
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs

Bodybuilding Magical Girl.

Vander appeared in the middle of an apartment again and instinctively said his introduction.

"I am Vander, I am here to answer your summons. What is it you des-"

He stopped talking when he saw the most confusing sight in front of him. It was an extremely muscular man who was as tall as Vander, but he was dressed in a magical girl outfit. Vander cleared his voice as he decided to not judge.

"What is it you desire?"

The guy struck a pose like a magical girl and even the voice was forced.

"Mil-tan, wanted you to make her a magical girl. Please nyo."

Vander felt physical pain at the sight so he reached into his shadow to look for a book that could help.

"Look, genderbending someone is not something I think is even possible. If that is what you are really asking."

Mil-tan eyes filled with tears of joy.

"It's possible Nyo?"

He got really close to Vander who bent backward as Mil-tan got too close.

"Maybe, please just sit. Preferably a few feet away from me. I need space to read."

"Alright Nyo."

Mil-tan sat down in front of the TV as Vander flipped through the magic books he took. Most of the ones he took were attack books so he did not think he would find a single thing like what this guy wanted. Either way, he did not want to stick around for long as this was too weird for him.

He dropped the book back into his shadow as he kept reading different ones until he found something even remotely close to what he needed.

"Here we go, this ritual here says it can turn a man into a woman and vice versa as long as they are a virgin. Don't know why they would make this so give me a second."

He read the ritual and the more he read the more confused he was.

'As long as the person using it is pure they will use up their purity as energy to either become a gorgeous woman if they were males and handsome men if female. Irreversible and requires a caster and participant. Also will purify the soul, magic pathways and body.'

At the end, he saw in big letters the warning of the creator.


Vander swore in his head to never do this ritual again. At the very least it would make this cross-dressing guy a real magical girl.

"Are you a virgin?"

Mil-tan's face turned bright red as they looked away.

"Mil-tan, is a pure maiden."

Vander sighed as he shook his head.

"Fine. First I will need to run some tests if you do not mind."

Mil-tan nodded.

"Go right ahead."

Vander placed his hand on Mil-tan's shoulder and just like the boy checked the soul, mana pathways, and body.

'A powerful bright soul, completely clear mana pathways, and a powerful body. This guy is strong. What would happen once I use this ritual then?'

"Good news, you are talented for magic. If you want you can become a magical girl once this is finished. It cannot be reversed and will make you even more talented-"

"Mil-tan is ready."

Vander shook his head as he decided to not think about it as his mind was already weirded out.

"Fine, I will do it now."

Vander opened the book he found it in and bit his wrist. His dark red blood began to fall on the ground and he controlled it into the spell shown here. He made sure to not use his Infernity or Dragon Aura as that would just kill the guy.

He made sure to only use his Demonic Mana which turned out to be rather easy. Before long the spell was finished and glowing bright red with his Demonic Mana.

"As payment, I guess I will take you as my student. You got talent in magic, a strong soul, and your constitution is already supernatural. That good with you?"

He saw Mil-tan nod and step into the circle with a big smile on his face. Vander still was weirded out by them so he decided to just ignore it. He began to read the incantation in his head to learn it and found something alarming.

'Needs the full name of the one casting it. I don't have a last name that I can remember. I guess make one.'

"In the name of Vander Abbadon, I offer up this man's body for the woman that he is inside. FUCK YOU AS WELL!"

That was literally the spell as whoever created it had been forced to use it to save their clan from the War maybe. Vander watched how the Demonic Mana in his blood rushed toward Mil-tan and began to burn like fire.

He sighed as he sat down on a couch watching how the fire seemed to burn away Mil-tan's muscular body and shriek it down. He expected the soul, mana pathways, and body were also being strengthened by this process as his purity was being used as fuel.

This spell caused a lot of pain, but Mil-tan was not even flinching from the pain. Becoming a magical girl was worth a little pain in her view. After a few minutes, Vander looked up from his spell book to see the new Mil-tan.

The previous 6'10 man was now a small 5'3 cute teenage girl with long black hair and a slim figure. Vander looked back to his book as Mil-tan check out her new body. She ran to the nearest mirror and in shock touched her face in shock.

Her skin was as smooth as a baby and her long black hair shined. Her arms were thin and feminine and her hands even felt as soft and clear of calluses. As for her magical girl outfit, it now fits perfectly.

(Image here. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!)

While she did that Vander made a promise to never cast this ritual again as long as he lived. He closed the book and teleported it back to the Underworld.

'Never again.'

As he was doing that, he felt a thin pair of arms wrap around his neck in a tight hug. Vander swore that anyone who was not him or someone as strong as him would have their neck snapped.


Vander's palm went to her face as he pushed her off of him. Mil-tan was not stronger in strength than he was, but he still had to put some effort.

"No hugs. Please for the love of all that holy, no hugs."

She looked a little sad, but he knew the truth of what she used to be. That was just too weird for him. He stood as he was done with pacts for the night. This one took the cake for being too weird for him to have the stomach to do anymore.

"I guess I will call you sometime. I need time to figure out what comes after."

She nodded.


Vander stopped her before she said more.

"Are you going to keep using the name Miltan?"

She stopped mid-sentence as she could change her name now to something more feminine.

"I don't know."

"Well, you can figure it out on your own. I am leaving."

Vander teleported home before she could say anything else. He appeared on his bed with a thud.

"Ok, so I just turned a man into a girl. That takes the cake for the weirdest thing I have ever done."

He got up as he had zero use for sleep. He exited his room as Ripper and Toxin appeared behind him following him like guards. He whistled an eerie tune that echoed through the hall he walked through that he quite liked.

As he was walking he ran into La Folia who was also exploring the mansion.

"Vander, there you are."

She looked at Toxin with stars in her eyes as she really wanted one. He held his head high to show off, as he was proud of his appearance. Vander stopped whistling as he decided to explain to her what he did.

"Earlier, I took three Devil Pacts and the last one was too weird."

"What was it? Did someone ask you to smell their feet?"

Vander looked at her even more weirded out.

"Did someone ask that of you?"

She nodded.

"He did, but I just punched him. He ended up with life-crippling brain damage I was really weirded out. What did they ask you?"

"The first kid was normal, he wanted me to find his dog and then teach him a little magic. The second was a girl who wanted a bigger chest and the last one was some bodybuilder who wanted to be a magical girl."

"Did you grant those wishes?"

Vander reached into his shadow and pulled out the things he got in exchange.

"The girl paid in money, the boy in money, a toy and some change, a candy bar and a marble. As for the bodybuilder, I used a ritual I found that uses the purity of a man or woman to turn them into the other gender. It is a great ritual if you are willing to become the other gender."

She nodded.

"I remember that. The inventor was a Devil or the now extinct Zepar clan. His clan was on the verge of ruin and he wanted to save it. He sacrificed himself for it for power. He failed by the way, even that power was not enough."

"What happened to them after?"

She shrugged.

"No one knows, they just vanished. Some think they are in hiding or dead."

Vander shook his head.

"Alright, anyway I used it on this guy who was as tall as I was and now they are this cute Japanese girl."

She chuckled imagining the sight.

"So what did you ask in exchange?"

"Well they were very talented, to begin with, so I asked for them to work for me."

She got a funny look on her face which made him shake his head at the idea.

"Don't even think about it. Get that idea out of your perverted mind."

She laughed as seeing him freak out a little was funny.

"I am just teasing you. Are you going to add them to your future peerage?"

He shook his head.

"Not my intention. I will see just how good my training method is so I can learn to train my future peerage. Consider it an investment for now."

As they were talking Naerdeath came across them as she was also exploring the mansion. She ran to both of them with a big smile on her face.

"The workshop is amazing. It has everything I could need to practice."

Ripper rushed toward her in joy as she gave him a bear hug.

"Aw, he likes me."

Vander crossed his arms with a smile.

"He just loves your cooking and alcohol. The big guy behind me is named Toxin, he is a poison and earth magic user to be exact."

Naerdeath looked at Toxin with a smile. She reached into her spatial neckless and tossed him a big pre-cooked meat roast. As part dwarf, she could eat and drink ungodly amounts of food and there was never enough.

As such, she took to prepare food for when she got the munchies. Toxin caught the roast and began to rip into it with gusto at how delicious it was. She even gave one to Ripper who devoured it with gusto as well.

La Folia shook her head as she bought their approval with food.

"Give them a little food and they love you forever."

Vander shrugged.

"It is delicious. You should try it."

"Maybe some other time. Anyway, Naerdeath, Vander turned a man into a girl."

She looked at Vander with an odd look.

"Why would you do that?"

He sighed as he started to walk away.

"It was a request they made as a Devil pact. I decided to take them as a student as they are quite talented."

Naerdeath and La Folia followed behind him as they preferred to stick together. Ripper and Toxin followed along as they ate their food. La Folia wondered where he was going to late at night though.

"Where are you going?"

He turned around to explain his idea.

"I want to see if there is a spell to fuse with my familiars to boost my power."

"There is. I can show you as it is one of the most important spells for a familiar user like me. I say we have a spar so I can show you. Although you might have to not use your Infernity or your god-like weapons."

"Sure, I am ok with that. Naerdeath, you in?"

Her face was beaming with excitement.

"Of course, no dwarf refuses a fight."

The three of them now just needed a place to fight to their heart's content without destroying everything around them. Vander called Nerezza to hear her words on it. The Vampire Devil appeared in a swarm of bats with a bow.

"How may I be of help?"

Vander asked if there was a room or place for them to spar.

"Does the house have a training room where we can spar without destroying everything?"

She nodded.

"Lady Grayfia was adamant that they add something like that as she did not want you destroying all of Kuoh sir. It uses magic in the atmosphere to form an alternative space where you can fight all you want. I can lead you there if you wish."

La Folia, Naerdeath, and Vander grinned and nodded.

"Let's go."

(I will stop it here.)


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