
Submitting To His Desires!! ✨

Devil_Princess02 · Adolescente
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1 Chs


Fl's POV...

Hey I am Nerezza.... Nerezza Williams. I live in a town named Castella with my little family. My loving mom, my sweet dad and my annoying but still lovable big brother. Well today is special... or I say specially worst!

It's special because today is my birthday and finally I am Going To Turn 18 at 12 AM!! and it's specially worst because today is the day when he will come... come to take what's his. Someone's destiny is going to change !

"Rezza you there?" my mom shouted from living room I closed the book which I was reading and glanced at the watch it was 11:58 'what does she want at this time of night' I sighed and came downstairs.

" What's now mom-"

I paused looking at the scenario before me. My mom was smiling at me so does dad and that stupid brother of mine was greening ear to ear.

"OMG - Am I dreaming!?"

Our living room was beautifully decorated with balloons, rose petals and ribbon at the centre there was a table placed with my favourite choclate cake on it making my mouth waters.

my brother smacked my head. "Ouch-"

" You are not airhead. " he said with a smirk

" Surprise Sweetheart ! Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day!!"

"Thank you mum, dad thanks idiot." we shared a group hug. And I went to table to cut my fav cake. I grabbed the knife and was just going to cut when doorbell rang.

"wrong timing!" my mom said with a sigh and went to open the door. Shortly after that she came back with Mr. Christopher, Mayor of this little town of ours I saw my mom's Face : happiness drained out, Eyes : full of worry, Lips : showing the sad smile. I frowned at her expression.

"Nerezza everyone is waiting for you at ground." Mayor said and colour of my face drained too.

As I said before today was specifically worst it was red moon day which used to come once in 10 years and on this particular day every girl from age group 18 to 28 should be present at the large ground of our village thinking 'if their destiny wanna play with them.'

Today was the day when the great King Of Demons 'The Devil will choose his Queen.' Yup, the devil will choose the mare human queen, Why? I don't know

'What actually happens with her once she leaves? '

-Well no one ever returned to answer that. it's something that happenes after every 10 years of course if the Queen is not alive or king left the throne or passed it to someone. And as they informed it's happening today must means that either queen is no more or the throne is passed to someone else.

"Well Mr. Christopher she was just going to cut her birthday cake so if-" the words of my father was soon cut off by the mayor.

"I know but you see, it's already late they'll be here anytime. And if that time all womens wouldn't be present there you know the consequences." Mayor stated with terror in his voice 'Consequences : blood sheds' the meaning was simple.

"And it's not like King will pick her you know." He said reassuring my worried family with his unsure words. But then again if we think carefully everytime King came he picked the most beautiful women from our village and fortunately I wasn't her but unfortunately it was my best friend Renna.