
Chapter 3

I awoke and looked around as I realized that there was no red tint left in my surroundings, instead I was laying in a small meadow in the middle of a forest. Giant bees were flying around everywhere and there were yellow flowers that seemed to release a scent that lured me in. I stood up to head over to the flowers when I saw the little demon, sitting there on his butt and staring at me fearfully.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked.

"You have broken part of our summoners contract by using the gate without my permission, you have broken the part where you cannot hurt me," he said as he stood up.

Now bow to me and pledge yourself, and I won't kill you! I started to bow when I realized that I could stop myself. Deciding to go with what he said partly I bowed and asked a question.

"Yes master, but I have a question first".

A smug look crossed his face as he thought that he could still control me. "What is it, minion?"

"How do I know my own strength? I can see that you are a minor demon, but what am I? And what happens when a summons master dies?"

"Well, if you think about your status, a screen will show up with all your information, and when a summons master dies, it depends on what happens. As a half breed if you were to eat another demon you would gain a modicum of their power, and there are legends of summons escaping there fate by eating there master and gaining the power to keep themselves summoned, for if something kills me, then you would fade from this plane of existence, returning to our plane. As such because you died in your plane you would just disappear forever, becoming a wraith that exists for only hunger."

Thinking to myself I realized what I had to do but what disgusted by the thought. Looking at the bees I could see that everything was ranked differently were, and that they were ranked by tiers, the higher the tear the stronger they were. These simple-looking bees were anything but simple, being tier 5 and having an ability *call* that summoned others of its kind to aid it in fending off a threat, buffing the others that it calls and giving them +50% stamina. I would not survive wherever I was and knew that neither could this lowly imp. There was also the fact that I did not want to live my whole life in service to a disgusting demon who was the shape and size of a watermelon. Thinking status I got my information. **name unknown, tier one, minion beast, no abilities* Str. 1, Sta. 1, Min. 1, Int 1, ???, ???, ???*. That was when I made my decision. I was not going to be somethings minion, and I would rather die than be tied to this imp. Looking up at it i spoke.

"Hey you little monster, catch". And with that, I threw dust at it, before charging at it like a mad beast and tackling it. I was going to do the unthinkable. I was going to eat this little thing, and hopefully, it would give me the squirts that dang pizza did.

"Nooo, stop, please! It screamed before I bit down on its fat neck. Its blood sprayed all over me as it let out a gurgling scream and than went still. Its blood smelled like rotten eggs and its flesh tasted like sulfur, but I forced it down, blocking out all thoughts that I had left.