
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasía
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19 Chs

14.5 : Personal View and Life

       Out of a sudden, Seir asked me a great question,

      "Yu Lei!! There is something that raises some questions in my head..."

      "Go on, what are those?"

      "First, you are so different from other summoners in my experience, when another summoner summoned us, they would feel a sensation of power or excitement, and you were a hundred eighty degrees different...You were just plain and didn't seem to care about it...Why?"

      "I have lived in two different world; this nonsense world and the other world where your contractor Solomon live, yet in the other world, I lived two or three thousand years later than this world era live in, and same with Solomon era, I lived three thousands year after Solomon died...So to answer your question, is simple, I have seen everything...In my life in another world, I faced a lot of things more advanced and more powerful than this world, yet in this world, I faced something more supernatural power than the other world...So the sense of getting surprised because you saw or witnessed your power and someone power in this world, would not surprise me again...I had seen it or watched it in my other world..." It was a movie or novel...

      "We go with the next question, why do you seem not to care about your parents in this world?"

      "Why are you asking me that?"

      "Because, after you are being separated from them, you didn't try to seek their whereabouts..."

      "I thought Gremory had told me about that, they used by Cai Ying's sect people to get the foundation of their power...So why do I need to seek their whereabouts? If I already know the answer..."

      "So do you not seek revenge or are angry about it?"

      "Seeking revenge or being angry won't change what has already happened...Yet, my parents in this world, I didn't find any relation to them, or I didn't feel fond of them..."


      "Because the one who shaped my nature, personality and soul was my parents in my previous world or other world, not in this world...So when I was born in this world, I was already me, not like a baby who didn't know anything... I had already formed my own identity and had a sense of self. Therefore, the actions or feelings of my parents in this world didn't have as much impact on me as they would on others...Yet after knowing their souls became the foundation of someone's cultivation, it was hurting my heart..." 

      "So the last question is, why did you not kill Cai Ying or do something horrible to Cai Ying because what had she done to you?"

      "Like I said, I have seen everything, and in this world, I don't have anything to lose, including my own life...To kill or torture Cai Ying for something she didn't know, it's a bad thing in my view...She only knew that the sect she went in was the benevolent and righteous path, yet she was been deceived...So you want me to kill and torture her, for what she done to me, which I believe what she done to me that she seized my home, property even my parents—wasn't her... It was the manipulative sect that deceived her and used her...Seeking revenge against her would only perpetuate the cycle of harm and suffering...In my other world, I had seen much worse, a kingdom destroyed because they were being deceived or misinterpreted their belief...I read what this world believed it was about Dao or Tao in this world's foundation of power...When I read that and compared this world, it was completely different...The Dao is only for the cultivators, and the normal human who doesn't have any talent is just left without anything in this world...But, the normal human doesn't want to achieve something other than this QI thing...The most ironic thing is in this book their mighty teacher or guru, written that we as humans need to learn every day...So what do you think about that message?"

      Gremory said, "It told the human to become develop..."

      "Correct, yet you see about this world, is this world in a phase of development? All of you two have witnessed the airships that can fly, right? You don't see much more; there is some sect or cultivator that had the technology, like Gremory's power...So that's why I said Dao is only for the cultivators, yet for the normal human to chase Dao on the same path as cultivators is a dead end...That's why the normal people in this world are stupid or dumb enough...Have you seen the well in my village? The distance between the village and the well is quite far, I have tried to propose pipes of water made of bamboo...and the people quickly rejected it, for the stupid reason, if there is some easiness like this, they can't train for their QI...My thinking become crazy after hearing that because we are normal human beings without any talent of this QI, how many years until we die, we could become like the other cultivators... It is disheartening to see such narrow-mindedness in my village...

      "And what happened in the village?"

      "A lot of people migrate to the city because the soil becomes drier and unstable for farming because of their stupid idea..."

      It was Gremory's turn to ask me, "I'm curious about your previous world, Yu Lei. How advanced and how developed your previous world is?"

      "How advanced my previous world is, hmmmmmm...That's a good question...Let's see we have a transportation in the sky which can be lethal or fighter, and can be transport...we have something that can do anything with just write it or command it, for example, painting, writing, even composing a melody...We have a thing that can get you food, information, a book, even a capture of what you see...and the big one is we have a weapon that can blow the entire kingdom, and make that land unhabitable for a couple of decades even centuries... In addition to these incredible capabilities, we also have a device that can connect people from different corners of the world, allowing instant communication and sharing of ideas. Furthermore, this technology has revolutionised industries such as healthcare, where we can prolong people's lives by transplanting pig hearts into the human body if their hearts are failing... There are a lot of things.."

      "That's amazing advanced...I don't know how far humans can be developed, yet my sibling and my king Paimon know all the knowledge and the secret of this universe..."

      "Yeah, I know Paimon; he surely has that kind of power..."