
Summoned to be a Weapon (moved to new link)

Author's Note: As mention some time ago this story got contracted by a publishing company. As part of the contract they have created a new link where the story will now be located. I have gotten the link to where the story will now be located and posted which is here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305 Thus while I am not going to get rid of this original page the majority of new chapters will be posted on the new link (https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoned-to-be-a-weapon_26875111806834305) instead of here anymore.

Kamon772 · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Lutz 03

Though the book looked like there was nothing in there besides the intro at first on a second look there was slightly more than the intro. As it went into a bit more detail about magic in general. Expanding on what he already knew about the very basics of magic itself seemingly.

'Pretty interesting book' Lutz thought

Then he looked around to see if anyone was watching him at the moment.

'What if this is not just a book but actually some kind of grimoire instead? Though what would such a thing be doing in a library of all places' he thought

Normally these would only be in the hands of mages or they would just be something those of the mage division would have access to in the first place.

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth decided that he would see if he could check this book out himself. If he could then that would be all the better for him at the moment at least. Getting his hand on something this rare for someone from Valia like himself.

"Are you right to check anything out as I would be happy to....oh it's just you. What do you want this time as you are not just here to check out as usual" the librarian looked at Lutz her cheerful expression changed to a more neutral one as she saw him.

Of the many times that he had visited this library, there was never a single time he actually went about checking anything out at all. Only bother her because she was needed to let him out since that how the library worked here. After all, some books could be checked out but at the same time those that were not allowed to leave the grounds at all.

He presents the book to them as he placed it on her desk

"I would like to check this book out. Is it possible to do so" he asked

The librarian looking at the book noticed it was the indeed that one that after all just let out a sigh

"No need to check it out as you can just keep it actually. we were planning on getting rid of it anyway as the thing was useless in the first place" she said waving her hand around.

"Seriously as I can have this as it would be mine from now on," Lutz asked

"Why not as it was going to be trashed but if you want to take it off our hands for us then it saves us the trouble in the first place," she told him

Lutz ran off with the book in tow as he was let out of the library and ran off to wherever he was going to next

"Do you think the guy will finally get a clue after that causes him to fail once again?" a mage that was watching the hold exchange asked

"Hopefully so as he might have the raw talent but is not a fit for one of our country's mages. Guy just does not have the proper drive" the librarian said.

"Oh so you think that he would have been a mage if he was in a different country then but would not he just become a weaker one since our country has the strongest mages after all," they said

"Probably but are you sure it was okay just let him go with that book as were you not ordered to get rid of it," she asked

"It's a worthless book in the hands of someone that is the same. What harm could come from letting him have it if he wants" the mage stated?

"This is your call after all but if this comes back to bite you do not expect me to take the fall with you. It was you that allowed this in the first place after all" the librarian informed the mage.

What almost no one within or outside of Valia knew was that the team of rivals with the survival of the fitness set up by the founders of Valia. That is the reasoning behind laid in them being usurpers themselves (something they ensured was not written down in history). They made it so that while they were loyal to the country they created. They were not so much loyal to each other, thus making it so they could not band together against them. It was not an easy thing to set up but once they had done so it was done in a manner where it did not harm the country's fighting force when it was needed the most. Also, keep out those that might attempt to change it from within. This would have been a problem if all the other countries around them had not also done something similar.