
Suna's Shinigami (Version 1: Flawed Version)

An Orphan was sent to the supermarket to buy some noodles. On his way back he is killed by the great Truck-sama. And he is brought to a white room and then gets transported to the world of Naruto. Join Hitori Kodokuna as he works his way through the naruto timeline with some features from different world or worlds IDK yet I haven't finished deciding... ________________ This fan-fic is my first work and just my imagination running wild with outcomes and possibilities. I would love to see comments and opinions. Please be kind as this is my first and I'm not particularly an expert on anything.

Yrmynoodlescold · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
34 Chs

First Mission: Base located

A/N: i ask this now before you read. can you guys recommend me some good fanfics to read? i wanna read some but dont know how to find them... it can be anything as long as theres a good story line and action + and it is fun for you...

And finally,

Before we begin... I will be making changes to the system... There will be a new interface but that will come later as we feast on some nice fights... in my imagination... AND ALSO>< This chapter is not as long as you think it is...


A huge explosion sounded as the two lances struck Hitori. A huge gust was created, sweeping up the dust in the area slowly creating a small dust storm.

"Haha! We got him, boys!" shouted the two bandits as they haughtily laughed. To them, seeing such a huge explosion and Hitori not move before it was too late, they were definitely sure that Hitori was dead.

"There's no way that he could possibly be alive after that! Hahaha!"

"Such a shame that we could not get his name before he died..."

As they were heartily laughing, they were interrupted by a voice that shook them to the core...

"The names Hitori"

The faces of all the bandits immediately changed as they heard that voice, their gazes immediately focused on the dust cloud as it slowly dissipated, revealing a shiny black cocoon which slowly began to crack and break down, revealing an unharmed perfectly healthy Hitori.

"Yo, nice to meet you guys again. Damn, I really underestimated you guys," they heard Hitori say as he walked out with a slightly more confident smile.

"Let's get slightly more serious," said Hitori as he walked forward and moved his hand and a series of movements and many black particles began to rise from the edge of the forest, forming a small one meter wall, startling the bandits.

"What is this?" one of them exclaimed in shock while the other were all thinking the same thing.

"It's your ticket to the reincarnation headquarters," said Hitori as he waved both his hands outwards, causing a sudden swarm of iron sand in the shape of a spiked wall to fly in the direction of the two bandits that were on his sides.

They were caught completely off guard as they were still partly in shock that Hitori had survived. One of the bandits shook his head to regain control over his senses and managed to dodge the swarming sand but the other bandit wasn't so lucky as he failed to dodge the incoming black swarm, causing him to end up impaled by around a dozen spikes which struck with a clean puncture sound which was quickly followed the sound of splatters of blood.

The sudden death of their fellow bandit had shocked the bandit who had just dodged for a short breath, the sand spikes came again.

'That won't work again,' thought the bandit as he tried to evade the sand by dashing to his left but just as he was about to, he found that he was unable to move... He immediately looked down at his feet and saw that there were a pair of iron sand shackles on his ankles which had emerged from the ground, pinning his feet on the floor.

'Crap,' was the last thing he could think of as the black sand spikes impaled his body.

"Three down, two to go," said Hitori as he then turned to the remaining two bandits.

An eerily horrific silence descended as pure terror appeared on the face of the bandits, they did not expect to encounter such a dangerous child. Regret was flooding into their heads as they realized that they had made the fatal mistake of assuming that Hitori only had puppetry in his arsenal...

"W-Wh-What a-are you?" one of the two remaining bandits exclaimed as took a step back in horror.

"I'll be asking the questions," Hitori coldly replied as he began walking toward the two bandits two had created the swamp, not bothering to answer the question.

"Please! Please spare us!" one of the bandits shouted as he fell on his knees with a petrified look in his eyes and shook his hands pleading for his life.

The other bandit looked at him and instead of being horrified, an angry expression appeared on his face as he seemed to have found hidden confidence.

"You coward!" he yelled at his teammate, "How are you falling for such cheap tricks? This has to be a genjutsu! There's no way a child could have chakra reserves that are equal to us! Open your eyes!"

Meanwhile, Hitori, who was walking towards them, was dumbfounded by what the bandit was now currently trying to do. He bent his knees and held his hands together, Hitori used his eye for a split second to see what the man was trying to do and saw that he was disrupting his chakra flow.

The man then opened his eyes and saw that the world was the same, he tried again... Still the same...

It was after the third try that the man realized that he could not break out of the illusion... or was it really real... Realizing the truth, the man fell down on his knees as his eyes grew blank and he began to shake uncontrollably.

"So you finally realized... This is indeed not an illusion. It's the first stage of my special kekkei genkai, Magnet release, my uncle's impartation," Hitori spoke as he smiled, finally arriving before the two bandits.

"Now, you know what I want. Where is your base?" Hitori asked.

Hearing this, the two bandits froze as they began to fight in their minds over whether to give the information or not. Thus, a silence... one second, two second, five, ten, fif-

"I'm in a rush you know? If you don't give me the information quickly, I think I'll just forcefully search your memories which would turn you into a vegetable," Hitori spoke with a slightly annoyed tone as he reached his hand forward to grab the bandit's skull.

"Okay! Okay! I will tell you where our base is!" the bandit who was just about to be grabbed by Hitori shouted as he completely gave up.

"Our base is about twenty minutes east of here," he said as he pointed in a certain direction.

"Okay, now for the final question, are any of the children harmed?" Hitori asked as a sudden different coldness emanated from him.

Instantly, the faces of the bandits grew slightly more ugly as they both shivered at the question as beads of sweat rolled down their face.

"That all I need to know," Hitori commented as he turned around and immediately dashed in the direction that the previous bandit had pointed.

Seeing Hitori leave, the two remaining bandits let out an extremely heavy sigh of relief as they both looked at each other before falling to the ground in fatigue.

"Look's like we have been spared," the bandit who was interrogated by Hitori spoke out as he looked up at the sky.

"Brother, we should head off, our group is bound to disappear, what do you say we go to another village to pilla-" the bandit suggested as he looked up at the sky and as he was speaking, he realized that he could not hear anything from the bandit next to him and as he turned to his all the remaining words became clogged up in his throat.

An iron sand spike appeared on the bandit's body and as time slowly passed, more and more spikes began to protrude out of his body, making him look like a porcupine.


And before the bandit himself could realize, the bandit heard a sound of something being punctured and he suddenly had the urge to cough as he felt something building up in the back of his throat.


He coughed out a mouthful of blood as he looked down at his body and saw a large hole in his stomach...

'Heh-I deserved it,' was the last thought that the bandit was able to produce before he lost consciousness and breathed his last breath.

Meanwhile, Hitori was blazing through the forest using his fastest speed as he was very worried about the children's situation. He hoped that none of them we hurt.. or worse...

'I need to inform Baki sensei about this,' thought Hitori as he stopped and sent some information towards his clone which was still in the village with Baki and the girl as they were currently apprehending the traitor and his family.

---- (Back in the village)

Baki and the others were currently gathered out here in the village center. The traitor had made it back to the village, him and his whole family were currently tied up in the center as they were surrounded by all the villagers. Asahi was currently having a live interrogation with Keisuke, who was the traitor, and it anything but peaceful. Asahi asked in a very sad tone as he asked Keisuke why he betrayed the village.

"You are actually dumb enough to ask me about this? I told you this about a dozen times! You are not fit to lead the village! Your decisions have done nothing towards the growth of our village in terms of our manpower. We can barely defend ourselves, we needed a way to defend ourselves! Since you were the only person among the elders who was blessed with a daughter, I recommended that you try and arrange your daughter to marry a shinobi but you actually turned it down. Now look! Do you see what's going to happen to the village? Now all of you will perish and me and my family will live!" Keisuke barked out angrily, gaining an extremely angry reaction from Asahi.

"Shut your fucking mouth! Do you think my daughter is an object? Huh? You actually thought I would sell my daughter away to a shinobi who she doesn't like? My ancestors created this village many years ago as an escape from the shinobi world! They wanted us to value ourselves! They wanted us to live happy! Do not try to pin the blame on me! If it wasn't because of you, then the village would never have to worry about bandits!" Asahi shouted as he released all his built up anger. He could not believe that Keisuke had the ball to bring that back up.

While those we're arguing, Baki and the others were standing in the side, letting the scene occur in front of them. Baki had a very impatient expression on his face as he was just tapping his feet on the ground, hoping that this would end quickly along with the girls as they were worried about Hitori.

Suddenly, Hitori shivered as he tugged on Baki's clothes, causing him to look down at Hitori.

"Update: The five shinobis have been taken care of," Hitori began, the faintest smile appeared on Baki's face as he thought to himself, 'A prodigy indeed... I'm curious about how he did it now... Lord Forth will be very happy about this.'

On the side, Akemi and Asaka both let out a sigh of relief as they heard that Hitori was fine and that the bandits were taken care of.

"The base has been located. Directions are about twenty kilometers away from here in that direction. Main body is making his way there immediately due to bad news, the situation of the kids is not looking good," Hitori replied with an emotionless face as he pointed in a direction, he then turned to Baki and said, "Sensei, please get there quickly, I can't let those children get hurt but I don't have confidence in taking out their bandit group. I'll try and delay them for as long as I can..."

After Hitori said this, his clone slowly began to disintegrated as he disappeared.

Hearing this, the mood of the team suddenly dropped again as they all began to panick.

"Akemi, Asaka, prepare to leave immediately, we are leaving in that direction," Baki immediately order in a resolute tone. He couldn't let Hitori die.

He was met with a firm nod from both girls. Baki then walked out onto the middle of the circle.

He took in a deep breath as he monotonedly spoke out, "Villagers, I have good news and bad news. Good news, we will be leaving immediately as we have located the bandit's base. Bad news, we cannot confirm but the situation of your children are not looking good."

After Baki said this, the team immediately shunshined as they began their full speed advance towards the direction that Hitori had pointed.

A/N: I think this chapter was better than yesterdays... It took me so long to make this chapter... I just couldn't come up with a good scene but we eventually succeeded. I'm quite happy with the description I put in for this fight scene. Lemme leave you with a gift. Enjoy these dots cos I'm bored.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Damn you made it far---































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You have way too much free time





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*COUGH* Hitori has a kekkei tota and its related to the Third Kazekage's magnet release *COUGH*








































































































If you made it here, give me a love interest please, I wanted Hitori to have a partner and I was looking for your input-


-Must be withing two years of Hitori's age

-I prefer younger but we'll see...

-No Tsunade for sure, I don't really like her.

There is another option which is, a gf from another anime world. If you have a waifu in mind that you like then comment it down below, I'll see what I can do.


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You made it to the end... Go treat yourself to a cookie, you deserve it. Thanks for letting me waste about a minute of your time ;)

Or if you just skipped to the end then props to you too... You outsmarted me...