
Suna's Shinigami (Version 1: Flawed Version)

An Orphan was sent to the supermarket to buy some noodles. On his way back he is killed by the great Truck-sama. And he is brought to a white room and then gets transported to the world of Naruto. Join Hitori Kodokuna as he works his way through the naruto timeline with some features from different world or worlds IDK yet I haven't finished deciding... ________________ This fan-fic is my first work and just my imagination running wild with outcomes and possibilities. I would love to see comments and opinions. Please be kind as this is my first and I'm not particularly an expert on anything.

Yrmynoodlescold · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
34 Chs


A small boy laid in an alley in the middle of the day. They were many bloody injuries across his body and his face was covered with so much blood that you couldn't tell who it was.

At the far entrance to the alley were some men with cold looks in their eyes as they walked out onto the street while taking one last glance at the body with an evil smile.

As they left, the body of the little one suddenly shook. It slowly began changing as the underneath the blood, the face of Ravid appeared, his hair turned black as he slowly opened his eyes.

'Ugh... It hurts so much...' he thought as he felt his new body. But before the pain could continue, all the memories of his new identity were transmitted to him.

The previous owner of this body was Hitori Kodokuna. A small boy who was raised in an underground experiment lab where he was experimented on with different types of chakra and body manipulation. However, his body was soon deemed to be too weak to survive any more experiments so he was brought to this alley, beaten up and left to die.

Regards to his life before that, he did not have any memory of his parents and was an orphan like his previous life.

Currently, his body was filled with countless fractures and broken bones, his skin was swollen from all the damage that the men had done to him.

"So this is my new life..." Ravid mumbled out as he observed the state that he was in.

The room said that I would be born with two random abilities didn't they? I wonder what they are?

Just as he thought this...


[Your abilities are Destruction and Time.]

Huh? What? Destruction and time?

"A system?" he weakly mumbled in shock.

[Yes, a system.]

Amazing, this will help me out a lot.

He then paused before saying, "Status."


Name: Hitori Kodokuna

Health: 5/100

Chakra: 100/100

Age: 4

Battle Power: 5

Innate abilities: Destruction and Time

Nature: ???

Kekkei Genkai: ???

Dojutsu: ???


'Woa...' Ravid thought before falling unconscious.

[Due to unfortunate beginnings, host's power potential will be randomly determined]

[Putting innate abilities into consideration, user's potential is driven to legendary class]

[Dojutsu has been selected and sealed for awakening]

[Kekkei Genkai has been selected and sealed for awakening]

[Chakra Nature has been chosen. Fire, Lightning, Water, Earth, and Wind.]

[Due to random selected caused by user's state, HP will be restored]

[Due to countless experiments taken on host's body, chakra is forcibly increased]

[Host's memory of previous life will be sealed and he will only remember important events from this world.]

Ravid woke up about five minutes later. His eyes slowly opened and for the first time, he was able to see where he was. Shock appeared on his body as he found out that he felt no pain in his body.

"Status," he immediately called out.


Name: Hitori Kodokuna

Health: 100/100

Chakra: 1000/1000

Age: 4

Battle Power: 6

Innate abilities: Destruction and Time

Nature: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water, Earth

Kekkei Genkai: ???

Dojutsu: ???


(A/N: I have already decided on his Kekkei Genkai and Dojutsu but I plan to have more so if you have some let me know:))

"Haha. I am back to full health!" Ravid happily laughed out, "System, was it you that healed me?"

[Tip: Host is no longer able to ask questions to system. The system will be available for status only, enjoy your life.]

Ravid's head suddenly dropped as he heard that.


Ravid continued ranting for a whole minute before realizing that it was useless and he cooled down. He decided that the best choice of action right now was to fully observe his memories.

And as he was doing so...

[Due to excessive shouting and unappreciativeness, system will seal all memories except memories of the previous owner of this body until further notice and memories that it deems necessary.]

He walked out the alley and onto the street, and the sun immediately struck him.

"Ouch! Why is it so hot?" Ravid spoke in shock. Looking left and right, he saw that he was surrounded by houses that seemed to be built by mud and sand flew with the wind across the streets.

"Where the hell did those guys put me?" Ravid mumbled in confusion.

He then began walking around the streets of Sunagakure and as he walked around, he saw that the streets were really empty with not many people walking around.

"It's very empty. I'll keep searching," Ravid thought and he began to walk to the centre of the village.

He eventually made it to the building and saw that there were two shinobi guarding the front door.


He slowly walked over to the guards, tugged on their pants as he was too short, and asked, "Excuse me. Shinobi-sama, can I ask you a few questions?"

"What's wrong, kid?" the shinobi answered as he bent his knees and placed his hand on Ravid's head, looking at him with a very warm expression.

"Do you know where this is?" Ravid asked with a clueless expression.

Hearing this question, the shinobi looked at Ravid with a confused look before asking, "Are you not from here?"

Hearing this, Ravid panicked a bit before answering, "I don't know where I'm from. I woke up in an alley."

Listening to Ravid's heartbreaking story, the sand shinobi's eyes showed a glimmer of pity and sympathy as he answered, "This is Sunagakure, the village hidden in the sand, located in the land of wind. Why do you ask?"

But before Ravid could answer, the door behind them was opened and an old lady with grey hair and a white scarf walked out with a teenage about the same age as Ravid in his previous life. The old lady had a simple look on her face as she seemed like she could smile at any moment but on the other hand, the boy next to her had an expressionless face that seemed lifeless and empty.

"My my... Who is this little one?" the old lady asked as she saw that the guards seemed to be busy with a child and walked over.

"Lady Chiyo!" the guards immediately panicked as they both stood up and saluted.

Suddenly, rattled by their movements, Ravid took a step back and looked at the lady in front of him with a clueless expression.

Seeing the boy stare at her, Chiyo couldn't help but smile out warmly as she reached her hand out to stroke Ravid's hair.

Ravid suddenly stopped moving and allowed the lady to stroke his hair and a somewhat vaguely comfortable feeling shot through his body.

A light smile appeared on his face as he asked, "Who are you, aunty?"

Hearing him ask this, the guards suddenly stiffened in fear and Chiyo couldn't help but let out a short laugh, "Haha. Who are you, little one? Where are your parents?"

"I'm Hitori Kodokuna. I don't have parents. I woke up in an alley in the village," he answered and before he could continue, a loud rumble sounded coming from his stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Chiyo asked with a slight smile.

A small blush of embarrassment appeared on Ravid's cheeks as he faintly nodded.

"Follow me, I'll get you some food," Chiyo spoke before turning to the red-haired teenager and speaking, "Do you want to join us for food, Sasori?"

The boy immediately shook his head in rejection and said, "I'll head home first."

Hearing his answer, the smile on Chiyo's face weakened slightly but it immediately regained it's happy expression as she turned around and spoke to Ravid, "Well then Hitori, let's go and get you some food."

And like that, Chiyo and Ravid walked off, going to the best restaurant in Sunagakure and Chiyo bought him an extremely tasty bowl of ramen, which quickly became Ravid's favourite food.

They spent about an hour there as Ravid ate about five bowls slowly. During this time, Chiyo asked Ravid about his background and Ravid answered them all truthfully. He said that he does not remember his parents and he only remembers being tortured in a scientific lab where they performed many experiments on him that caused him extreme pain. He then stated that he eventually got too weak to withstand any more experiments so he was brought to an alley in Suna and he was beaten and left to die. And about two days later, he woke up with his injuries healed and he roamed the streets until he bumped into her.

Hearing this story, Lady Chiyo felt more and more pity for the boy. How much would he have suffered? How badly was he treated to enjoy such a simple ramen dish and even call it the best he had ever eaten?

"Thank you so much for feeding me, aunty Chiyo!" Ravid thanked Chiyo as he finished the final bowl and sat down with his belly bloated from all the food that he just ate.

"I feel so sorry for you, little Hitori. You are much like Sasori except you don't even know your parents," she spoke with a hint of depression.

"It's okay, aunty. I am very happy to be able to eat such tasty food," Ravid spoke as he looked up.

After a few seconds of silence, Ravid suddenly became sleepy and tired. He slowly got up and out of his chair and bowed to Chiyo and thanked her before turning and walking towards the entrance of the restaurant, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, aunty Chiyo. I will make sure to pay you back in the future."

"Where are you going?" Chiyo asked as she was not expecting the child to suddenly stand up and want to leave.

"I'm going to walk around the village and see if I can find an orphanage," Ravid spoke before he walking out of the restaurant.

'What an interesting lad,' Chiyo thought as she tailed Ravid from behind at a distance that he was unable to detect her.

Ravid made his way out and his steps slowly became slower and slower until he walked back into an alley and found a small cushion that was thrown away and he fell asleep on it.

"What a kind child," Chiyo mumbled as she thought that Ravid had left was because he did not want to trouble her any further. Seeing this, Chiyo was convinced that there was no way that this child was a spy. Her heart was telling her so and she decided to trust it.

She was so moved that she picked Ravid up and took him back to her home and let him rest on her bed.

(A/N: Okay, so... Writing this is very fun actually. I haven't read much Naruto fan-fics starting from the hidden sand so I decided to start it here.)

The speed at which I'm getting reads is insane lol. I see why they are famous. Anyways! Enjoy! I will upload one chapter a day for now as I am finding it super easy to write right now.

Yrmynoodlescoldcreators' thoughts