
The beginning

The air is cool and the flowers in the garden smell delicious.What was that?What? mom said.

I hered something.It was was probably nothing.Now SIT DOWN AND EAT BREAKFAST!

OK ok mom.From then on it started getting creepier the walls shaked people screaming.

And this is just the beginning.Next day when I went to school something changed I felt it!But I didn't know what.So I went one a long. the day

everything was fine till dinner.I knew what happened the wrong thing at school! Lily was gone she never missed a day of school.But its just me and my mom so I won't worry her she has a lot on her mind so no worries for her.When it was bedtime I could not sleep I was shaking and wondering if Lily was okay. By the time I fell asleep it was midnight. when I woke up mom was gone I looked around no one was there I got scared and now mom and lily were gone.Suddenly your gone