
Subtle Seduction

Mr Gray Blackstone is required to get married in a month to assume his place as CEO of Blackstone corps, what happens when he falls in love with the plain Jane Doe, Althea Evans will leave you bewildered. Her mother reunites with her and in her greed and quest for fame, signs a deal with Blackstone, a deal that takes a twist to unravel a chain of events. Althea meets up with an old friend, who is obsessed with her and willing to go the extra mile to exterminate Mr Gray Blackstone and have her all to himself. Will their love stand the test of time when dark secrets bubble to the surface? What action would she take when she finds out the person orchestrating her lover's demise?

Dexter_Eke · Ciudad
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5 Chs


Getting a job with a company has been a hassle but fortunately Lorie got me a job in a luxurious restaurant and bar. I worked the tables. The manager Hans was pissed at me for the first few days because I insisted on putting on trousers and leaving my shirt down, unlike the other girls who wore skimpy shorts and styled their shirts to show much skin leaving little to imagination. He said he'll lose customers if I keep dressing that way. He wanted me to put on makeup too because he said I looked too pale. That's where I drew the line. I prefer to just put on some strawberry lip balm when I have to. Lorie charmed him and coaxed him to let me wear my jeans but then I had to tie my shirt to show a little bit of skin. I had to oblige because he was making a fuss.

We made it to the restaurant in one piece, she's one hell of a driver.

"Don't get into any trouble," she shouted after me while I got out.

"When do I ever" I said, smiling back at her.

"See you later, I'm a call away if you need me to whoop someone's ass", she said.

"Of course, you're the boss", throwing her a mock salute.

I heard her rev up the car while I made my way into the restaurant.

You're late" Lexi chidded

My friend and the only person I really chat with at work

"I know" i said rolling my eyes,

"Don't roll your eyes at me now Thea, you know how worked up Hans gets", she said.

"He's in already?"

"Well, yeahhh, asked about you but I covered for you" she said and passed me my apron. I took it and put on my name tag.

"Thank you, i owe you one"

"I'm going out to the back to take a leak, Table 7 just made an order, coffee, black and some French toast, I'm brewing coffee already", she said.


Weekends are for relaxation, I have a routine that I love to stick to on Saturdays and Sundays but today is the only Saturday I dread. I just got back from a run and went to my favorite restaurant for breakfast, they make the best French toast and bagels. I have a meeting with my legal team this afternoon and I'm irritated already because I know what it's about. Dad is making things so difficult for me, why can't he just hand me the company without the whole theatrics he is about to pull. I've held down his other companies quite well, I'm the COO of Blackstone corps. I have a lot of people at my disposal. When I need information, classified or unclassified, I have the right people to call. I'm the admiration of my peers. All the ladies want me. I hate being told what to do. He wants me to take over as the CEO, since he is stepping down and it comes with a price, and not a cheap one if I may add.

I can't get married now, I'm just 30, I don't see myself getting married and I've made that clear and affirmed it with my reputation as a Cassanova. He insists that marriage is going to make me look respectable and give me an edge when I take over. Personally, I think marriage is a sham. Dad and Mum got divorced 5 years ago and they never explained why; they just decided to get a divorce. They are still on good terms but the divorce created a rift in the family, but we've adjusted.

I was on my phone telling my best friend Evan how much I detest today already when a voice interrupted.

"Good morning Sir, Can I take your order?" I heard a soft melodious voice say. I had to look up, clean feet with sandals, no nail polish I noted, denim pants, from the little I could see, a voluptuous hips, slender waist, her breasts somewhere close to an average cup. My gaze landed on her face, fresh face, but plain and pale, too plain for his likening, pulled up her brunette hair in a ponytail. She had this innocent demeanor, plump lips I noted but dry and chapped, I cringed. She had a pointed button nose that suited her round face and her eyes; they were the most beautiful thing I've seen. Her emerald eyes shone, round sharp eyes, she looked at him like she could see through me, a piercing gaze. I felt uncomfortable, annoyed even.

"I want coffee", I replied in a clipped tone and went back to my phone.

"Black or with cream" she asked


"Do you want anything to go with".

I ignored her and laughed at something Ryan texted me.

She increased her voice a bit and said, "Do you want anything else sir"

"French toast" I said without sparing her a glance.

"Coming right up," she left.

Not his type he mused, he liked his ladies slender and tall, model-like figure, with expensive perfumes and makeup on. Not some plain Jane with doe eyes and an angelic voice to go with. She was petite, somewhere around 5'8, pretty, plain and innocent. I bet she's a virgin; he thought to himself. Definitely not his type.

"Here's your order sir" she dropped the French toast and coffee which she accidentally spilled a little

"Are you always this clumsy" he scolded, clearly annoyed

"I'm sorry" she was clearly rattled as she scrambled for a table cloth to clean the mess she made.

"Should I get you another coffee Sir",

"No, don't bother, I don't want to spend my precious time waiting on you"

He glanced at her, and saw the hurt cross her face for a second, then she licked her lips.

"I'm sorry"

That single act shot blood into his veins, he didn't like it one bit and seemed irritated with himself for feeling that way, he dismissed it as a little discomfort. She turned, walked back to her station. He went back to his phone briefly narrating what just happened to his friend, he laughed at him and teased him;

"Maybe you could take her to the charity function tomorrow and introduce her to your family", Evan said.

"Nah, she's not my type of girl, I like my arm candies gorgeous, expensive and outgoing, she seems naive", he answered.

"That's the more reason why you should take her, no one would expect you to show up with someone like her", Evan chipped in.

He thought about it for a minute, it seemed like a good plan, maybe he could talk her into an arranged marriage eventually and get his father off his back. They could get a divorce or annul the marriage after a year or 2, an excellent plan he mused to himself, smirking. Problem solved.

She came back to take his bill

"Your bill Sir", she said.

"What are you doing tomorrow?", he asked.

"Huh", she replied.

"Are you deaf too?"

"No I'm not" she replied seething already

"Good, I'm going to a function tomorrow and I need a date to go with, I'll pick you up by 7pm drop you off when it's over or when you want to leave, I'll pay you if you want me to. I just don't want to show up alone", he said.

He handed her his card, she ignored it. He dropped it on the table.

"I'm not interested, I'm sure you have more sophisticated ladies to go with, besides I don't know you", she said.

"You don't need to know me Althea," he said after stealing a glance at her name tag.

"You just need to get dressed by 7pm, I'll be waiting at your doorstep", he chipped in.

He dropped some cash tipping her generously as he left.

"See you tomorrow"