
.Stranger To Friends

Standing in the shadow of a tree, I wait for Emmi. Only mere months until the convergence ceremony, I have to get her back home. Forcing her isn't an option, unless the King forces my hand, I just have to get through to her. I have to tell her the truth soon. Sensing her presence, I look around the tree, watching her walk into the park. She certainly was beautiful. Her frame was slender, her eyes were hazel to the point of golden. The wind blowing her coiled, sand colored hair sweeping across her pale shoulders sent an almost angry shiver through me. All I wanted to do was feel her hair twisted around my hands. I contort my face, What the hell am I thinking? Stop being a stalker, Adriel. "Well, a man should never keep a lady waiting." I tie my hair back as I become one with the night.

Sitting in my usual spot on the merry-go-round, tapping my face with my hands, I wait for Dre. I knew meeting a complete stranger was insane, but what else do I have left in life? I feel the wind stir, sending a chill through me and blowing my hair in my face. When I look up a pair of captivating green eyes greet me, so bright they seem to be glowing. I jump and let out a gasp. Trying to fix my hair, I see Dre waving at me with that brilliant smile stuck on his porcelain face.

"Sorry to frighten you, Emmi. Thanks for meeting me again." He took a seat beside me, pushing off to make the merry-go-round spin gently. God, he was stunning. I don't really pay attention to people, but Adriel's beauty and presence seemed to demand it. I turn my body to face him, as he does the same. "Hi, Dre. So why did you ask to meet again?" His smile never faded. "I couldn't help myself." He turned his face so I couldn't see his expression. "I was curious about the girl who likes to sit in parks by her lonesome in the dead of night. That's dangerous you know." I let out a sarcastic chuckle," I guess so."

He inclined his head towards me, his gaze looking me up and down. I suddenly become self-conscious. What is he staring at me for? "Do you normally dress like that? You look very lovely." Dressed in black slacks, and sleeveless blouse, I realize I'm still in my work clothes. My cheeks grow warm at the unexpected compliment, and I look down so that he won't notice. Thankful for the cool breeze. Why am I blushing at a simple compliment? What am I? 12? "I work at a bank. Thrilling, I know." He made a disgusted face, "Ew, lame." He said in a joking tone and laughed. I noticed he held his hand to his mouth when he laughed. It was the kind of laugh that gets people to join in. "Hey, it pays my bills, so I can't complain. And what exactly do you do then?" He grew quiet as he seemed to ponder his response, his eyes becoming hooded with an almost pained expression as he bawled his hands in his lap. The air felt chillier than before. "I work for my family's business." Noticing his dark expression, I drop the subject, not wanting to upset him further. I guess he doesn't like working for them. I wonder why? Every family has their drama, I guess.

The park was old and dark, only lit by the dim street lights and the bright spring moon. You could faintly hear dogs barking and cars on the main road. The park was a hidden gem in this town, built in a corner of an old neighborhood and forgotten. The now rusty play equipment squeaked, and the mulch had lost it's color. Some old man had always kept the grass mowed, and did his best to keep the vigor alive. I always made sure to say hi when I spotted him mowing.

Clearing his throat, he extends his hand to me, holding his cell phone, "Anyway, may I have your number?" Taking it from him, his cool fingers brushed mine, sending a sensation through me I couldn't quite place. He seemed to tense slightly too at the touch before relaxing. Weird. "I guess that's alright." After exchanging numbers, he tucks his phone away in his pocket and lays back on the merry-go-round, staring at the clear night sky. "So, did we just become friends?" I look up at the sky too. He glanced at me and smiled to himself as he continued to look at the sky. "I think we did." I laugh a little.

"So, how old are you?" Dre propped himself up on one elbow, staring down into my face. My pulse quickens, any faster, and he would probably hear it. "22. You?" I folded my hands in my lap trying to calm my heartbeat. "27, give or take." I tease him, "Wow, you're old, practically middle-aged." He shot up and gasped, making a shocked face, pretending to be stabbed in the chest. "You're one to talk with your cooperate Cathy ensemble" gesturing to my outfit, we burst out laughing. It was nice to joke with someone again, laugh, and have a friend after years of being on my own. I couldn't help but feel happy. We talked and joked until the moon gave way to the sun, casting light on its domain.

The next week I invited Dre over to my place. Calm, Emmi, calm. It had only been a week but I had already grown fond of him. I heard Dre's car door shut just as I put the jalapeno's over the nachos. We both had a love to Hispanic food, and old books. He must have read a lot of as a kid, he seemed worldly and educated beyond any education I had received. I open the door for him, and he holds out the most ornate bouquet I had ever seen, bowing as he offered them to me, "For the wonderous host." Black, purple and blue roses, surrounding 4 sunflowers, all of it outlines with some kind of foliage. The bouquet was exquisite. I had never seen colored roses in person. These are beautiful! He's the first person to buy me flowers. Taking them from him, I smell a sunflower. "Dre, thank you! You didn't have to do this!" He followed me into the kitchen, while I looked for something to put the flowers in. Do I even have something big enough for this? Dre speaks up, pulling a clear glass vase from behind his back. Where the hell was hiding that? "I figured you may need it. I may have made the bouquet too big" He let out a soft laugh, his hand covering his mouth. It seemed to be a nervous habit of his. He what? "Dre, YOU made this?!" Shock evident on my face. "Indeed, It's impolite to come empty handed the first time to someone's house, and we manage a pretty big garden, we have all sorts of flowers and plants."

"Dre, these are incredible!" I fill the vase with water and add a little of the plant food I had and organize the bouquet in the vase. "Thank you, seriously, this is very sweet of you." I stand back admiring the gift. Dre clears his throat and strides over to the stove, shoving a nacho in his mouth. Is he embarrassed? That's cute. "Oh damn, these are awesome! You can cook too? It is a good day!" He shoves a few more in his mouth, I couldn't help but laugh at him and his boyish appetite. We sit down in the living room with our dinner, I sit in my chair and he takes the couch. "I like you place, it's just right for one person. You decorate really well. It's very personal." My house was laden with pictures of my parents and I, art I bought from local artists, random nick knacks I picked up here and there, I had refurbished some old couches I found at a thrift shop, and put grey fabric over them. "Thank you."

Sitting in my car on break, I'm scrolling my twitter feed when my phone rings. Oh, it's Dre. "Mmh, Herro?" My mouth half stuffed with food. I could hear him laugh on the other side of the phone. "Hello, little glutton, enjoying lunch, I see." Always teasing me, but I didn't mind it. "Speaking of food, would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow? You don't have work, right?"yeah, I'm free. Where should we meet?" There was a brief pause on the line, "My house, send me your address, and I'll pick you up around six." Oh, I finally get to see his house! It had been a month since we met, we hung out at my house, went out to eat, and did stuff around town, but now I get to see his place. "That sounds like a plan!"

Then the next evening, I hear my phone go off. Oh, he's here! I grab my purse and walk out of the front door. Dre stands, his large arms crossed by the passenger door, his thick hair tied back into a bun, he was wearing a black button down, tucked into black slacks, with black dress shoes. He looks so cool. "Hi!" I say a little too cheerful, and I inwardly chide myself. A smile spreads across his face when he spots me. He opens the door for me and bows, "My lady, your ride." I play along and climb in, "Such a gentleman you are, Dre" I could hear him chuckle as he slid into the driver seat.

A little while later, we arrive; reaching the end of the drive, a big white Victorian house comes into view. My mouth hangs open. The house used to belong to some war general, I recently heard someone bought it, but I had never had the chance to actually see it in person because it was closed to the public. He lives here?! Dre comes around to open my door, "Thank you, kind sir." He scoffs, flashing his dazzling teeth and offers me his hand. There he goes again with that smile. I take his hand and step out, but he doesn't let go. His hands were big. Mine seemed like a child's compared, his long, strong fingers wrapped around mine, it gave me that strange sensation, but I still couldn't place it.

"Welcome to my home, Emmi." All I can do is stand there in awe of his home. "Ah, Adriel, you're back." A refined voice called out. Dre quickly releases my hand; I felt a little disappointed. Why am I disappointed? We're only friends. My hand felt hot, despite how cold his where. A man stood at the entrance, a little shorter than Dre. He was dressed in a plain black suit, his silver hair combed back, he had an air of refinement around him, like Dre but less oppressive, he appeared to be in his mid-fifties, id says. Still, there was hardly a wrinkle on his face. I should ask about his skincare routine; I hope I look that good when I'm older. But where did he come from? "Emmi, this is Rei, my butler." My mouth drops. "Butler?!" I suddenly felt out of place. The jeans I was wearing now felt inappropriate. I should have worn slacks at least. Great first impression Emerald.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Emmi. Please, come inside." Rei opened the door for us, bowing his head as we walked through the entrance. "Nice to meet you too, Rei." "Whoa! This place looks even bigger on the inside!" My eyes take in the lavish furniture, Persian rugs covered the clean hardwood floors, old painting lined the walls. They were most likely the real deal. To the left stood a grand staircase. Just beyond that was the sitting room, where Dre lead me, he motions towards the couch "You can sit if you want. If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back. Feel free to be nosy." Smiling he leaves the room. I stood there, taking everything in. Giant auburn tapestries hung from the high windows, tied back with a gold rope. Did I walk into a museum? This is crazy. Why would he want me as I friend? I just barley figured out taxes. Just what did his parents do for work? I guess that explains the way Dre carries himself. Walking over to a bookcase, I spot several first editions, well preserved in cases. Some seeming to go back to the 1700's. "This is amazing!" I run my fingers over them, reading their titles, when someone calls my name, making me jump. "I didn't mean to touch them!" Acting like a child that got caught. Dre was standing in the doorway, hands behind his back, standing with perfect posture, watching me. When did he come back? Does anyone in this family make noise? He arched a perfect eyebrow and walked over to me. "Dinner is ready. Let me show you to the garden."