
Chapter 2

Most of the wealth generated in Black Ridge is through the black mines in the demon mountain area of the west end. And majority of the people are forced to work in the mines by Lord of Black Ridge.

All the able bodied commeners of the land where forced to work in the mines while the children of the land usally all take shelters in places run by the gangs. In one such places sultan opens his eyes.


Groaning sultan opens his groggy eye's. He see that he is in a large hall, thin matres is laid in rows and on them kids of different ages lay asleep. There are small windows near the top of the wall through which morning light comes in.

Slowly getting up sultan finds balance on his feet and starts to go out. The sun was not out yet but looking up the sky he concludes that it was near sun dawn.

He did not see anybody awake so he just started waking under the shade of the sky. In this still environment he was remineded of his circumstance and a look of deep sadness wells in him.

Because of the rebellion he lost his enverything, burned that day. But what the people who caused this don't realise is that the embers of their deeds sparked a blasé in his heart which still burns in him, getting stronger with each passing moment to one day when it will unleash. That will be the end of…

"haha… little rat what do you have their, come on give it to us."

"yeah didn't your father thought you to share."

Sultans attention was caught by a group of three teens who where cornering a kid who didn't seem older than 7.

"Don't talk about by father." The young kid shouted aloud at the kids twice his size.


"yo little twerp how dare you shout at us." The rest also followed on hiting the kid when one guy smacked the kid down.

Sultan saw their interaction but had no thoughts of interfering in whatever was happening and decided to go back inside. But does want he want really need to happen, well guess not as one of the boys saw him by the corner of his eye.

"Hey you, who are you."

"I'm nobody please continue whatever your doing."

The world is cruel and he has seen the ugly side of this world in the revbileon and he is not in any delisuon to be a hero. Nor do the people who the ridge knew the meaning of the word hereo. So it was perfectly normial that not a lot of people will extent a helping hand to those in need, not the teen bullies or the kid getting beaten up was expecting any thing different.

"where do you think your are going. Go drag him here." Sultan didn't want anything to do with this people but the teen bully had different thoughts than him he said one of the other guys to bring him close.

Walking up to Sultan he grabbed his collar pulling him towards they are the boys and through him to the floor next to the kid.

Being handled like that rage bulid up in Sultan and he looked with angry eye towards the teens.

"what you looking at you mutt."

" Haha"

Laughing at their childish insults they sneered at Sultan. But Sultan was still glaring at the four of which touched a nerve in them.

"lower your head you dog."

Seeing Sultan still looking at them they started hitting him .

Now with his hand covering his head Sultan took the beating of the teens. He did not want to make a scene here so he let them hit him.

"look he has some fancy clothes." The guys noticed that Sultan was wearing clothes not usually available for most people of the Ridge.

"Must be a bastard of some noble but after his whore mother died he was thrown to the streets."

And that is exactly why you should think before you speak cause this teens were in for a lesson now.