
Such Warmth in Her Eyes

Ninnie01 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


She stood at the front porch not knowing what to do. A single light hung from the ceiling illuminating the big old ominous doors that were in front of her eyes. 

Her mother had left her there and said to stay put and that these kind people would take care of her, but she didn't understand what she meant until the dark silhouette of her mother's' shadow disappeared from her sight. 

She was abandoned. 

Was it because she always asked for to many things? Was it because she acts up, like that one time when her mother wanted her to be quiet? Or maybe her mother didn't need her anymore. Maybe she was a burden to her and to others. 

The once, cool breeze of the air decided to bite back. She was cold, and it was as though her mother had taken all of her warmth with her. The streets were bare and dead silent leaving her alone by herself. As she drew a step closer the door it felt as though it's height engulfed her. She felt small in comparison and as she raised her hand to it, the air felt tense around her, almost suffocating. 

A timid knock was heard emulating from the doors. It almost went unheard until it the same knock was repeated again.