
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs

Meeting Zeus.

A week passed by and Vander spent training himself and his peerage. Serafall was no longer in charge of foreign affairs, but she still managed to get a meeting set up with Zeus for later that day. Vander planned to go with Serafall, Nerezza, Tiamat, La Folia, and Naerdeath as they were both trusted and strong.

He was finally going to leave Raynare on her own, but mostly because Dohanseek and Kalawarna had more training to do. He was happy that the meeting was happening so soon as he wanted to find his opponent as soon as possible.

In the meantime, it was training focussed as he planned to draw the full talent of his peerage. They would have to be strong as he did not plan to stay in this one world forever. There was a full universe left to discover and he planned to do just that.

He opened his eyes as he was brought out of his daydreaming as he looked at the current spar going on. La Folia challenged Serafall to see how her progress was of Celcius Cross Trigger against the creator.

In the distance, both devil women were locked in a fierce magic exchange that sent glacial attacks in both directions. He watched as La Folia clad herself fully in glacial armor and was getting in close and personal making use of her stronger physique.

As a Super Devil, she had that innate advantage over Serafall who was a regular one. Serafall had never tried to be a warrior, but La Folia had. This was one reason she was being pushed back constantly.

'So, it's La Folia's innate talent and efforts vs, Serafall's vast experience. Serafall is quickly getting back into the mindset she had during the Great War and Devil Civil War which is keeping her up against La Folia. Sadly that is quickly being taken away.'

Tiamat who was looking at the spar looked impressed with La Folia.

" La Folia is a monster. She is not using her Energy of Destruction, her new Divine Weapon, or her Resonance and she is still keeping up. Given a few more years she might even catch up to the both of us."

Vander looked at La Folia with pride.

"Well, she is the daughter of Sirzechs and Grayfia. She has gotten much stronger recently and fully awakened her Super Devil genes which means she is superior to devils as a species. This is just the result as she is growing in strength by the day."

Naerdeath crossed her arms as her friend was getting far stronger.

"He does have a point. If I slack at all she will leave me in the dust. This is the perfect analogy for giving wings to a tiger."

As she said that La Folia was clad in dense blue Touki lept toward Serafall as she waved her hand down.

"Celcius Cross Trigger, Titan."

Behind her appeared not one, but three giant glacial titans. The center one held a set of dual axes, the one on the left held a halberd and the right held a giant greatsword of ice. The three titans chased after Serafall causing her to curse.

"FUCK! Celcius Cross Trigger, Blaster."

She waved both of her hands forward which caused three condensed beams of glacial magic to fire at the three titans. La Folia controlled the ax-wielding titan to charge forward and tank the first one with its body and use the axes to block the other three.

Taking three attacks of that level destroyed it, but it stopped Serafall's attack. in its tracks. Following this, the other two titans attacked with their weapons which caused Serafall to forcefully activate her technique once more.

"Celcius Cross Trigger, Barrier."

A giant barrier of ice formed around her which tanked the blows of the titans. La Folia snapped her finger and made the sword-wielding self-destruct on the shield destroying it. The moment the barrier went down the halberd-wielding titan swung its weapon at Serafall.

"Cocytus Embrace."

Her ice turned dark purple as she placed her palms on the ground.

"Celcius Cross Trigger, piercer."

From the ground rose up a purple spike of ice that impaled the titan. She took a deep breath as she was learning that La Folia was not to be underestimated. La Folia exhaled as she was draining her energy reserves rapidly as she continued to attack.

She waved her hands and created two swords before rushing forward. Touki flared from her body as she appeared in front of Serafall in an instant. Her first sword was swung down while her second swung up.

Serafall froze for a moment as her mind thought of how to react, but that was all La Folia needed. The swords were an inch from her neck which made her sigh.

"Not only did I lose to Vander, but you as well. How bad have I let myself fall?"

La Folia smiled as she retracted her swords.

"Your Celsius Cross Trigger technique is a truly powerful technique. Considering I know it as well, I know how to counter it."

Serafall still sighed.

"You learned it in just a few days and better than me. Is this why you wanted me to fight her Vander?"

Vander and the rest of the peerage all came down when the fight ended.

"Yup. You have gotten stronger since you joined my peerage, but La Folia is possible the most talented member of the whole peerage. Second to me of course."

La Folia did not see it as fair.

"You are a Chimera, you can absorb almost any bloodline perfectly and you did take in my Super Devil genes. Of course, you have the talent to spar, share some with us."

Tiamat had learned of the real reason Vander licked her blood and saw it as unfair.

"She does have a point. What a frightening species. Which makes him wonder, how are you born or created?"

Vander shrugged.

"Beats me. I thought I had parents, but I now realize that they were merely an illusion of mine. I might be an alien sent here to devour all life."

La Folia rolled her eyes.

"If you are an alien then I am a demon."

Naerdeath reminded her of the important thing.

"Technically you are part demon now as you have a soul contract to one."

La Folia sighed.

"Thank you for that."

Vander shook his head at the both of them as he reminded them of the important thing.

"Thanks to Serafall I have a meeting with Zeus for later today. As he cannot enter Japan for good reason we have decided to meet up in his territory in New York City."

Serafall sighed.

"Lucky when I went to meet with him he was strangely serious. He did not once act as his usual perverted self. I think your relative is busy or something similar."

Vander felt his rage begin to build up, but he restrained it.

"He is not my relative. He is just the same species as I am. Anyway, the meeting with Zeus will start in an hour so I am going to head there now. Where is it?"

Serafall answered for him.

"Oh, it will be in Mount Olympus which is on the Empire State Building's 600th floor."

Vander nodded.

"I see. Alright, might as well head there now."

Serafall just wondered who he would take.

"Are you going to take your whole peerage?"

Vander looked at Raynare who thought he would force her to go with him again.

"No, Raynare, Dohanseek, Kalawarna you three will stay. You have grown 2 more pairs of wings, but you still need more training. Raynare, don't start trouble."

She frowned at the insinutation.

"I am not a kid."

He smirked.

"Prove me wrong."

He laughed as Tiamat, La Folia, Naerdeath, Nerezza, and Serafall all walked next to him. In a flash of black fire, they teleported away from the training room to the front of the Empire State Building.

The moment they teleported Naerdeath waved her hand and activated an illusion spell. No one noticed a thing as they looked over their forms like they were not even there. Vander placed his hand on her head.

"You are getting better at illusion magic. Not bad."

She smiled happily at the praise.

"Thanks, Vander."

They began to walk inside while people did not notice them. Serafall waved them forward.

"Follow me. I got to talk to the guard."

Sitting in the lobby was a security guard who noticed Serafall. When their group approached he gave a tip of the hat.

"Lord Zeus is already waiting for your arrival Lady Leviathan. You may proceed."

"Thank you."

It had not been announced yet that Serafall had retired so they still called her that. When they entered the elevator she selected the 600th floor which was made available for the. As they rose Vander looked around with interest.

"They have a lot of runes here. I also feel that we are being monitored extensively."

Tiamat had noticed it well.

"It seems the stronger you are the more focus the wards give you. Did the rest of you notice them?"

La Folia, Naerdeath, and Nerezza nodded as they noticed the moment they entered. Serafall explained that.

"Well, it is Olympus the home of the Greek gods. Of course, they keep it well guarded. What do you plan to tell him, Vander?"

"Well for one they have a super dangerous chimera vampire that grows stronger by absorbing the bloodlines of anything it kills."

Tiamat thought that was good enough.

"What matters is will he believe you?"

Vander was sure that Zeus would.

"If I know myself well, I would have gone for the strongest prey available to me. Tell me, what is super common when it comes to Greeks?"

They only had to think for a few seconds before Serafall realized.


Vander grimly nodded.

"Give it a feeling, but I feel he is feeding on demigods."

When he got done saying that the elevator reached the 600th floor. Waiting for them were two guards wearing golden armor.

"Lady Leviathan, Lord Zeus is waiting for you. We will lead you to him."

She nodded.

"Thank you."

They began to follow the two armed guards to find where Zeus was waiting. As they walked Vander noticed how Tiamat's eyes were shining. Everywhere were literal buildings and walkways made of pure gold which for a dragon was good for looting.

Vader reminded her of the wards.

"Damage them and we will have to fight our way out."

"Are you scared? We could easily fight our way out?"

The guards heard that but decided to ignore it. Vander knew they could, but the Greeks were not what he was afraid of.

"Yes, but think of the damage that will be caused because of that. They will fight tooth and nail and it is possible that the United States might be destroyed. I for one do not want a repeat of the Underworld to happen. We would make enemies of so many pantheons labeling us as dangerous."

Tiamat was prideful, but not stupid.

"Yeah, we would end up like Ddraig and Albion or worse."

Just then the guards stopped.

"You may head inside. He awaits."

They began to walk inside and in a circle were several giant thrones that were mostly empty. Most of the Olympians were not here so it was currently only Zeus and Hera. Zeus himself looked like a middle-aged man with a combed black beard and black hair.

He wore a black business suit while Hera had long black hair and a serious look on her face. Serafall cleared her voice when she saw the King and Queen of Olympus.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me so soon Lord Zeus."

He looked behind her at Tiamat, Vander, La Folia, Nerezza, and Naerdeath. His gaze was locked on Vander for a second.

"Is he the one that wanted to meet with me?"

Serafall nodded.


He looked at Vander waiting for the reason. Vander walked forward a bit before he said his reason.

"To be frank there is a very dangerous individual running loose in America."

That got Zeus' attention.

"How do you know? If he is so dangerous why do we not know?"

"Simple, because he is bidding his time and gathering power. The method in which he gains power is by stimulating the bloodlines of the beings he kills and devours. I believe his prey is demigods. Each one he eats he absorbs the bloodline of one of the gods.

It is only a matter of time before he goes after the gods themselves."

Hera's face seemed to change.

"We noticed a few demigods go missing, but we did not make much of it. A few go missing from time to time, but if the situation is as you say it is this is much more dangerous."

Zeus crossed his arms.

"Let's say I believe you. How do you know he is feeding on demigods?"

Vander grinned.

"Because that is what I would do if I was him As I am the same species as him I can kind of feel his presence. I believe he has fed on quite a few of them to get much stronger than before. He might be eating some right now and with each one he eats that is more power he gains."

Zeus squinted his eyes as he stood up. He shrunk down to more human size.

"How do we find him?"

"Send out your armies and the gods. We will help you look for him as no one wants him dead more than I do. However, he could be anywhere?"


Ubel currently looked more like a young boy around 12 and he had just entered Camp Half-Blood with Percy. He had just so happened to have found the other demigod when he was on the run with Grover and he had overhead Grover speaking of the camp.

When he heard that was where many more demigods were kept he decided to follow along. Now, that he had entered the camp where a literal buffet of demigods for the taking.