

The police knocked on her door and she opened it.Gigi ran to her and she slapped her in the face four times, she started pulling her hair too and she kicked hard her in the stomach.The policemen stopped her.

Gigi....Let go of me! You never know when to stop, do you? Why did you keep on pestering my man when he showed you that he doesnt love you anymore?? Let go of me, i need to put some sense in this whore!

Joseph....Calm down dear.

Hannah was taken to the police station.

Policeman....Tell us everything now!

Hannah....Okay, i will.

She told them evrything and also the forest she was in where Morgan was abducted from.

Joseph....Okay, arrest her.

Hannah....Please spare me, i've told you everything.

Gigi...No way! You put my man's life in danger and you shamelessly ran away without even informing us about what happened?!

Hannah....I was scared that you will put in jail.

Joseph....Enough of the talking, take her in.


Hannah pleaded but she was not forgiven.Morgan was taken to an old abandoned house in the countryside.

Man....Hy pretty boy! Wake up already!

Man....He has been unconscious since we hit his head, did he die?

Man....His not dead because his still breathing.

Man....Its no use to keep him here if his not waking up.

Man....What if his faking it?

Man....His not, may be we hit him hard or on the spot where he has been once hit.


Man....Lets call someone on his phone and ask for money because its obvious that his rich.

They seaeched through his phone and saw Joseph's number since he saved him as dad.

Man....Lets call his dad for ransom.

Man....Yes, lets do it.

They called Joseph and he answered.

Man....We have your son and we want money.

Joseph...So you are the one with my son?

Man....Just send us money if you want to see him alive.

Joseph....Okay, how much?

Man....We want....ten million dollars.

Joseph....No problem, am going to send it as along as you give me my son back.

Man....You bet!

They ended the call.

Man....He didnt even care how much the money was, he just wants his son alive.

Man.....He might be really rich.

Joseph was still at the police station.

Joseph....Track this number, those with my son just called asking for ransom.

Policeman....On it Sir! Luckily, our men are already at the forest and we will send them the location to rescue your son soon.

Gigi....Dad, what if his badly hurt?

Joseph....He will be fine, dont worry dear.

They successfully tracked them down and the police went there.They ambushed them and they rescued Morgan who was still unconscious.They brought an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital.The goons who abducted him were arrested.They went to the hospital and Jesca also arrived.Gigi was still crying non stop.

Jesca....How is my son?

Joseph....We are waiting for the doctor to come out.

The doctors came out with Morgan unconscious on the sickbed and took him to the ICU.

Gigi....Wait...whats going on? Why are they taking him to the ICU??

Jesca....Doctor please tell us whats going on?

Doctor....We need to operate on him because he was hit on the wounded spot yet he was still recoveting.


Jesca....This cant be happening again.What did my son do to deserve this?

Gigi....Please God, save him.

Jesca....Now where is that bitch who caused all of this to my son??

Jesca went to the police station where Hannah was arrested and went to her cell.

Jesca....You silly girl! Do you have any idea what situation my son is in right now??

Hannah....What happened to Morgan? Did you find him?

Jesca....Keep you dirty filthy mouth shut! If something worse happens to my son, i promise to give you hell.You her fellow prisoners, if you give her a good beating, ask the warden to give you the money because i will leave it to him.

Women....Money?? Thats so easy, get her!

Hannah was beaten and her inmates were paid by the money Jesca left to the warden.Hannah was all bruised and she cried but no one cared about her.

The doctors later came out after hours.

Joseph....How is my son?

Doctor....He needs brain surgery.


Gigi....No way!

Doctor.....His brain is now badly damaged and if he doesnt get the surgery soon, he will die.If he makes it, he will forget about you totally and even run mad.

Gigi....Its not true, right??

Doctor....Am sorry but you have to make a decision now before its late.

Jesca....How sure are you that the surgery wont fail?

Doctor....We are also not sure about that, its upto God.

Joseph....Fine! Just do your best if its thats what best for my son's life.

Doctor....On it!

Gigi got a call from the nanny and it was her daughter speaking.

Giyoung....Mum, when are you coming back home?

Gigi....Am coming dear, wait for me.

Giyoung....Are you crying?

Gigi....No, am not.

Giyoung....I miss uncle Morgan, he didnt even come back home since yesterday.

Gigi....He will come too dear.

Giyoung....Okay, but why is everyone gone? Its just me and nanny at home with Rambo.

Gigi....We are attending on something but we are coming back soon.

Giyoung.....Okay mum, tell uncle Morgan to bring me my favorite chocolates.

Gigi....I will bring them.

Giyoung....But only aunt Chacha and uncle Morgan know what chocolates i like, you dont.

Gigi....Okay, i get it.

She ended the call and cried again.

Gigi....How am i going to tell my daughter that something bad happened to her dad?

She called Chayoung and told her about the whole situation.

Chayoung....Oh god! That girl needs a good beating from me.

Gigi....I want you take Giyoung for now as things are still bad this side.

Chayoung....Okay, i will come for her.

Gigi....Thanks dear.

Chayoung....Anytime.Please be strong because its what Morgan needs from you now.

Gigi....Am trying to but i cant.

Chayoung....I understand.I will come there tomorrow for Giyoung.

Gigi....Thanks alot dear, see you.