

As I write this I'm thinking of so many ways to kill myself but I'm not doing it why? Cause I think I also think about what I can be when I get older and how my family will be but I know that my future husband will cheat or stay .

Hi I'm iyanna and I hate my body I'm fat and black so just imagine being me not getting asked out or anything I sit at tables alone with my headphones in listening to sad songs. My body has scars from me cutting myself and I look in the mirror everyday and cry get even more upset with my looks i have short hair and i really can't do anything with it so now imagine how I feel. My first time I took 9 pills and I was like "oh shit what did I just do" but I was fine after that day me and my mom got into an argument and I took more then got addicted to just popping pills and everything I did it got worse I thought my life was messed up .