
The Hidden Evil

Sukuna sighed when he saw the villain get away, he had used up all his cursed energy and it would take some time to recover.

He soon noticed that the whole USJ was filled with negative energy.

'Is it because of the villains?'

He activated his quirk and absorbed all the Energy.


Soon, because of continuously exhausting his Cursed Energy reserves and replenishing them he broke through Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcer level. Now, his cursed energy was many times more than before giving him immense confidence.

'Interesting, so if I constantly exhaust my cursed energy reserves and replenish it. It becomes easier to break through.'


In a bar, in someplace

Shigaraki got warped inside the bar and dropped on the floor, bleeding from his hands and legs.

"I was shot in both arms and legs"

"We completely lost..."

"Even Nomu was defeated."

"The kids were strong, The Symbol of Peace was healthy"

"You were wrong, Master!"

Shigaraki gritted his teeth and shouted, and a deep voice replied

"I was not wrong."

"We just weren't prepared enough"

"It's good that we did it under the cheap name of "League of Villains" "

"Anyway, what about Nomu?"

Shigaraki gritted his teeth and replied

"... He was blown away"

After a moment of silence the voice replied,


"Well, it can't be helped."

Shigaraki suddenly seemed to remember something,

"That's right there was one kid who was able to fight against Nomu, if he had not stalled for time then we could have killed so many kids before All Might arrived. There was also that kid who was just as fast as All Might, had he not gotten in the way then, we might have been able to kill All Might."

"That brat.. that brat!"

The voice seemed interested,


"Of course you have regrets"

"But not everything was futile, We cannot move freely that's why we need a symbol like you"

"Tomura Shigaraki. Next time show the world that you are to be feared!"



"Other than the kid who got both his legs fractured everyone else seems unharmed"

"Let's have the kids return to class, it's not as if we are gonna question them now"

Suddenly, Asui asked with a worried expression

"Mr. Detective, how is Aizawa sensei?"

"He suffered multiple fractures in his hands and face, fortunately, there is no damage to his brain, but there might some aftereffects which could affect his eyes"

The students had complicated expressions when they heard that,

"Thirteen, All Might, and the kid are also fine they will be able to survive without any complications"

"Alright, now head back to class"



The students all went back to class, but someone could not hold it anymore and said,

"Hey, the Class rep was so cool fighting that Villain right?"

"Yeah, he is on a different level"

"As expected of the class rep"

"To be honest, I thought he was showing off when he said he was the strongest in class, but seeing him today, I am convinced."

Sukuna did not know that his classmates were talking about him. Even if he knew he wouldn't care. With his curse Energy level reaching Grade 1 he could fight longer and use Domain Expansion twice and still have some cursed energy left. He also noticed that villains radiate a lot of Negative emotions which he can absorb and replenish his Cursed Energy during a fight. If he had figured it out before, then his fight with the Nomu would have been easier.


Because of the villain incident, the school was temporarily closed and Sukuna had to stay at home. The woman was becoming more and more of a crybaby when she heard that he fought with a villain she almost ripped his shirt off trying to see if he had any injuries.

After a few days, school started again, and when Sukuna entered the class, he noticed that almost everyone had a respectful expression on their faces when they looked at him. Sukuna was confused, but he did not care.

Just as everyone was discussing who would take the class because Aizawa was injured,


Everyone exclaimed,

"Huh? Sensei? you are back too soon!"

"Sensei are you alright?"

"My well being does not matter, moreover the fight is not yet over"

"Not over yet!?"

The atmosphere became depressed when they heard that,

"...The U.A sports festival is drawing near"

After a moment of silence, the whole class erupted.

Kirishima pumped his fists,

"Finally a normal school event!"

But, Kaminari seemed worried about something,

"Wait a minute!"

"But! to hold it just after Villains snuck in, isn't it dangerous"

Aizawa replied,

"Apparently they think of it as U.A showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event"

"Security will also be increased 5 times that of previous years"

"Moreover our sports festival is a huge chance"

"It's not an event which would be canceled because of a few villains"

"Our sports festival is one of the biggest events in Japan, The U.A festival has replaced Olympics which is now just a shell of its former glory"

Momo added,

"Of course all the top heroes around the country will be watching, for scouting purposes"

Aizawa nodded his head,

"Yes, Joining a famous agency will give you more opportunities"

"Time is limited, if you want to go pro then the sports festival will be your starting point!"

"Once a year! Only 3 chances in total, no aspiring hero will miss this chance"


Sukuna was deep in thought after the class,

'U.A sports festival huh? I am not interested in playing with kids but about the scouting...'

Ever since he felt All Mights injury he had been thinking about a lot of things.

'To be able to harm All Might to such an extent... so there is a Villain as powerful or even stronger than All Might in his peak?'

Sukuna sucked in a deep breath, he was just thinking that he might be able to take on almost any Villain after breaking through Grade 1 sorcerer level, but it seemed he was being naive. They were surely some strong Villains out there.

Sukuna clenched his fists,

'I must reach Special grade as soon as possible.'


There were 2 weeks left before the sports festival and everyone trained hard for it, the days flew by

and the morning of the sports festival arrived.

The entrance of U.A was crowded with people and reporters,

"Man, they sure are taking a long time with the security checks"

"Well, there was the villain attack just recently"

"It's always the third years who are the most popular in the past years but this time everyone is looking forward to the first year's performance, Especially Class 1-A."

"Hey, did you know, Endeavors son, is a first-year this year"

"No way, seriously? Wow"

"I also heard there is a student already on the level of a pro hero in the first years!"

"Huh? No way right?"


In the Class 1-A waiting room,

The atmosphere was tense and everyone was getting ready for the festival,

Ojiro broke the silence,

"I wonder whats the first round gonna be..?"

Tokoyami was pretty calm and replied cooly,

"No matter what comes we have no choice but to deal with it"

Sukuna was the most chilled out among, he had his feet on the table and his hands behind his back. He even had the time to tease Momo causing others to make wry smiles,

Mina and the girls were discussing in low voices,

"Hey, don't you think the class rep and deputy class rep are close?"

Asui replied,

"Yeah, yeah, they even call each other by their first names"

Jiro seemed displeased about something

"Do you think they are a couple?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed,

"Hey, Todoroki is heading towards the class rep!"

Sukuna noticed Todoroki come towards him and narrowed his eyes,

'The ice guy huh?'

"Class Rep, objectively speaking, you and I are the strongest in class, I heard you call yourself the strongest, but I don't agree with it. "

"Just you watch, I am going to beat you!"

Sukuna grinned when he heard that, he slowly rose from his chair and started walking towards Todoroki, the tension in the air was increasing and all the students were fired up by the confrontation.

Sukuna brought his face real close towards Todoroki and grinned wildly,

"Hey, scarface, I know you have a few more tricks up your sleeve, but it's useless, I will show you why I am the class rep."

Todoroki frowned at being called scarface and the atmosphere turned chilly but he suddenly saw a set of ferocious Blood Red demon eyes behind Sukuna which sent a chill down his spine, he took a step back and left the room with a sullen face.

'Heh, to be able to withstand my aura, this Todoroki sure is talented.'

Momo came to Sukuna and scolded him

"Sukuna, you were being mean, as the class rep you should not insult a student like that"

"Don't worry I just gave him a reason to go all out"


Todoroki POV,

'Damn it! To think I would be frightened by just the aura he released!'

'I will beat him! Even if I have to use my stupid old man's Quirk!'...

