
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasía
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19 Chs

11 : Treasure Hunting with A Twist

      Arriving at the dense forest, I could see Cai Ying's face was shocked and in disbelief...As her face showed, I thought we had similar thoughts about the trip...We would fly in the sky, enjoying our trip...Yet, it just happened instantaneously, after we blinked our eyes and arrived in this forest…

      We got off the horse, and after we put our feet on the ground, I looked around…I found ancient ruins, hiding from all the bushes and dense forest... I asked Seir,

      "Is the treasure inside the ruin?"

      Seir answered, "Yeah…" as casually…

      I felt Seir was too casual and too relaxed on this treasure hunt thing, and Cai Ying wasn't as casual as Seir…She was too worried and concerned about the safety of the ruins…Yet, we were walking towards the entrance of the ruin…There was a shit ton of stairs to enter the ruin…Seir and Cai Ying easily climbed all of it with jumping or flying…Yet, as a person without cultivation, and shitty angelic power, I needed to climb it one by one…

      A few minutes later, finally, I arrived at the top of the stairs. As I arrived... I found something that made me angry…That Seir and Cai Ying already took the treasure; it was a scroll type of treasure…Seir told me that they took it while I was climbing the stairs…

      Out of breath, tired, and angry at them...Without saying any words towards them, I was just sitting at the top of the stairs... feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. The effort I had put into climbing the stairs seemed wasted...

      "Come on, Yu Lei! Don't act like a child!" said Cai Ying...

      "There are still some precious treasures which you can join with us..." added Seir.

      I took a deep breath and said, "Fine then, but next time, don't leave me behind like this..."

      Out of nowhere, the horse was beside me without my noticing it...

      "Now hop in!!" said Seir...

      We hopped on the horse, and just as before, with just a blink of an eye, we arrived at another destination, which was the same: inside a dense forest with another ancient ruin...I asked them to wait for me, not get the treasure without me again… 

      Seir chuckled and reassured me, "Don't worry, we won't make the same mistake twice. We'll wait for you this time...since this place, there are no shitton of stairs like before..." With a newfound trust or mocking me, I followed Seir and Cai Ying right behind them...

      As we ventured deeper into the ruin, I asked them, "Is there any trap in here??"

      Seir glanced back at me with a mischievous grin and replied, "Well, there might be a few surprises along the way...How about you take the lead in front of us??"

      "No fucking way!!"

      Until we arrived in a room in which there was a tomb...Cai Ying, without any hesitation, opened the tomb, and there was a scroll in there...She without being cautious, just yoinked it...Immediately, the room was filled with a loud, rumbling noise...The floor beneath us began to shake...Some of the stones from above began to fall...I looked at Seir, yet she was disappearing out of nowhere...

      Ah yes, that bitch can move in a blink of an eye; surely she's already outside the ruin...

      Cai Ying immediately ran towards the exit, and I tried to keep up with her, but it was difficult...On the way to the exit, I was unaware that I could keep up with Cai Ying...Which made Cai Ying surprised that I was beside her all the time...After getting out of the ruin, Cai Ying asked,


      I tried to catch my breath, hard to answer her question, "Just give me...a second..." After I regained control of my breath, I answered her question, "HOW THE FUCK I KNOW THAT!!"

      Cai Ying stared at me, her eyes wide with disbelief...I could see the confusion and frustration on her face as she tried to process what had just happened...In any second, the ruin was collapsed...

      Seir clapped her hand and made us focus on her as she said, "Now, let's go to another location..."

      "YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE US BEHIND AGAIN LIKE THAT," I said angrily to Seir...

      "It's fine; you can manage it...now hope in!!"

      We went to another ruined location in the blink of an eye...We started to enter and explore the ruin...Until we encountered some people who were already in front of a sort of tomb...They noticed our presence, and immediately our eyes and their eyes met...

      I looked around, and Seir and Cai Ying suddenly disappeared...

      Are they just leaving me with these people?

      With a quick reaction, one of them immediately dashed towards me... 

      I closed my eyes as one of them threw a kick at my side of the body...In the next second, I didn't feel any hurt...So I opened my eyes and found out that somehow I blocked his kick with one hand...After seeing I could block his attack, I tried to throw a simple punch at him with my other hand...The man with fast hands tried to block my punch; my hand collided with his block hands, and instantly he was pushed back hard... The other people looked shocked and hesitant, unsure of how to react...

      I didn't know what happened; before, I could keep up with Cai Ying's speed; now I could throw a punch hard...was this the fraction of angelic powers from Seir and Gremory? Still, what was the gap between this fraction of those two angelic powers and cultivation powers?

      I asked them to seek the answer, "What realms are all of you in right now?"

      One of them answered, "Are you mocking us or what?"

      "No no, I just want to know.."

      With speed, two of them plunged at me with intense aggression...Again, they focused on both sides... Trying to overwhelm me with their combined strength...Again their fist and kick collided with my hands, as I blocked their attack, even right now, I caught her fist and his foot..This time, I noticed that it wasn't a coincidence that I blocked his attack...I realised the fraction of Seir and Gremory's angelic power was indeed powerful...

      Easily, I could throw them up...

      Ha Ha Ha, am I this strong?? Still, I don't know what realms they are in...

      After some attack from them towards me, which I was able to block or evade their attack...They started to exchange glances between each other...I felt it would be no good...My feeling was right, they seemed to try to invoke something... As they chanted incantations, a surge of energy began to fill the air...At once, from behind, I could hear a dash at a fast pace towards them...I turned around, and as I turned around, the figure had already passed me... It was a blur of motion, moving with incredible speed and agility...Quickly, the figure cleared out the people and prevented the invocation...

      The figure was Cai Ying... I was surprised, she could clear everything easily...Wait, if she could beat them easily, did it mean they were weak from the beginning? I asked her, 

      "What do you think these guys' realm is?"

      "These people, I think, are still apprentices, and they try to build their foundation, so they aren't in the first realm or mortal realm..."

      When I heard that these people were just normal humans who tried to build their realm, it made my heart a little bit shatter...I thought I had become more powerful...After they got beaten up, we took the treasure from their hand...and we got out from the ruin...

      I was surprised, when I took my feet out of the ruin that there was a shitton of treasures, including scrolls, artefacts, and pills beside the horse...It meant Seir had already taken all the treasures while I was inside this ruin...I looked around to find Seir...As I found her...

      "Don't tell me!! The purpose of this trip is to test my strength and agility, or, I can say, the small fraction of angelic power you two-handed me..." said I...

      "HUNDRED FOR YOU..." answered Seir...

      I was so angry because, without proper training, she just threw me at those people. I could die. I asked her with a high tone, "Whose idea is this?" as I slowly walked towards her...

      "Eh!! You don't like it??" with a confused face, Seir asked me...

      "No, I don't like it," I replied angrily. "You should have at least given me some warning or prepared me..."

      "It's Gremory's idea...As Gremory said, we feel weak as day by day passes without any generational power...So Gremory found out the technique--"

      "Yeah, the dual cultivation...But the reason is not that, right??"

      "The reason is to train your stamina and your strength, so you can match us in this technique..."

      I was baffled as to the reason for this trip; these demons were so thirsty about this thing...About that, I was curious, while I was unconscious, how often Seir did it to me...

      "While I was unconscious, how often did you use this technique on me??"

      She told me a quite ambiguous number, and I couldn't think of doing something like that with those numbers...

      "I think it's better to pace it...Just do it when you are really in the crucial time..."


      "But we also need to be careful not to overexert ourselves. It's important to find a balance between gaining power and taking care of our bodies. Wait, you don't need to take care of your bodies because you are already a demon....And the important thing is that I am just merely mortal...You can kill me with your desire for this thing..."

      Seir suddenly got closer to me and placed her busts on my body. "Well, we are demons, surely we have a lot-"

      Suddenly Cai Ying was in the middle of us, "STOP!!!!" Cai Ying intervened, as her face was so red as if she couldn't bear to hear any more about the details of this intimate technique... "Now, can we go back home??"

      "Sure...But, wait a second..." 

      In a second, a gate appeared from the ground of all the treasures, sucking all of them up...I didn't know Seir had the power of dimensional gates, so I asked, "Is that gate from your power, Seir??"

      "No, it's from Gremory..."

      "What, Gremory??" I was confused...

      "Yeah, in a second, I went home and told Gremory to open a gate so it could store the treasures..."

      I was in disbelief. In just a second, even in a fraction of a second, she went back home and came back here again...How fast is this bitch? 

      "And there is something for you, Yu Lei.."

      "For me?"


      Out of the blue, a dimensional gate behind me appeared and pulled me to the gate without my consent...I was startled by the sudden force and found myself inside a room which was pitch black...In a second, I could hear a snap of a finger, and immediately a lot of candles lit inside the room...Slowly, I could see what was in front of me, and slowly, I could see there was a bed in front of me...With, a woman lying on it. It was Gremory with different attire, somehow a little bit aroused me...She had a mischievous smile on her face as she looked at me and said, "Welcome to my chamber, Yu Lei. Prepare to experience something that you've never imagined." 

      "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GREMORY?" I asked her...

      "Look at my eyes, Yu Lei!!" 

      I noticed her eyes became more glowing, and suddenly I could smell something different, like the smell of roses or something so fragrant that made my mind a little bit dizzy...Yet, the most thing that could make me dizzy was her voice...

      Her voice suddenly became so warm in my heart and so inviting that it melted me, "~~Come to Yu Lei to me!!~~"


      I opened my eyes and found myself lying on my bed...Immediately, I checked beside me: was there Gremory or Seir beside me? There was no one beside me...

      God damn it, this demon had just hypnotised me!!! Gremory can make someone become intimate or fall in love with someone, but I don't know if she could do it to someone who contracted to her... Solomon must have powerful willpower and mindpower that make this bitch demon can't hypnotise him...