

-4 days before extraction-

(Huh, I expected more of you creeps to be clogged up here to be honest.)

I flip the dynamite I have in my hand in the air, then let it land back on my hand. All the while I was staring at the corpses behind the front gate.

(Well, matters not. Go bark up another tree.)

I light the dynamite's fuse, take a step forward, and toss the red stick. Which flies in an ark over the gate, and lands near the opposite house's yard. I nod, turn around, and start walking towards the front door. And as I entered the building, a loud explosion echoed behind me. Causing the girl we found earlier to jump on her seat as she darted her head towards me, or well, the open door. She was now wearing a pair of blue jeans and a brown long-sleeved shirt that had a wide 'V' cut on the collar. On top of that, she had a bedsheet that she had wrapped around her, sitting in the right corner of the giant table, still deathly quiet. Not that I blame her, we did manage to find one thing though, her name. Hitomi.

Saeko and Saya were also sitting by the giant living room table. Saya on the opposite side, facing me. While Saeko was sitting on 'my' side of the table and had her back turned to me.

(At least she was willing to eat something, even if it was just snack food. That trio had quite the stash in their bags, in terms of snack food and water. Other than that, we also found a pair of binoculars in there. Along with a second combat knife and a sheath, both of which I gave to Saya. Though with that school skirt, you couldn't really tell if she is wearing it or not. Now, we also found a couple of bullets that fit our handguns and Saya's Mp5, along with the revolver I picked earlier, and the handgun. We also have two crossbows now, and a bunch of actual bolts. The other stuff in the bags were sleeping bags, can openers, duct tapes, ropes, clothes, that I would never wear, and some non-functioning electronics, like phones, cameras and, uhh. One set of night vision goggles, non-functioning sadly.)

"I'm going upstairs to get some stuff. We could use some actual pillows for the sleeping bags after all." I speak up as I turn to walk towards the second floor.

"Can you get some shampoo as well?" Saya asks as I start walking. I nod as I glance at her, then keep going up the stairs…

(Hopefully, the girls can get Hitomi to open up while there isn't a 'guy' around them..)

After climbing the stairs, I first move to the untouched right room, and head straight to the bed. Τhen take the two pillows from there. After that, I went to 'my' room, as it was the second least messed up room. And take the two pillows from there as well. Stuffing them all under my arm, I then went to the bathroom for a couple of shampoo bottles.

(Ok, that should do it, let's go.)

With the 'loot' now acquired, I make my way back downstairs. To find the girls still as quiet as ever. Without speaking, I headed towards the garage. Where we now had the Humvee parked at. After entering the room and reaching the car, I opened its back door, and stopped.

"Uhh, can one of you help me with this?" I ask with a loud voice.

"What is it?" Saya asks after also entering the garage, closing the door behind her.

"Can't leave the pillows on the car's floor, can you open Saeko's bag? Since she doesn't use it, we can put the pillows in there as they ain't too fluffy." I respond as I leave the shampoos on the seat in front of me, take a step back, and turn to her.

"Yea, alright." She nods and casually enters the car, going on all fours…

(Saya, you do realize you are wearing a short skirt, right? Oh well, not complaining about the view here, signature blue with white stripes it is...or is it white with blue stripes?...)

Saya then sits in the middle of the car and turns around, extending her arm while grabbing Saeko's bag with the other.

"Give me one." She says as she glances at the pillows, then back at me. I nod and give her one of the pillows. Yet, as she tries to put it in the bag, she stops and tilts her head. She then pulls out a wooden box from the bag.

"What is this? She asks as she casually opens the top cover. Inside, a sword cleaning kit, along with a sharpening slab.

"Sword maintenance tools. Also, remind me to never give you my bag." I respond, causing Saya to turn her head to me with a questioning look.

(She's seriously wondering why I just said that?)

"You do realize you just opened Saeko's bag and started fiddling with her stuff right?" I 'ask'. Saya blinks a couple of times...

"Uhh. Right, sorry." She responds as she closes the box and proceeds to stuff the pillow in the bag. Then extends her arm to me again.

(Why are you apologizing to me?)

"Hey, umm. Are we going to take Hitomi with us?" She asks as I give her another pillow.

"I don't know. What she's been through was horrible…" I stop talking and let out a slight sigh.

"But picking every lost soul we find, can turn sour for us faster than you think." I respond as I hand her another pillow.

"So saving Alice was a fluke?" Saya asks again.

"Saving Alice was a decision made with Takashi on the wheel. There's also the difference that Alice wouldn't have survived had we not intervened. While I'm willing to spare some resources to help the girl, taking her along with us is…" I stop talking, as I give her another pillow.

"You know that the only ones I really care for, are you and Saeko." I add, causing Saya to stop and turn to look at me.

"You must have also realized by now, that the way I'm doing things, and the way Takashi did things. Are a bit 'different'. To the point that last time we were here, I nearly got kicked out." I continue speaking…

"Ughh, don't remind me…" Saya groans slightly as she turns to put the pillow in the bag.

(Well the mood is turning sour, fast. Time to throw a wrench in the works.)

"Why? Reminds you of how you fell asleep and ended up on 'my' side of the bed?" I 'ask' as I hand her the last pillow. Saya takes it, and freezes with her arm still extended towards me.

"Y,you still remember that?" She asks as her face starts to slightly blush.

"What do you mean 'still'. I'll forget my name before forgetting 'that'." I respond with a slight chuckle, and end up with the pillow she was holding to my face.

"S,shut up. You're changing the subject." Saya says with a slight pout as she 'glares' at me.

"Sorry." I respond with a chuckle as I give her the pillow back.

"I ain't a knight in shining armor like Takashi after all." I add. Saya just turns to look at the bag, turning her head away from me.

"Thank…that. Last thing...need is more competition...Saeko's enough..." Saya whispers without turning to me…

"What?" I 'ask' as I tilt my head.

"I said, Thank god for that. One Takashi is enough, I don't want to have to deal with two of them." Saya 'answers' as she turns to me with a frown.

"Oh, because I'm pretty sure I heard something about Saeko, and competition..." I respond with a slight grin. Saya 'blank stares' at me for a couple of seconds...

"You're hearing things." She responds with a rather calm demeanor as she turns to look at the bag in her hands.

(Ohh, no blushing stutter fest? Saya's evolving...)

"No matter the case, I don't intend to make this decision behind her back. We'll chat about what we'll do after she gets her bearings together, along with you and Saeko…" I say I point at the shampoos.

"Yea, that would be for the best." Saya nods as she takes the bottles and places them at a corner inside the trunk. Then exits the car and stands up next to me.

"Let's go?" I ask as I tilt my head, she nods and starts walking towards the main room.

Upon entering said room, we all sit by the table. Saeko next to me to my left, Saya sitting ahead of me on the opposite side of the table. Hitomi to my right, two seats away.

(Ok, as much as I don't want to seem like an ass about our new guest, we have things to do...)

"Ok, I'm going to be insensitive here, but I need to ask you. Did these three have any more in their group?" I ask as I look at Hitomi. She turns her head and stares at me for a couple of seconds. Then shakes her head.

"No…" She responds in a low tone.

"Ok, so we should not expect more of them to come out of the woodworks." I nod slightly, then turn to Saeko.

"Found anything of worth other than the things we already know of?" I ask once again.

"I found these, other than that. I'm afraid nothing new" Saeko responds as she shows me two 'hands-free' flashlights.

"Ohh, nice. I needed one of these." I nod as I take one of the flashlights. It looked like a normal handheld one, but it curved forward in the end. Making it look like a mini cane. After checking that it works, I shove it in the vest's left chest pocket. The whole flashlight fitting inside, with only the 'light bulb' sticking outside.

"Ok, so…" With that done, I glance at Saeko and Saya, then turn to the girl...

"What's our next move?" I ask as I turn back to Saeko and Saya. They both look at each other for a few seconds, before turning to me. Throwing the occasional glance towards the third girl…

(Jeez, make me the bad guy here don'cha.)

I turn to look towards Hitomi, who just lifts her head to stare back at me, still as silent as ever.

(Well, here goes nothing. Let's see if we can make her 'speak' for starters)

"Uhh, you don't have to answer if you don't want to…" I stop speaking and fold my arms.

"But how the hell did you end up as you did?" I ask. Hitomi stares at me for a few seconds, then looks away.

"Boat." She 'answers'. Causing me to tilt my head with a questioning frown. Not that she could see it.

"I saw a small boat with a lot of people on it. In the sea, two days ago..." She adds a few seconds later…

(...Two days ago? I have a bad feeling about this...)

"And the boat was the one by the small cement dock near this house?" I ask, Hitomi just nods back…

(...Well, fuck me. Two days ago, 'we' were on the island. She saw us on our way back?)

"I followed the boat and…" Hitomi tightens the sheet around her as she starts speaking again.

"On the way, I found 'these' guys. They had seen the boat as well and were following it as well. We decided to go together, as we were going the same direction. But by the time we found the boat, it was abandoned. Seeing that this house was connected to where the boat was left, we decided to check it. But we found the house to be empty as well. The three then decided that it would be better if we waited for the ones with the boat to come back, as the house was secured..." Hitomi lets out a small sigh as she stops speaking…

(Wait, secured? I'm pretty damn sure we left the front fucking door wide open. If they said that to her. Then they 'knew' we were not coming back. They planned ahead in order to isolate her in the house?)

"They, were really friendly to me in the beginning. And everything seemed to be going fine, up to the moment when it got dark. Where we decided that it was too dangerous for us to leave. One of the guys said that he will stay up in case the other group comes back, while the rest of us went to sleep...but, just as I went to sleep...they...they" Hitomi starts slowing down, lowering her head, before she stops speaking completely.

"That's enough…" I say as I nod slightly…

(These guys had this going for two full nights and one day. Fucking hell, I really didn't make them suffer enough. Even if she was way too gullible, that does not excuse them.)

"Are you going to leave?" Hitomi asks right after.

"Yes, we know of an extraction point, in the center of this landmass." I respond flatly.

After that, there was a short silence. Until Hitomi got up, and went up the stairs. And then, silence once again.

"What do you intend to do?" Saeko asks after it was just the three of us at the table.

"I don't know…" I answer with a slight groan.

"Whatever you decide. I will be fine with it..." Saeko responds with a slight smile.

(That's, actually kind of brutal…)

"You think she can survive on her own? Even if she's less trusting of strangers now. She just, looks a bit…" Saya stops talking before she could end her sentence, as we heard footsteps by the stairs..

"Excuse me…" Just then, Hitomi walked down the stairs and speaks up. Causing us to turn towards her…

"I'll pay you, to take me to that extraction with you…" She says as she extends both arms towards us. Holding what I'm pretty sure, is a Katana…

I reflexively look towards Saeko, to see that she still had her own sword by her side, then turn back to Hitomi…

"Uhh. This belonged to?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"The one that had the crossbow, I overheard him say that he hid it inside the unused bed, between the mattress and the planks..." Hitomi explains as she walks up to the table, and leaves the sheathed sword on it.

"I'm going to give it to you, if you'll take me with you…" She adds right after…

"Aren't you being a bit too naive, what if we just take the sword now and leave without you?" Saya 'asks'.

"Would it make any difference if I didn't bring it? You could just lie to me, then throw me out after you had what you wanted from me…" Hitomi responds as she keeps looking at the sword.

"Why risk trusting us? You do realize that I killed these three, before I actually found out what they did to you." I add as I fold my arms…

"What other choice do I have? I can't fight, I won't make it on foot…" Hitomi says as she lowers her head...

"If you wanted to hurt me, you could have done so while I was still tied…" She adds as she lifts her head to look at me.

(Uhh, well. I 'could' use a sword, the bokken is nice and all but…)

"Saeko, mind if you check the blade for me, I trust you more than me when it comes to swords." I say as I turn to Saeko, who nods and gets up from her seat. Then walks up to the blade, stopping next to Hitomi.

"May I?" She asks as she turns to the girl. Hitomi nods and takes a couple of steps back. Saeko then takes the blade, and draws it.

She brings the tsuba close to one of her eyes as she closes the other. Pointing the blade straight ahead of her as she looks at the slightly curved sword. Then, she looks at the blade's handle...

"This is a Shin-gunto. As it's handle is made out of aluminum and it has no actual hand wrap. The pattern on the handle is in truth embossed on the aluminum. This type of sword was used by Japan during the nineteen-thirties and later on. Including in the Second world war. The blade looks, pretty well kept. A bit, too well kept. And as the swords created during the Second world war were actually of pretty low quality due to the limited resources. They either managed to find a sword that's over eighty to ninety years old, yet still in pristine condition. Or, it was forged recently, as an imitation." Saeko turns to me as she finishes explaining.

"Can it cut anything? Or it's going to be a clunkier bokken?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"It's viable as a blade. It might, need some maintenance…" She answers as she turns to look at the blade.

"But I can take care of that. And, if you want. I could give you some lessons on how to use it effectively." She adds as she turns to look at me with a smile.

"Yea, that would be a good idea. Or it I'll probably end up with a 'serrated' upgrade, what with all the chips it will end up having. Because I have no idea how to use a long blade." I respond with a nod.

(Most of my training before the outbreak was with knives or short blades. And what actual sword training I had did not include stuff like maintenance for real swords, or what can actually damage a blade, like swinging at a rock for example.)

"So, uhh. Hitomi, just don't expect to get the best part of the cut during your stay with us." I add as I turn to Hitomi.

"Thank you." She almost instantly responds as she bows...

"As I said, don't thank me yet..." I say as I turn around.

"Ok, so. You got the map?" I ask as I look at Saya.

"One sec." She responds as she gets up and goes to our bags, which were on the couch behind her. The same couch where I found out that Saeko indeed does, drool…

Without thinking, I turn to Saeko. To see her staring at the couch as well. After a few seconds, she also turns to glance at me. And, seeing how she ended up with a slight blush as she lowered her head and focused back at the blade in her hands. I'd say she was thinking of the same thing.

(She had the guts to walk up to me half-naked, and tell me that she's, 'willing to give me everything she is'. Yet now she's blushing over the couch? Then again, maybe she's embarrassed because she drooled on me there, rather than the fact that she slept on me…)

Saya, after fiddling with her bag, took the map out of it and then sat on the table opposite of me. I just kept staring at her as she lifted her head to look at me. After blinking a couple of times, she started glancing around…

"W,what are you staring at me for…" She whines as she keeps glancing around.

"Well, I can't see the map sooo…" I respond with a slight shrug.

"Then got over here you idiot." She groans as she folds her arms, still looking away.

I laugh lightly under my breath as I get up, motioning Saeko to also sit next to Saya. And like that, we ended with Saya to my left, and Saeko next to Saya. The map being in front of the pinkette. I glance at said map for a few seconds, then scratch the back of my neck.

"Without any real information on the roads ahead. Best we can do is keep straight on the beach, until we reach the road that's a straight line to the mansion…" I stop talking, and fold my arms on the table as I lean on it.

"Fat chance that we'll be so lucky though. For the road to stay drivable from start to finish." I add as I keep looking at the map.

"Corpses won't be a real problem, we have dynamite. As long as the road is not blocked by cars, we should be able to go forward." Saya adds as she also keeps looking at the map.

"What about the river?" Saeko asks.

"Uhh, even if the tide is low for the Humvee to drive up the stream, we won't be able to drive 'out' of the river. The walls are too high." I respond as I shake my head slightly. Saeko just nods back at me.

As I turn my head back towards the map, I spot Hitomi standing by the stairs, looking at us in silence…

"Hitomi, you know you don't need to stand there like a prisoner right? Except if you want to be a bouncer or something." I arch an eyebrow as I look at the girl.

"S,sorry." She responds with a slight bow, then lifts her head, and stays in place. Slightly lowering her head as he glances around…


"You can go anywhere you want, just stay close to the rest of the group." I add up as I keep looking at the girl.

"O,ok…" Hitomi nods meekly and trots to the table, taking a seat on the opposite side from us.

Right as I was about to turn back to the map, I felt a rather strong jab to my left side. Darting my head to the left, I find Saya pouting at me.

"Two, isn't enough for you?" She 'ask' as she narrows her eyes.

"I'm just trying to be friendly…" I respond as I jab her back.

Saya lets out a short squeak before trying to 'retaliate', by once again 'rapid-firing' at me. This time though, Saeko had not taken over half my body. So I was able to catch both her hands with relative ease. And while still holding both her hands, I pull her towards me. As she got off her seat and leaned towards me, I passed my left arm over her head, while still holding her hands. Causing her to turn around and end up on my left leg, with her back facing me. The way I was 'hugging' her right now, it honestly looked like she was wearing a straitjacket.

"H,hey!" Saya flails her legs as she starts squirming. After trying to break free for a minute or so with no avail. She pushes her back against me and scoots to a more comfortable position, then stops moving…

"What, giving up already?" I ask as I lean my head over her shoulder and turn to look at her.

"Hum. T, this was my plan from the get-go…" She says with a huff as she turns to look away from me, focusing her eyes on the map.

(Oh, really now.)

My sight then falls to Saeko. Only to find her, smirking?

(Uhh. Why is she….)

"So you were, aiming, for this?" Saeko says as she narrows her eyes. Slowly getting up with the smirk still on her face..

"Wha, what are you doing?" Saya's eyes went wide as she darted her head to Saeko, who was now slowly creeping up to Saya.

"Remember, loud noises, attract them..." Saeko whispers as she tilts her head and leans towards Saya.

"Wha,WhaaaaaaAAAA!" Before Saya could even start her sentence, Saeko had her hands on both of Saya's sides, squeezing her.

"S,stop!, AhhAA, t,that's not! Fair!" Saya starts squirming again as she tries to speak among her batted breaths. Saeko leans her face closer to Saya's ear as she keeps on with her 'attack'.

"Neither is you hogging him for yourself." She whispers.

"F,fine! Stop! S,Stop!" Saya's eyes were starting to tear up as she kept squirming around.

"Oook, Saeko. I think she got the point…" I say as I turn to the purple-haired girl and 'block' Saya's sides with my arms. Saeko then turns to me, with an obviously flushed face.

"But maybe, you didn't~" Saeko whispers as she now leans her face closer to mine…

(Is she. Oh boy, just from this?)

"Nope, loud and clear…" I respond with a flat tone.

"Are you sure, I would not mind, checking…" Saeko responds as she narrows her eyes slightly. Her smirk turning more provocative by the second..

"Yep, definitely sure…" I respond as I let go of Saya, then pat Saeko on the head. She closes her eyes, and switches to a 'normal' smile as she lets out a small sigh.

"As, you wish." She replies and backs off, then sits back on her seat like nothing ever happened. Saya also unsteadily got up from my leg and sat back on her seat, her eyes glued to the map, and her face as red as her hair.

But, you know who else had an excessively red face right now? The girl on the opposite side of the table. Hitomi was just staring at us, wide-eyed and as still as a deer in front of headlights…

"And look what you did now, Hitomi is all freaked out." I say as I dramatically point at her with both my palms open while looking at the two girls.

"D, don't mind me…" Hitomi responds meekly as she glances away.

(O well, the sooner she figures 'it' out the better.)

"Ekhem, anyway…" I 'clear' my throat and turn back to the blushing Saya.

"As I was saying, roads. The map these guys had was empty, so, we're going blind." I add up.

"We already confirmed that." Saya responds while still looking at the map.

"Yea, so. Before we drive off with the car, let's first check the roads up ahead. Then pick the one that looks 'cleaner'. Most of em should be uphill ones. And I remember that one of them had a big rig. The road that led to the pharmacy, that then led to the mall." I say as I keep looking at the map.

"Won't driving around with the car cause more harm than good? We will waste fuel, and the sound can get corpses to flock at the beach." Saeko asks as she leans on the table while looking at me.

"We won't drive." I answer flatly.

"Walking is even more dangerous." Saya butts in.

"We won't walk." I answer again. Causing Saya to turn to me with an arched eyebrow and a slightly annoyed frown.

"We have a small boat. And, we have fishing lines. I say we eat something that ain't canned today." I add up as I lean back on my seat and fold my arms.

Saya stared at me for a couple of seconds, and as she opened her mouth, her stomach grumbled.

"I'll take that as a yes?" I 'ask' as I tilt my head.

"S, shut up…" Saya whines as she hugs her stomach and looks away...

"Hmm, I would actually like to eat some fresh fish to be honest." Saeko adds right after.

(Yea, as the ones we caught on the island ended up being a waste, what with everybody tripping out. Better we don't mention this to Hitomi though, if she figures out it was us on that boat, she might start holding us responsible for what happened to her.)

"You are forgetting something. We have no lure." Saya says as she turns to look at me.

"Hmm, we could use some of the canned…" As I was about to speak, I remembered that Saeko said that we found some gum in the gas station.

"Gum." I tilt my head as I finish my sentence.

"Canned, gum?" Saya frowns even more as she raises an eyebrow and questionably tilts her head.

"Uhh, no. Saeko, where did you put the bubblegums you said we found?" I ask as I turn to the purple-haired girl.

"It's in the crate with all our food, you want me to bring them here?" She asks. I nod at her, and she nods back before standing up and walking past us, towards the door that led to the garage.

"Bubble gum? You can fish with bubble gum?" Saya asks, even more weirded out.

"I need to see it first. If it has a sweet, strong flavor, then yea. You chew a small part, then stick it to the hook. It also tends to be rather hard to detach from the hook afterward, so that's an extra. As there is the chance you can catch multiple fish without adding new bait." I respond as I turn to Saya.

She blinks at me a couple of times, then gets up and goes to her bag, takes her textbook and a pen, then comes back to me.

"Say all that again. This time slower, and in more detail." She says as she puts the textbook on the table and flips to a blank page.

(Heh, that's, actually kind of cute.)

"Cut a small part of the gum, chew it until it becomes sticky, then wrap it around the hook's point, after that press it to make sure it gets stuck on the hook and won't come off easily." I keep looking at Saya as I speak, who's now scribbling on the page with a focused expression.

"You three knew each other before the outbreak?" Hitomi asks as she keeps looking at us. Saya stops writing, but keeps looking at her textbook.

"No, Naier saved me when the outbreak first started…" Saya responds as she lifts her head to look at Hitomi.

"I did?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Locking me in a room with Kohta while drawing away the corpses. As idiotic as it was, if you haven't done that, I would have died there…" Saya responds as she turns to glance at me.

(Right, that did happen. But what else could I do? You're terrible at anything that has to do with athleticism. Not that I ever focused to see how you fared when we had same class exercises, but in that weird ass ps-vita pachinko game for highschool of the dead, you were horrible at sports. Or my pulls just sucked that much...)

"I see. You're, really lucky…" Hitomi lowers her head slightly as she starts speaking.

"The first living people I found, where these three…" She adds as she keeps looking away.

"We know we are lucky. And for me at least, Naier is the only real reason for still being here." Saeko, who just exited the door that led to the garage, spoke up.

"Heh, yea. Was it not for me, she would probably be chilling at some extraction point." I respond with a slight scoff as I look at Hitomi and motion my head towards Saeko.

"Naier, you know better than anybody. That I would have given up long before that." Saeko responds flatly as she sits to my right, placing the bubble gums in front of me.

"Or, you just wanted to hear me say it out loud?" She responds with a slight smile as she leans her body towards the table, then turns her head to look at me.

"Not, going to deny that." I take the rectangular package as I tilt my head. Opening the package, I find several thinner rectangles inside. And upon opening that wrapping as well, I find a piece of pink gum covered with white powder. I then lift my mask and balaclava until they are a little over my mouth, and bite off a small piece of the gum.

"Hmm, this should do. So, let's go fishing?" I ask as I lower my headgear and look at the girls.

"Uhh, yea. Sure…" Saya responds, with a rather disheartened tone...

(She doesn't sound very excited, then again. A rich girl like her might find fishing to be a bit too 'messy')

"You can stay back if you want." I say as I turn to Saya. She shakes her head and turns to me.

"Just, umm…" She purses her lips and starts pressing the tips of her index fingers to together as she lowers her head.

"You'll have to unhook what I catch." She adds as she folds her arms under her chest and lifts her head to look at me.

"Well, we only have three fishing lines. So one of us will be a lookout on the boat. You can do that if you want." I say as I keep looking at her. Saya shakes her head again.

"No, I want to try fishing." She responds flatly.

(My, our little princess doesn't know 'what' she wants.)

"Very well. Saeko, Hitomi? Who of the two of you wants to be the lookout?" I ask as I look at the two girls. And get, nothing.

"What, everybody wants to go fishing?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"It would be a good skill to have, so I would like to try." Saeko responds.

"I, have gone fishing before. With my father…" Hitomi responds with her head slightly lowered.

"Hmm, alright. I'm on binocular duty then. While you three fish, I'll check the roads." I nod as I get up from my chair.

"Saya, Saeko." I motion my head towards the garage door as I start walking towards it. The two girls glanced at Hitomi, then get up and follow me.

After entering the garage, I open the car's back door, and take the three fishing rolls from inside, then leave the Scar-H inside.

"Leave the big guns inside, keep the handguns." I say as I exit the car.

"And we'll need a bucket, we can probably get one from one of the bathrooms. Also, don't mention it was us on the boat just yet. We don't know how much of a handle Hitomi has on herself just yet." I add as I look at the three rolls. Saeko nods and turns to return to the previous room.

"Saya, keep the textbook with you, we'll take notes on the roads in there." I say as I turn to Saya, She nods and also turns to leave the room. Leaving me alone by the car.

(...I'm starting to get rather excited about this. It gives me the feeling of a very lame date.)

I turn to the car, close the door and lock it. Then exit the room as well and head to the table, take the binoculars, then head to the couch where we had our bags, and place the binoculars into mine. After that, I waited until the whole group was in the room. Before finally taking our stuff, and heading out the back gate...

After reaching the boat, we pushed it to the sea and entered it. Needless to say who was on rowing duty. So, we ended with me in the center, Saeko behind me on the 'front' of the boat, Saya in front of me to my left, and Hitomi to my right. The bucket in front of my legs.

"Ok, we will go a bit deeper in, then let the boat drift by the beach. I'll be on the binoculars, so if something's up. Tell me." I say as I keep rowing. Saya and Hitomi nod.

"Hitomi, you said you went fishing before right?" I hear Saeko ask behind me. Hitomi nods again in response.

"Hmm, then, Saya. Since me and you never fished before, how about a challenge?" Saeko asks again as she leans her head over my shoulder. Saya frowns slightly as she narrows her eyes, but stays otherwise quiet.

"The one who catches less. Will have to give up their 'spot' for a night." Saeko adds while still leaning over my shoulder. Saya keeps staring at Saeko for a couple of seconds, before frowning even more at her.

"Hum. Just don't come crying to me after you lose." Saya replies with a huff as she folds her arms...

Hitomi, was just glancing between the two girls with a questioning expression…

(...Lame date my ass, this is going to be a frigging battlefield.)