
Drive to the Finish

{Time: 3:00 PM}

{Location: Equinox Arena}

Nova hopped up and down, preparing herself for the sparring match. She stared at me and noticed me just standing still. She tilted her head and noticed a smirk on my face.

"Not prepping? You're that confident?" Nova asked.

I watched Nova stretch and placed my hands in my pockets. "I'm just thinking about the past...Back in middle school when I would spend the weekends here, we always sparred before having fun in the arcade."

Nova smiled and smacked her fist against her palm and got into her fighting stance. She chuckled and winked at me. "We can hit the arcade after this like old times~"

"The Wright Bloodline...Kaden is a much more important figure than I could ever realize." Isabella said as she watched from the spectator area.

"Yeah, and that girl...Another childhood friend." Brianna said.

Lexi smiled and crossed her arms. "I wish to be like her...that confidence is what I really need."

Kasumi watched Nova closely. "If she's here, I wonder if Ricky and Dante are here as well."

{Scanning Nova...}

{She's pretty strong. She can use three Bio-Elements. Wind, Lightning, and Fire. Strategize carefully and don't be afraid to sync with Rhea but understand your limitations.}

"Gotcha." I said and got into my fighting stance.

{Connecting to Equinox Speakers...}


{Nova vs. Kaden shall commence...Ready...Begin!}

Nova smirked and dashed toward me. She went for a spinning back fist, but I blocked it and dodged her punch then went for the counter, but she blocked my counter then grabbed my arm. She flipped me over her shoulder, but I rolled forward and pivoted into a sprint toward her.

I side stepped and hit her with a sweep kick. I got on the ground and hit her with a breakdancing flare kick. Nova grunted as she was hit and recovered on her feet. She hopped up and down then smirked.

"He's not good in sports, but I believe all the fighting and fighting styles he does really helps him with normal everyday tasks and activities. He just did a breakdance power move." Brianna said.

"Acrobatics seems to be his thing, but when I watch him fight, his moves are always so calm. It's like he's reading his opponents while fighting." Chloe said.

Nova chuckled and had a slight bounce to get fighting stance. "So you think you can use my Street Style against me?~ That was really cute, but let me show you how a master does it!"

Nova dashed toward me and electricity crackled around her legs. She performed a Shoulder Spin, kicking waves of electricity at me. I dodged the waves of electricity then dodged her NY Flare kicks into a Double Coin drop. I dodged the ray of electricity she fired at me from her feet.

I watched Nova get up and chuckled. "That was too easy to dodge..~ Also your Street Style needs some work, my Brazilian Queen..~"

Nova smirked and began doing the Ginga Step. "You haven't seen anything yet..~"

Brianna watched Nova closely and held her arms. She seemed to be interested in Nova and her Street Style. "Capoeira and her Street Style together..."

"Nova is a very acrobatic woman. This style fits her perfectly." Royal said.

Nova rushed toward me and went for a spinning kick, but I dodged it. She used Envisage and her eyes shined. She read my next move then grabbed my shoulder and hit me with an elbow strike. She kicked me back and hit me with a barrage of flares then kicked me upwards.

Nova bellowed and sparks crackled around her hands. She fired a bolt of fire from her hands and propelled herself toward me then spun around into a kick that knocked me down. I landed on the ground and grunted.

Rhea was a bit surprised to see Nova use Envisage. "What..? How did she use that technique..? Is Nova a descendant of the Mituski Clan as well..?"

I stood up and grunted. "Well, I guess you also have Envisage. You're the first to actually catch me off guard, genuinely."

Nova chuckled and kept moving as she watched me. She smirked as she stared at me. "I am a descendant of the Mituski Clan as well, Kaden~ Of course I would also have Envisage just like your brother and sister do."

I smiled and chuckled. I got back into my fighting stance. "Interesting...however I should let you know, I know how you truly fight now..."

Nova smirked and dashed toward me and hopped up in the air, twirling and went for the kick. She noticed I dodged her Whirlwind Kick and looked surprised.

"My Envisage has surpassed vauge sights. Your chances of winning are slim.." I said and blocked her next kick.

I kicked her back then dashed toward her. I slid forward and read her spinning kick. I countered with a flare into a cartwheel kick, knocking her upwards. I landed on my feet and twirled into a powerful back kick. Nova groaned as she was knocked backwards and coughed. She rolled on her side and grunted lightly.

Nova slowly got up and looked at me. She bit her bottom lip and took her jacket off. Nova began to get serious. "It seems like you haven't been slacking, but it's time to kick it up into Maddening Mode now."

I stared at Nova and smirked. I noticed a high wind picking up and lightning crackling around her body. "Alright let's go.."

Nova dashed toward me at lightning speeds and went for a swift sweep kick. I evaded her sweep kick and blocked her NY Flare. She twirled around into an Air Flare, but I blocked that as well. She twirled around and hopped up with a twirl and kicked down at me with lightning around her leg. I evaded her last kick then countered with a gut check. Nova coughed then groaned as she was kicked away.

Nova landed on her feet and propelled herself toward me with her Bio-Wind. She went for a double kick, but I dodged both of them and parried her punch. I ducked under her blazing right hook then got hit with an electrifying left hook.

Nova was a bit surprised to see how I just took the hit. She stepped back and felt a terrifying presence within me. She jumped backwards and braced herself. "What is that..?"

I chuckled and dark orange aura surrounded my body. I tapped into Sin Mode and activated my Gluttony Drive. "I guess I should start getting serious too huh?"

Orange Mist formed around the arena and Nova looked around herself. She quickly began to feel hungry for energy. The Orange Mist began to enter her body fueling her Bio-Energy, allowing her to grow stronger.

Kasumi knew of this Gluttonous Technique. 'Addiction Inducement..? He's gonna make her Overload with power...' She thought to herself.

Nova grunted and began to resist the Orange Mist. She felt overly energized and groaned as her Bio-Energy began to burst from her body. "A Forbidden...Technique..?! How do you know...that technique..?!"

"The question is how are you going to fight against it?" I said then dashed toward her.

Nova noticed me vanish before her very eyes. I appeared behind her and kneed her back. She groaned as I sapped some energy from her body. I followed it with a Mist Strike, using the mist to knock her toward me. I grappled Nova and suplexed her. Nova rolled backwards and stood up, she noticed I was gone then looked around.

"Behind you." I chuckled and struck her with a spinning 540 kick, knocking Nova away.

Nova grunted softly and slowly got up. She noticed the mist turning purple and looked at me as she stood up. I looked at her and my aura changed into dark purple energy.

"What is that..?" Chloe asked.

"It's kinda like a technique. A Forbidden Technique known as Sin Drives. Those Drives can only be obtained through the bond of a Demon, like Rhea." Lexi explained.

"Why are they forbidden?" Georgia asked.

"Because once you bond with a Demon by having sex with them, the human slowly becomes a demon themselves and the first stage is access to Sin Drives." Royal explained.

Nova looked at me and hopped up and down then smiled at me. "Alright, let's dance."

I chuckled and noticed Nova move around me at lightning speeds. I began to use my Envisage to dodge each attack Nova threw at me. I blocked her next attack then sensed her appear behind me and ducked under her kick.

Nova landed in front of me then groaned as I struck a pressure point in her body. I dodged her kick then struck another pressure point on her torso.

'He's perfectly striking my weak points..! He's trying to shut off my technique..!' Nova thought to herself then began performing multiple flares, forming a tornado around herself with her Bio-Wind.

'He's only granted Weakness Detection, Power Negation, and Pride Empowerment with his Level 1 Drive...but that's really all he needs. Mmmm!~ My Kaden just makes me so proud!~' Rhea thought to herself and giggled.

I dodged the razor winds that Nova fired at me then chuckled. "Let's end this..."

Nova dispersed the tornado creating powerful wind currents around the stadium. She began to surf along the currents and launched bursts of wind at me. I dodged the bursts of wind and ran around the stadium.

Nova used her Envisage to predict my next move. She caused a bolt of lightning to crash down at me. I noticed the bolt of lightning then dodged it and noticed a second bolt. The bolt crashed down and caused an explosion.

"Kaden!" Isabella said in awe and watched.

"Holy shit..! This fight is kinda crazy.." Chloe said and leaned forward.

Rhea watched then noticed the purple mist turn pink and a smirk curled on her face. "My favorite Drive..~"

Nova watched and grunted as the pink mist began to induce her with arousal. She noticed dark red and pink aura within the smoke. The smoke cleared and revealed my Synced Sin Mode.

Nova panted as she looked at me then tried to run toward me, but she was too aroused. Her arousal caused her to fall to her knees. She grunted as she tried to resist the urge to orgasm. The more Lust Mist entered Nova's body, the more lustful Nova became to the point she couldn't fight anymore.

"I can see why these techniques are forbidden. They hold too much power, but at least they are in the right hands." I said then snapped my fingers and the lust energy within Nova awakened.

Nova moaned loudly as she had an explosive orgasm. She fell to the ground and her body trembled and jolted.

{Match Over! Kaden wins!}

"What the hell happened to her? She had an orgasm without Kaden having to even touch her!" Georgia said.

Rhea smiled and stood up. "Sin Drives are a wonderful thing, but hard to master and definitely not easy to control. Lance and Ketsuko wanted their hands on me when I first arrived on Earth...however my sights were already on Kaden."

Georgia looked at me and watched me help Nova up. "Why?"

"There was already something about Kaden that made me attracted to him. When he crashed, I saved his life after you left him. I took care of him. I trained him. I had sex with him to make the bond official. His first time using Sin Mode...was against an old member you remember mysteriously disappearing." Rhea answered.

Georgia's eyes widened and she looked at Rhea. "He killed Tanner?"

Rhea giggled and walked off. "With ease~"

Georgia watched Rhea disappear and thought about her words. She had a flashback to when she last spoke to Tanner and the reports about Tanner being missing. She looked at me and noticed my smile when talking to Nova.

{Time: 3:45 PM}

"You still suck at this, Nova." I laughed as I beat her in another match on the Arcade.

"Nah! You cheated that time!" Nova said and pointed at me.

"Looked totally clean to me." Elizabeth said as she played Pokemon Go on her phone.

"You weren't even watching!" Nova barked at Elizabeth.

Isabella smiled as she watched us then looked at Chloe and Brianna. "I wanna learn how to fight just like her. Her moves were so acrobatic and awesome..!"

"Way more graceful than Kaden's brutal style of Martial Arts." Chloe giggled.

"He has like two modes, his Intelligence Style of fighting where he's pretty graceful and careful with his moves. And then there's his Primal Style where he's more swift and deadly with his strikes. I wanna learn his 540 Kick..~ It looks so amazing." Brianna said.

"Actually, I don't even think you can call it 540 if he's spinning that much. He spins like three times so it's like a 1620 Kick." Chloe said.

Isabella put on her glasses and held up one finger. "Uhm ackshually because he spinsh at leasht three timesh itsh ackshually a 1620 Kick!"

"Oh fuck you." Chloe laughed a bit and pushed Isabella.

Brianna laughed a bit and shook her head.

Rhea watched everyone and noticed Georgia sitting alone. She walked over to Georgia. "Why are you here alone?"

Georgia crossed her arms and looked away. "You've said enough to me. I really just want to be alone right now.."

"Oh now you're in your feelings? Tanner came at him first, plus Tanner wasn't that good of a person anyway. He assaulted Kaden's sister so he had it coming. It was self defense.." Rhea said.

Georgia looked down and sighed. "I didn't know about the assault thing, but Tanner was like a close relative to me. Literally a day after I saw him, he disappeared. It kinda hurt...but I guess he did have it coming.."

"Kaden's actions have been all self defense. There was never a time other than his fight with Ryan where he struck first, and that was because he had no other choice. You can't be close with Kaden and not be close to the other women. He doesn't want you all to hate each other. So just go over there and actually enjoy yourself. You're one of us now.." Rhea said and gently ruffled Georgia's head.

Georgia looked up at Rhea then looked at the other women. She noticed how much fun everyone was having together. She got up and walked over to us.

'Like Kaden said about Kasumi...it applies to you Georgia as well..' Rhea thought to herself and watched Georgia.

Georgia walked over to Royal and Lexi. She noticed they were playing a card game. "Hey...Is it okay if I play too?"

Lexi looked at Georgia then looked at Royal. Royal shrugged and began to shuffle the cards. She didn't really seem to care much.

"Sure...Have a seat." Lexi smiled.

Georgia smiled and sat at their table.

'Some people deserve a second chance...' Rhea thought to herself and smiled.

{Generating Rewards...}

{Credits Earned: 21,500 Credits}

{Routes Progressed!}

{Isabella's Route: 30% Cleared}

{Chloe's Route: 30% Cleared}

{Brianna's Route: 25% Cleared}

{Elizabeth's Route: 25% Cleared}

{Georgia's Route: 25% Cleared}

{Lexi's Route: 20% Cleared}

{Royal's Route: 15% Cleared}

{Kasumi's Route: 15% Cleared}

{Nova's Route: 5% Cleared}