In a land far, far, far, far, far away, there was a school. Inside said school were classrooms. And inside one of those classrooms was a very special pair of young lads who love nothing more than to waste their lives debating about very, very, very 'useful' questions. The names of these two special youths were Jim and Jimmy.
Jim sat across from Jimmy and stared him dead in the eye.
Jim: So what's your opinion on traps?
Jimmy: What specifically are you asking about?
Jim: … You know what I'm asking about. Are traps gay?
Jimmy: See, personally, I think traps are in fact gay. How about you?
Jim: On the contrary, I believe that traps are not gay.
Jimmy: Hmm… explain your point.
Jim: So to get to the bottom of this, we need to define what traps are. According to Urban Dictionary, traps refer to people who appear to be cute girls but are actually boys with a more feminine side whether they're homosexual or not. One can be a trap without being gay. But the question is, more specifically, if you are attracted to traps, are you as a male human being, gay?
Jimmy: If you are attracted to a trap, then you are gay.
Jim: No no no no no, here's my argument, right, so traps are feminine looking dudes. But being attracted to a trap means you are attracted to their feminine nature and look rather than the fact that they're a man, which means you aren't gay.
Jimmy: I get where you're coming from, but the fact remains that they're a guy and you're a guy. So if you are attracted to a guy, you are gay, are you not?
Jim: *Eyebrows scrunch up* Okay hold up. *Takes out phone and opens up to a picture of a super cute girl smiling in a school uniform, her fingers making a victory sign* Tell me she's not cute.
Jimmy: Hmm, yea she is pretty cute. What does that have to do with this conversa-, no, don't tell me.
Jim: *nods* That's a dude. You just called a dude cute. You were physically attracted to a male human being. But do you consider yourself gay?
Jimmy: *shakes head* No, I'm as straight as can be. But like…
Jim: You see what I mean right?
Jimmy: No I don't see what you mean-
They were interrupted by a sharp sound. They turned over to see a loli with an eyepatch on one of her eyes. She held a staff, wore a large mage hat on her head and was dress in red.
Jim: Hey ain't that M*gumin from K*nosuba?
M*egumin: Yeet.
Jimmy: What-
Then the classroom blew up.
what is going on here wtf this author is on drugs or something. wait im the author