

We met by chance, fell in love but fate had other plans

Airforce · Ciudad
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1 Chs


Three realms, heaven for the gods, hell for the demons and human for the human beings coexisted in peace..Each staying in their own realms without fighting against each other. Years ago this was not possible especially between the gods and demons. They had constantly pushed and fought against each other, each wanting this or that. The demons called for a war against the gods. The war was later called 'vitani'. The war took seven days and the aftermath saw the sealing of the powers of the great demon king, Kovu. The gods had won only because of the extensive planning and of the leader of the realm of the gods, Amani. The demons were later forced to retreat back to hell, never to disturb the peace of the humans and since their powers were already scarce due to the sealing of Kovu, the demons had no other choice but to retreat, the gods had won.

The existence of peace between the gods and demons was somewhat forced because of the sealing of Kovu's powers. But on closed doors things were different, each fighting for a piece of what they had been fighting for all along, the human realm.

The human realm existed only because of the peace created by gods after the battle of Vitani. The battle took a whole seven days. The heavens rumbled and deafening voices and sounds were heard and a red hue was formed in the skies, the humans said..."look! the heaven is burning..." and after seven days, the hue was replaced by a white that engulfed the whole human realm for another seven days. After seven days, no other sounds were heard and the humans said...."The fire has been extinguished...."

Humans did not have special abilities like the gods and demons and only existed in the normal human cycle, birth then later death. They would practice agriculture and other things that would bring income but their specialties were not extensive as those of the other two realms.

The humans realm had people called, cultivators, people believed to be able to talk to the gods. The humans called them 'godly representatives' and they had special abilities and supernatural powers.

Humans set up places where they would worship the gods. They were representatives were the cultivators who knew what and how to pray to receive blessings.


godly realm.

The gates were golden and the setting sun made them look extra beautiful. The walls surrounding the heavens were built extra high, where the eyes cannot reach.

The great god, Amani was taking strolls down the pavilion. The pavilion had a water font which added to the beauty of the heavens. It had been years after Kovu was sealed and the heavens regained it's original beauty, only that it was a tad above how it looked before the war.

Amani was loved both by humans and the gods. Even as he walked down the pavilion, the people who walked near stood, trying to catch a glimpse of the great god who sealed the powers of the great demon king Kovu.

In the human realm, the temples belonging to Amani had overflow of gifts and offerings and was always full from the inner chambers to the gates.

A man wearing a long blue robe with white sleeves rushed up towards Amani. He was clean and carried a fan which he covered half of his face with. Amani did not look disturbed, maybe already used to the other guys antics.

The man moved to block Amani's way as a foolish grin replaced the serious face he held before jumping to block the other god.

"Amani.....don't you ignore me again. You are making me lose face....Ah great god listen to this humble servant of yours...." he rumbled about for a long time before being shoved away by Amani who exaggeratedly cleaned his purple sleeves before saying in a voice full of mockery,

"Mighty god of rain, Mvua.. humans have lacked rain for the last two months....what are you doing about it?"

Mvua cursed. This guy didn't even know what fun meant. Always so serious about work and work alone.

He looked at the god of peace and sighed. Amani was a good looking fellow. Very clean and always wearing purple robes. He was very handsome and it could be said that in whole of the heavens, no one had looks closer to his. He loved peace and quiet. Even after sealing Kovu, he never took the credit and instead lived on like it was any other day. His face was good but it was such a pity, Mvua thought that with this god's stoic face, he would never find a suitable woman...Such a waste of handsomeness.

Mvua sighed and leaned towards Amani, grown gone, replaced with rare seriousness he asked, "How long is that seal going to hold Kovu before he erupts again?"

Amani run his hands through his long locks, face stoic as always but it could not seal the impatience and worry. He answered,

"Probably a thousand years. It might not take long. Reinforcements are needed to keep it steady"

Mvua already understood what he was trying to say. A thousand years was already exaggeratedly long because this was Kovu they were talking about. This peace they had created was just a facade and the war of Vitani was not the greatest war. Locking up Kovu's powers was not a guarantee for peace. After all there were still the other demons who were already trying to wreck havock, trying to break the seal. The Demon realm had lost a right arm, but the left was still there.

If Kovu broke free then...

A thousand years was a miscalculation, after a hundred years, the seal began to break..