feiyun, his strikes were futile against Zhao Feiyun's unparalleled speed.

Although Zhao Feiyun's attack power was slightly inferior, a cultivator at the Qi Cultivation Realm had only marginally greater resistance than an ordinary person. Given the current circumstances, Zhuge Xiang was clearly at a disadvantage.

Nonetheless, Zhuge Xiang's duel remained the center of attention. Both combatants were at the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm and wielded two magic weapons, making their battle one of the most compelling on the dueling platforms.

Zhuge Xiang and Zhao Feiyun embodied contrasting styles – high attack power versus incredible speed. Each displayed unique strengths, with speed emerging as the critical factor in their Qi Cultivation battle.

"Could Zhuge Xiang truly have comprehended Qi just half a month ago? How could he exhibit such remarkable strength in such a short time? Even Zhao Feiyun, armed with two magic weapons, seems taken aback," murmured the spectators in the audience, some of whom had also recently grasped Qi. Zhuge Xiang's combat prowess, despite his disadvantage, garnered admiration.

"Perhaps his extraordinary attack power results from his magic weapon. I find it hard to believe he reached the second level of Qi Cultivation Realm again in just half a month," speculated some viewers, who were inclined to attribute Zhuge Xiang's formidable attacks to a powerful magic weapon. This theory gained nods of agreement from many.

"He did indeed comprehend Qi half a month ago. It's undeniable. Have you noticed? Zhuge Xiang hasn't employed a single martial art technique so far. Clearly, half a month isn't sufficient for him to master any. While elixirs can enhance his abilities, there are no shortcuts to martial arts," observed others keenly. They highlighted that Zhuge Xiang had been relying solely on straightforward strikes, omitting any martial arts techniques.

With a triumphant laugh, Zhao Feiyun continued, "Zhuge Xiang, your high attack power is useless when you can't even touch my clothes. My speed makes me the rightful victor." Empowered by his magic boots, Zhao Feiyun's Ghost Step technique reached an even greater level of elusiveness, and a self-assured grin played across his lips. Among cultivators, swift speed was a significant advantage, as exemplified by the popularity of the Ghost Step martial art in the Tibetan martial arts pavilion.

Zhuge Xiang, his lips slightly curved, maintained his silence. Although the speed bonus from his magic boots allowed him to evade critical strikes each time Zhao Feiyun initiated an attack, he bore six or seven wounds from their entanglement. It appeared increasingly challenging for him to shake off Zhao Feiyun's relentless pursuit.

Observing the duel's unfolding dynamics, Niu Geng clenched his fists in anxiety, aching to intervene and assist his friend, Zhuge Xiang. Conversely, Lu Yuling, who had initially anticipated that Zhao Feiyun might push Zhuge Xiang to his limits, began to acknowledge the inevitable outcome as the duel progressed.

As the saying goes, "If you stay for a long time, you will lose." Although Zhuge Xiang evaded the vital point many times, his speed was slightly inferior to Zhao Feiyun's, which was his flaw.

Seizing this opportunity, Zhao Feiyun stabbed Zhuge Xiang's back with the dagger in his hand, resembling a venomous snake. The icy blade carried the scent of impending death. Zhuge Xiang knew he couldn't dodge this strike; he seemed doomed.

This sentiment wasn't unique to Zhao Feiyun; even the spectators watching the duel shared the same thought. Zhuge Xiang's speed limitations were quite apparent, and it seemed impossible for him to react to this attack. It appeared certain that Zhao Feiyun would emerge victorious.

But would it truly end like this? Clearly not. Zhuge Xiang had not yet utilized the Blood Thunder Slash, let alone the Bloodthirsty Technique, a technique capable of boosting all attributes by 50%. Once activated, Zhuge Xiang's overall combat prowess could at least double or even triple.


With a low internal shout, Zhuge Xiang activated the Bloodthirsty Technique at the crucial moment. Crimson energy radiated from his pores, more intense than before. Within the scarlet aura, faint, eerie visages emerged—agonized, ferocious, and maddened.

While the scarlet visages weren't overtly aggressive, they still bore an unsettling, eerie quality. With the Bloodthirsty Technique active, Zhuge Xiang felt an explosive surge of power coursing through his body. A 50% increase in overall attributes was no trivial matter.

"Kill!" Speed, attack rate, and power all surged by 50%. In an instant, Zhuge Xiang, with the blood-refining knife in hand, seemed to vanish. The abrupt burst of speed and strength startled everyone present.

His figure elusive, Zhuge Xiang became a blood-red shadow, appearing behind Zhao Feiyun. The crimson energy dissipated, and the blood-refining knife was sheathed slowly, as if the previous moment had been an illusion.

Yet, amidst the gasps, a ghastly gash appeared on Zhao Feiyun's face. From crown to neck, bright red blood mixed with white fragments erupted. Frozen in place, he collapsed like a toppled mountain.

Below the duel arena, eyes widened in disbelief. The sudden turn of events had left them stunned. They had assumed Zhuge Xiang was doomed, and this transformation was wholly unexpected.

Among the nearly 200,000 spectators, not a single person remained unimpressed. Perhaps the sole exception was Lu Yuling, who observed Zhuge Xiang's instantaneous defeat of Zhao Feiyun without surprise. Yet, there was an odd glint in her eyes, for the crimson energy and eerie visages she had witnessed seemed characteristic of the Bloodthirsty Technique reaching a profound level...