
Summoned to be a Weapon (moved to new link)

Author's Note: As mention some time ago this story got contracted by a publishing company. As part of the contract they have created a new link where the story will now be located. I have gotten the link to where the story will now be located and posted which is here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305 Thus while I am not going to get rid of this original page the majority of new chapters will be posted on the new link (https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305) instead of here anymore.

Kamon772 · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Tafu 02

"Who would have thought that a village would be buried in the back of such a dangerous forest," someone dressed in formal attire said as they walked through the charred forest to get a good look at the village.

Tafu was still trying to get her barring start after whatever happened had destroyed her home earlier

"Why have you done such a thing to the forest," a villager said

They along with Tafu were not sure why the forest burned down or who this person was at all. They just show up out of nowhere and seemingly are the ones behind what had and still is endangering their village. If they cause the fire or were in charge of the one that caught it in the first place. Then that power that was not directed at the village could be as if something did destroy Tafu's home after all.

"It was in the way as we were tasked with getting rid of it as it was going to cause a problem as we were expanding into this area" the well dressed person stated "Though to think that rumor was true though"

"What rumor. You burnt down an entire forest just because seemingly and now you speak of rumors" the villager said.

The villager then collapsed to their knees all of a sudden with the well dressed person looking down at them

"Of course not as the forest was not the rumor I talking about. It was that this village existed beyond it" they said before slamming their head down on the ground.

"Interesting as I was sure that attack would have wiped out everyone that was within that building yet there you are still alive at least," the person said looking at Tafu.

The villager whose head was smashed into the ground was no longer moving at all.

"This one they were already dying the moment their knees hit the ground as I made sure of that as well to gloat in their last moments of life too" the hostile person said "Troops kill them all them still alive and do not leave a single one of them expect for this one *pointing towards Tafu*"

Then a rumbling could be heard as soldiers came flooding from the distance rushing the small village and doing just as they were ordered to do so without a second thought or questioning their orders. It did not matter to them that they were ordered to wipe out a village without a good reason beyond apparently this rumor their leader spoke of. Their leader did not even go into details about what was contained within the rumor itself just that there was one and that was seemingly enough. Enough to massacre her entire village leaving only her left as their leader had ordered.

Soon the village shared the same fate as the forest that once stood in front of it. It was reduced to a charred husk of its former self with seemingly nothing left alive. With one expecting though. The leader of the soldiers that were just carrying out their orders came across two that were seemingly being able to get away at least for the moment.

"Sir two the targets mark for death are trying to escape" a soldier informed their leader.

"I will go after them myself and you are coming with me," the leader said forcing Tafu who was now in a state of shock to follow him

With the two villagers that are attempting to escape...

"Should we really be leaving this way as there is only a cliff over here?" the first one said.

"At least of two of us should live through since you and....." the second villager said before collapsing to their knees and then hitting the ground.

"So there is a cliff that why interesting. Keep walking then" the leader ordered her

"Tafu!? What are you doing with that person" the first villager yelled pissed off

"Her!? I wonder if she can even hear you right now as she was stuck watching everyone else but her being killed one by one" the leader said

The first villager was walking backward not wanting to even attempt taking this person on themselves at the moment until they reach the edge of the cliff

"Now fall in" the leader ordered the villager

They were started collapsing to their knees for a similar reason to the second villager. Though before they could do so the leader shove them forward and watched as they disappeared into the black recess of the valley below the cliff

Thus only two of the villagers remaining alive at this point were Tafu and the other one that had been away at the time. As for How this would be explained well it would not be as no one was expecting to find a village behind the forest. The village was considered a rumor not a fact after all. So it was covered up as the remains of the village were wiped from the face of the planet just like the forest was. There would be no one that knew about the village in the dangerous forest that was finally taken care of. Thus the land would soon be opened for development as that is what would become of the area eventually as time would go onward