
summoning system:waifu is here!

kuro an ordinary student living an ordinary life. Now drastically changed the struggle for power, wealth and love. will begin

Human_Imagination · Cómic
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16 Chs

shadow organization

Shadow is an S+ class rebel and fugitive organization.

Shadow is an Underworld organization that specializes in crime.

Shadow is a notorious assassination organization with an 80% mission success rate.

Shadow is led by Lucifer and the other 7 pillars.

Moya, Kagi, Zuwa, Nipo, Mori, Yozu and Rega.

The location of the main headquarters of the Shadow organization is very secret.

Only the founding members know about it .

core members numbered 100 and Outer Members numbered in the tens of thousands.

In an unknown place...

In a room with a round table of 8 chairs around the table.

The room looks dim because there is only candlelight in the middle of the table.

They are the leader of the shadows and the 7 pillars.

they wear dark robes with black masks

who only show their eyes.

However Lucilfer has a mask that covers his entire face including his eyes.

so no one can see Lucilfer's whole face even the 7 pillars never know his real figure.

"Okay let's do our first plan, In the long plan to rule the planet." Lucifer said hoarsely.

"what should we do leader?" Yozu asked Lucilfer respectfully.

"You guys send summoners who can summon Dragons, then make as much noise as possible to stop the new batch of students from the sky academy." Lucilfer explained.

"Are we going to send all the ships?" asked Rega.

"Yes you sent all over the country to delay as much as possible and kill a lot of their talents." Lucifer replied.

"Good leader" said the seven of them.

"I will not be here for a few years, we will have a meeting using our avatars here and you will carry out the plan I gave you yesterday," said Lucifer.

"Good leader" they answered obediently.

In the shadow organization Lucifer's words were absolute.

Shadow organization rule is once joined can not get out.

There was once a group of people out of the shadow organization, the next day their corpses hung in front of their house.

So every member has 99% loyalty, Every member has an Information seal, so any important information is never leaked.

Standing up from the chair Lucifer disappeared on the spot and appeared in a mansion of the sky port city.

On the side of the 7 pillars of shadow.....

Moya, Kagi, Zuwa, Nipo, Mori, Yozu and Rega who were still sitting started discussing.

"Okay we will divide the tasks, I will go to the Elf kingdom" said Kagi.

"okay I'll go hard demi-human" said mori

"I will go hard the devil" said Rega

"I'm human," said Zuwa.

moya, yozu, nipo"we are on standby at headquarters and running the organization."

"Okay, since we've divided the team, let's split up, for the task of attacking the ship carrying prospective students of the Sky Academy human race will be handled by me" said Zuwa.

"Okay for other races it will be carried out by those who are in charge of the area of ​​the race, understand?"

continued zuwa.

"okay do it" replied another

"Okay, see you later!" they said in unison and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Headquartered Shadow branch of the human race...

Zuwa sat at the leader's table and there were already 3 people kneeling in front of him.

"Noel, Manel and Jiel you guys I tasked with stopping the ship heading to the Sky Academy in the middle of the road and killing their talent," said Zuwa.

"Yes sir" replied the three.

"Yes, try in every troop there is a summoner" said Zuwa continued.

"Okay sir" they answered again.

shadow organization rules they can not question the leader's decision.

The same thing happens in other racial areas.

the shadow organization troops started moving towards the designated location.

By Lucifer's side....

In a 2-storey villa with beautiful views.

a young man is sitting in a soft chair he is seen holding a laptop that looks very sophisticated.

The computer screen looks strange code code from a certain language.

That young man was Lucifer the leader of the shadow organization.

He looks very handsome with black hair and pupils have a strange pattern, the left and right eye patterns are different.

The sound of footsteps sounded the figure of a beautiful girl opening the door from outside the work room.

the girl has white hair with a beautiful face with thin lips tall and slender. Both eyeballs are black and have white pupils.

The girl entered and immediately hugged Lucifer's neck.

"Honey, let's eat, I've cooked good food" said the girl flirtatious.

holding the girl's hand Lucifer smiled.

"Okay, Natalia, what are you cooking?" he asked the girl.

Natalia is Lucifer's wife, they are the strongest adventurer couple and they are famous as Demon and Angel of Death.

Their mission success was 99.99%.

Both of them are now 17 years old, so they will be entering the sky academy.

"I cooked fish peppers, stir-fried kale, spicy salted fried tempeh, carrot soup and brown rice" Natalia said in a soft and sweet voice.

Walked in front of Lucifer and sat on his lap.

Feeling the softness of his wife Lucifer's body hugging Natalia's body gently, he could smell Natalia's very fragrant body.

Tempe: food made from soybeans.

looking at lucifer's laptop "darling what are you doing?" asked Natalia while holding Lucifer's warm hand.

"I'm looking for the position of the cross-dimensional Summoning Book." Lucifer said.

"Is that the book you're trying to absorb the power of?" said Natalia curiously.

"Yes but I only managed to take 10 percent of his power and he broke himself into 9 parts which spread in all directions. Among the 9 parts there is the main body which contains the consciousness of the book" explained Lucifer.

"If I'm not mistaken the book is called Alice," Natalia continued.

"But it's very difficult to find the book, most likely he has recovered his strength and has a new owner." said Lucifer while rubbing Natalia's hair.

"Okay, put that aside, let's eat first." Natalia pulled Lucifer's hand towards the dining room.

In the dining room, there are many home-cooked meals available.

Sitting next to Lucifer, Natalia spooned rice for him and gave him a lot of side dishes on Lucifer's plate.

Lucifer smiled and said "hey, don't put it all on my plate, you also have to eat!" said Lucifer while putting rice and side dishes on Natalia's plate.

Start a happy and warm eating session from the couple.

while writers and readers who are still alone feel sad.

Finally they finished eating and went out for a walk.

Today was the day of the art exhibition in the port city, Lucifer and Natalia went there wearing casual clothes.

Art exhibition area.....

On the left and right side of the road there are various works of art that are displayed from paintings to sculptures that are carved with great care.

The stalls of the sellers were filled with shoppers some just wanting to have a look and some buying some beautiful and fine art.

Among the crowd was a couple standing in front of the sword shop.

"Honey, I want to buy a wooden sword with Phonex thinking and you have to buy a dragon carved sword, okay?" Natalia said to Lucifer.

"Okay," he replied, nodding.

The two of them walked into the shop.

Inside the shop you can see various swords engraved with various shapes and patterns.

The two of them went to the shopkeeper and asked for a dragon-engraved sword and a phonex.

The shopkeeper took the requested sword.

"this is the lightning dragon sword" denotes a sword whose hilt and scabbard contain a dragon engraving.

"This sword material is very rare lightning wood. This lightning wood was taken from a 1000 year old tree monster" continued the shopkeeper.

"This is a phonex sword of ice and water, made of 1 year old phonex bone, has growth attribute." shows a sword with phonex engraving.

Finally they both bought the sword and left the sword shop to continue touring the art exhibition.
