
Successor of The Sacred Magic

Hector Shirogane, the only one left with the Shirogane bloodline, his family used to rule a Kingdom, until a tragedy happened. Not many know about the runs down Sacred Magic, because it’s been a secret from the very 1st generation. To unlock it, it's not easy. It requires a key to unlock their powers, their own potential. They will have to work hard to unlock it. Knowing there is only one Shirogane bloodline left, the enemy is targeting him, the dark lord itself is targeting him. In this story, Hector will go through a lot of things, he also will experience, happiness, sadness, and...love. "Hehehe...This will be fun."

Awuchi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
75 Chs

Not the same are you?

"Crude tactics then…"

[3 Years ago, Central of Gijutsu]

"Man, we accidentally destroyed the central." Senjou sighs, "what do you mean by accidentally? You just blown the ground with your sniper!" Senov yelled pissed, "oh come on, you were the one buffing my sniper! If not it wouldn't blow like that!" Senjou said trying to tell him his involved with her doing, "it was Akane's ordered!" Senov yelled pointing to Akane who is holding a bandit on her hand. "What's mine?" She asks dropping the unconscious bandit to the ground.

"Ugh! You're clueless!" Senov protests messing his own hair in frustration, as Akane shrugs in reply, "the numbers of bandits is surprisingly big." Senjou said looking at the fallen bandits around them, "yeah, they had guts to approach us." Akane said resting her hands in her hips. "Wait, shouldn't we run or something after all these damages? Why are we standing here?" Senov ask his leader. "Nah, I've wait for this for a long time." Akane smirks.

"Two members of C.P.D. is heading here from West." Senjou said while using her Ultra Ranges Magic. "A pink haired girl there?" Akane asks glancing at Senjou, "Yes. She's one of the Commander I think, her outfit is similar to the other Commander." Senjou replies, "excellent. It's going well with crude tactics~" Akane sang happily, "what do you mean by going well? We're gonna end up in jail!" Senov said panicking, "Nah, don't worry. I got this." Akane said pointing to herself. As her teammates stares at her in doubt.

Asagi then comes to the scene, with Hannah beside her, adjusting her glasses. Asagi is wearing C.P.D.'s uniform, the design is a long coat with white and blue patterns. She's wearing a black shirt inside the coat. Her hair is the same style, swaying freely, her blue eyes glaring at the trio. "Surrender yourself, and if you don't, we'll use force."

A amused smirks form on Akane's face, "What are you smirking at?" Asagi asks a hint of disgust in her voice, "Long time no see, Asagi." Akane greets, looking straight at her, "Who?" Asagi mutters, can't help but feels familiar about the person that greets her. "I'm hurt…What did they do to make her forget my appearance, and voice?" Akane sighs in disappoint.

Asagi squints her eyes, feels slightly familiar about her, her brown hair with white streaks, and her blazing red eyes. "Akane Murasame, 2nd child of Tendou Murasame, 18 years old, born in 9 March, 492. Senjou Atame, unknown, 18 years old, born in 17 December, 491. Last, Senov Senji, the only child of Haru Senji, 18 years old, born in 1 August, 492." Hannah said reading their information out loud.

"Oi! She was supposed to answer that herself!" Akane yelled in annoyance. "How can she know about us?" Senjou asks Senov, as he just shrugs in reply. "C'mon! Say something!" Akane said to Asagi, as Asagi snaps from her deep thoughts. "Oh, so you have chosen to go out from your room?"

Her reply shock Akane, "What the hell? Who are you?" Akane asks glaring at Asagi, "I'm Asagi Wakamaru, your childhood friend." Asagi smirks, "Psh, you're not the Asagi I know." Akane spat, tick mark appear on Asagi's head, "what do you mean by that?! I'm the same Asagi!" She snaps. "You're not!" Akane yelled. "I am!" Asagi reply annoyed. As the two argues. Senjou and Senov look at watch other in confusion.

"Let's go, she's not worth our time." Akane said walking away as her teammates follows. "Why you! Come back here!" Asagi yelled pointing two of her fingers at Akane, light beam shoot out from her fingers. Before it reach Akane's head, shield made from her blood block the beams. "You want to play some games I see." Akane smirks turning around as a wide smirk form on her face, her blood forms into 3 tails behind her.

"Are you sure, Miss Asagi?" Hannah ask while analyzing the power of Akane's blood tails. "Yeah, they need to be thrown at the jail for destroying the Central." Asagi said pulling out a sword hilt from her coat, she grips the hilt as blade made from lights appears from the hilt.

"Neat sword you have there." Akane said before rushing at Asagi, "You should drop that cocky smirks of yours!" Asagi said rushing at her too, "I won't do that! Since I know I will win!" Akane said punching her side, as Asagi blocks it and swing her sword at Akane's head, but one of her tail block it, "You think it would be so easy to chop my head off?!" Akane shouts kicking her foot making her stumbles, Akane smirks, her tails wrap around her legs and throws her across the street. "How's that?" Akane asks shoving her hands inside her pockets.

"Should we interfere?" Senjou asks Senov, "nah, let's get some drinks." Senov said walking away, "sure. Besides, I think Akane can take care of this." Senjou said with her hands behind her head. "Yeah, she can." Senov said.

"You should really drop your cocky attitudes!" Asagi said as she disappear from the place she's at before, Akane looks around, searching for her until she sees shadow above her, Akane leaps backwards to avoid it as Asagi kicks her face, sending her flying until she hit a building, making craters of her shapes. "Guh!" Akane coughed blood, she spat the remaining blood in her mouth and wipes her lips with her hand.

"I should have get serious from the start!" Akane said, she rush at Asagi, as Asagi prepare her sword in front of her, but then, Akane jumps above her, with her face facing Asagi's, another smirks form on Akane's face, she land on the ground as her tails wrap around Asagi's legs and throws her up in the air. "AHHH!!!" Asagi yelled in fear, she has fear of heights. Akane smirks in victory as she adjust her position to catch her.

Asagi falls down, she think she would fall to the ground and shut her eyes, instead, she falls to a pair of arms. "What?" Asagi asks opening her eyes, "Gotcha. Smug princess." Akane said with her usual cocky smirks.

Tomorrow chapter will be focused on Hector again! With a bit of Akane and Asagi's I guess?

Awuchicreators' thoughts