
Intertwined (1)

{Time: 6:30 PM}

{Location: Home}

I helped Georgia into my apartment and Rhea checked back to see if anyone followed us. She hurried in the apartment then closed the doors and cast a black mist on the doors and windows.

Georgia hurried to the couch then sat down. I sat beside her and sighed. Georgia leaned against me and held my arm. I looked down at Georgia.

"I'm sorry..." Georgia said softly. She played around with my finger like she always used to.

I watched her and the memories came back to me. I made Georgia look at me. She stared into my eyes. The world slowed down as I stared at her. I could vividly remember that time of the crash. Hearing her yell the name of the person who did it.

"Lance..." I said softly.

"Lance..?" Georgia asked and continued to stare into my eyes.

"He did it..." I said. "It was Lance.."

Georgia knew what I was talking about then looked down. She held onto me. "Lance did do it...he set you up for failure. He and Roman planned the entire thing.."

Rhea looked at me and Georgia. "So what now? They know where Kaden goes to college with. Roman knows Elizabeth now and essentially because of you, my human and his women are in danger!"

"Let's keep going. We are going to need allies when shit hits the fan. I'm gonna start with the Jocks. Tyler and Ryan. I don't know how long that's gonna take since I do have women to take care of as well." I said.

Rhea crossed her arms and sighed. "I hope you're prepared to walk around known as The Witch. That's what Isabella calls you anyways."

"And how does she know this?" Georgia asked.

"Don't worry about it, but listen...you can stay with me for however long you want. I want to fix everything and if the authorities can't deal with it...we will." I said and made her look at me.

Georgia stared into my eyes and placed her hand on my chest. She blushed as I held her chin.

"But we do everything on my terms..." I said softly.

"Okay..." Georgia nodded and stayed fixated into my eyes.

{Hypnosis. The Mental Push is absolutely insane.}

Rhea broke out of her trance as she watched me hypnotize Georgia. She shook her head and held her arms. "I guess he's starting to understand his Psychology Skills. Now we have to find out his artistic skills."

{Day: Monday}

{Time: 8:30 AM}

{Location: University Courtyard}

Georgia and I walked onto the courtyard together. I looked around for Isabella and stayed on the look out for Roman. Georgia was texting someone on her phone as she walked beside me.

Isabella snuck behind me and hugged me from behind. "Boo!~"

I looked back at Isabella and chuckled. I stopped walking then watched her walk in front of me. I held her waist. "Hey~ How did you sleep?~"

Isabella bit her bottom lip and got on her tippy toes, leaning closer. She stopped before kissing my lips. "It doesn't feel the same without you now..~"

I chuckled softly and knew she was putting on a show because Georgia was standing right there. Isabella kissed my lips and I kissed back. She pulled away and bit her lips.

"Oh haha! You're so funny.." Georgia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"The ex girlfriend is always getting the pity of a good man. You're old news now, so go on elsewhere." Isabella said.

Georgia rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hips. "You're talking like you really want to start shit. You're pretty irrelevant to me."

{New Choices Available!}

[Intervene (100% Success Rate)]

[Let them fight (Recklessness Increase)]

I separated the two and looked at both of them then wrapped my arms around them. "Let's get along now. There's enough of me to go around..~"

{Isabella is now Hypnotized.}

'If we want this to work, I need everyone to get along. I have my own agenda right now. I have to get this done before 10 AM. Ardent...' I thought to myself.

{Tracking Tyler...}

{Tyler Found: West Main Building}

'That's not too far off. Okay I need to get there quick.' I thought to myself.

"Georgia, Bella. I need to do something really quickly. I hope to be back before ten. Please don't kill each other while I'm done." I said.

"Ugh...Fine." Isabella sighed.

Georgia rolled her eyes. "Alright whatever."

I kissed both of their cheeks then hurried off.

{Time Remaining: 01:25:59}

I ran toward the West Main Building. A few people were in my way, but I was able to slip by each one smoothly. I was impressed by myself and looked at my hands. I hurried off and slid down the rails of the stairs.

I hopped off the rails and sprinted down a path into the West Main Building. I noticed a yellow silhouette. I ran toward the direction and noticed Tyler walking with Joshua. I hurried over to them.

"Tyler." I said as I walked toward them.

Tyler sighed at the sound of my voice and stopped walking. He turned around to look at me. "What is it?"

Joshua looked at Tyler then looked at me. "C'mon Ty, hear him out."

Tyler looked at Joshua then looked at me. "Alright, what do you want?"

"I'm sorry man. I'm sorry for stealing Brianna the way I did, and for beating you up twice...and beating up your leader...look I did some bad shit to you. But I need your help...and Ryan's." I said.

"Help? With what?" Tyler asked.

"My ex—Well my girlfriend and I are in big trouble. This gang I was beefing with back in my senior year and I got into it yesterday. They want to kill me and because of this, Summer City University could be in danger." I said.

"Wait what?" Joshua asked.

"Look. She and I were both manipulated. Her brother who is in this gang goes to this University and there's no telling how many men he brought." I said.

Tyler looked at me and crossed his arms. He closed his eyes. "You're lucky I've moved past whatever happened to me in the past. Joshua told me everything that's happened. Just name the place and time. Whatever you need I'll be there.."

I smiled at Tyler then held my hand out. Tyler looked at my hand then sighed and dapped me up.

{Jocks' Respect: 5% -> 20%}

{Time Remaining: 01:10:33}

"Thank you man, you won't regret it. I promise!" I said and hurried off.

Tyler watched me and looked at Joshua then shrugged.

Isabella sipped her coffee and frowned at Georgia. "Did you have sex with him last night?"

"Why is that any of your business..?" Georgia asked.

"Because you're known for manipulation. I find it strange that he's all okay with you after everything." Isabella said.

"This is a prime example of not knowing what goes on in private. Why are you watching on me so hard? You've got competition as well, shorty. You've got an entire Childhood Best Friend to worry about." Georgia said.

"Like I care? You are the one who hurt him and now you're as close to him as he is with the rest of us like nothing happened? I find bullshit in this!" Isabella said.

"You don't even know the full story. You don't know much of anything so you should stop obsessing over him. I know you're sucking his dick, but not in public." Georgia said.

Isabella scoffed and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Of course the slut is gonna mention dick sucking. I bet the guys you cheated with enjoyed that."

Georgia growled and gripped Isabella's shirt then pulled her closer. "I'm getting pretty fucking annoyed of your shit.."

Isabella looked at Georgia and smirked. "What are you gonna do about it?"

{Isabella is in danger.}

"Oh my God...why now?" I said then noticed a group of people walking in front of them.

I slipped by them and ran back to the courtyard as fast as I could. Once I made it to the courtyard, I noticed Georgia holding Isabella by her shirt near the fountain. I ran toward them.

"Your remarks are fucking childish. They are pissing me off. You are pissing me off!" Georgia said.

"Then what's the story? What is the ultimate truth you seem to be telling?!" Isabella asked.

I made it to them and separated the two. I sighed softly and looked at them. "You're causing an unnecessary scene. Why can't you two talk without any drama?"

"Babe, you sound like a hypocrite." Isabella said.

"Honestly." Georgia said.

"Both of you understand what I mean. Isabella, I'll tell you the entire truth once I get everything settled so can we all please get along?" I begged.

Isabella held my hand and looked at me. "Everything?"

I nodded at Isabella. "Everything.."

{Georgia and Isabella have calmed down.}

{Task Complete: Tyler can help.}

"You don't have to make it sound like a game." Rhea said.

{Time: 11:00 AM}

I walked out of the classroom and walked alone as Isabella had something important to do and Georgia wandered off somewhere. I was in deep thought and soon spotted someone leaned against the wall outside with a cigarette.

"You look lost." Janet said as she smoked the cigarette outside.

I looked at Janet then walked over to her. "I am lost. I'm in some deep waters this time."

"What do you mean?" Janet asked.

"I'm in danger. I've got this gang on me that wants me dead because of my father's business. It's the car dealership, West Equinox." I explained.

"West Equinox...My car comes from there. I've met your father some years ago when I got my first car. He's a charmer and I understand where you get it from. What can I do to help?" Janet asked.

"Wait, you want to help?" I asked.

"Why not. I help get whatever you need from me and you do everything I want in return." Janet smirked.

I looked at Janet and chuckled softly then crossed my arms. "Alright, I'm in."

Janet smiled and got off the wall then walked off. "See ya~"

I watched Janet walk off and bit my bottom lip.

"God, I can't wait for you to bang Janet. I can tell she needs it badly." Rhea said.


"The number you are trying to call—"

Georgia grunted and stomped on the ground. "C'mon Kofi pick up! Kofi!"

Kofi finally picked up the phone. "Who the fuck is hitting my line this fucking crazy? What do you want?"

"Kofi please! I need your help...You and Adam are the only two I can count on. Me and Kaden are in some deep shit right now with my brother and the gang." Georgia said.

"Gang? Are you talking about the corny ass gang Crimson Crows? The one Lance leads?" Kofi asked.

"Roman and everyone wants Kaden dead...I don't want him dead. I know you and Adam don't want him dead! So please help us. Get your buddies because we need help." Georgia begged.

Kofi sighed. "If it's for Kaden's safety then alright, but you are still on our watch list."

Georgia smiled and nodded. "Great!~ Thank you Kofi!~"

"Whatever." Kofi said and hung up.

Georgia giggled and skipped down the alleyway. She hummed as she slipped then soon stopped skipping and looked back.

"It should be illegal for a woman like you to be so dumb." The woman that stood behind her said.

She has fair skin, light blonde, bottom-length hair that's held up in twin-pigtails. She had a a thin, lithe, body with small breasts. She wore a black hoodie with cat ears, and black and white striped stockings.

"I don't have time for your shit today Annette." Georgia said.

Annette walked over to Georgia then sprinted at her. She twirled around into a hook kick. Georgia dodged the hook kick then put her phone away. She slipped through one of Annette's punches then delivered a powerful body shot.

Annette groaned and held her side then stepped backwards. She chuckled while in pain then exhaled. "That was a good one.."

Georgia watched Annette then grunted as she ducked under a spin kick then hit Annette with a counter sweep kick. She got Annette on the ground, but Annette kicked Georgia off her and into a wall.

Georgia groaned and wobbled a bit. She looked up and noticed Annette getting up. She sighed then evaded Annette's punch then rushed forward into a knee strike. She followed it up with a spinning kick then spun again and kicked her side. Annette groaned and leaned to the side. Georgia pushed Annette away then dusted her hands off.

"Never forget Kaden actually taught me how to fight. Now you go tell my brother to leave us alone until we're ready." Georgia said then walked off. She bumped into Annette as she walked off.

Annette held her side and walked off.

{Route Progression Possible (Isabella & Georgia)}