

It's about a boy who always see the same dream for two years and wants to to become real

DaoistaXNdKP · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In middle of nowhere I was sleeping on a girl's lap seeing the sun going down and she talking about how much see like the sun set. I was about to turn and see her face…


It was 7AM I wake up and just leave for school, I was still thinking about who is that girl. I have been having this same dream for last two years and never been able to her face. I really don't li…


It hit me and just continue running. She was a girl and was wearing the same school uniform as mine she was late for something I don't know wha…


"I'M LATE!!"

I ran as fast I could and caught up to her and finally got to the school gate. We both were out of breath and toke rest at school bench. "You run fast…" she said " My name is Youki and your…?" I just left…

I reached my class and sat down, Oh I forgot to tell I don't like talking to girls. After few minute our teacher came inside our class "Good morning class, I have good news and the news is a new student would be joining our class from now" she said to come inside the class and a girl came in. It was the same girl from the morning. She introduced herself and teacher told her to sit where ever she wants AND SHE SET DOWN BY MY RIGHT SIDE!!!

I looked at my left and saw the other boys red eyes full of anger and lust to kill me. I just laugh a little and looked ahead. It was lunch and I went back of the school building and open my lunch. I prayed and was about to eat "Hey wait!! "I looked back and it was her the new student, she ran and set by my side "Can I eat with you? I have no friend to eat with except you…" I looked up… and saw the same red eyes and I just started eating lunch and she just laugh a little and ate with me.

After school I packed my book and went home at the middle of the way she called" Hey wait for me, hey you!!!" I kept walking and she caught up to me and started walking with we" Hi, you didn't answer my question at morning so what's your name?" I hesitated to say "M… my name is Akio"." Oh, nice to meet you "I was at my house door and she was still with me, I was scared a little but found out she was our new neighbors the lived right beside by my door. I was shocked!! that can't be coincidence but I just ignored and went inside my house. I looked at my watch and it was almost time for sun set, I wear my shoes and went to the roof to see if anyone is looking at sun set but couldn't find anyone, I watched sun set for a while and was about to go…