
Everything has a consequence

Silas was walking through the town when he saw a mother and daughter duo walking on the other side of the street. The little girl dropped the ball into the street and went after it. Silas immediately saw a truck coming at a fast speed and dove to the girl in front of the truck. Silas saved the girl's life but the truck hit him instead.

Silas awoke in a hospital bed in an emergency room. He checked his surroundings before falling unconscious again due to the stress. When Silas awoke again he was in a different room than before. He heard his mother's voice talking to a doctor.

"What do you mean you can't help him!" Silas' Mother yelled.

"We're doing the best we can but the only thing we can do now is wait." the Doctor replied.

"Mom." Silas muttered weakly and then passed out.

When Silas woke up it was mourning and he was still in the hospital bed. The nurse saw that he woke up and left to go get the doctor.

"Hello Silas, my name is Doctor Happy." Doctor Happy stated.

"Hello Doctor Happy." Silas replied.

"Your legs are paralyzed but given time they will heal." stated Doctor Happy.


2 Years Later

"Mom, Dad, thank you for getting me pandemonium!" Silas thanked.

After getting released from the hospital 1 year ago, Silas worked on trying to increase his time with his friends, but because he couldn't walk he had to just have them come over to play games. Today that all changed when Silas finally got Pandemonium.