
subliminal love

...... an human girl shivli made an imaginary companion , and Marvel an spritual being watches over her but fall for her deeply . he show his love through subliminal ( affect anyone mind without their realisation ) way . but where it will lead ?? - her naive approch and Marvel deep love . will she realise the reality somehow . or Marvel have to live with memories and untold truth. ....

chetna_ · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Reminiscent of past.

(Chapter 2 )

he watched her slowly sleeping .

he enter in her subconscious world again and

sit there between the darkness of her mind went in deep thinking .

3 year ago .....

from Ambrance Vila , Marvel was looking at the gem he had . the "purple gem " was provided to spritual being to watch over every human being without being present there . he continued his visions . shivli was an young girl back then .after watching sunrise she went down inside home . started doing her house chore .

her mother was making breakfast , her little brother and sister started preparing for school . she had to go University. she reached her phone and seen the massage of her friends Angela and Amira , " Good morning" at 8 o'clock .

we will be leaving home at 09:45 . she started to prepare herself for University.

she went with her mother at bus stop at

09 : 50 . after reaching there they went their separate ways .

at bus stop she met her friends an twin sisters , Angela rajpoot and Amira rajpoot .

Hye shivli , wait Monika isn't here yet . I'll call her again . they wait for her . after an 15 minutes Monika yaduvanshi reached them and said "so guys let's go " is it too late !

shivli said ,no it's not that much .....

they all screamed out of their lungs , yeah it's been 15 minutes ,what you were doing "miss Monika yaduvanshi".

seeing their frustrated look ,Monika diverted their focus...hey taxi , stop!!!! and they sit inside it .

Angela speak to Shivli ..

today we have practical class at 3 o'clock , do you any class at that time .

that's time of my practical class too but today it's not my turn , Angela .

good for you shivli . okey, if there's any

changes in clases till 2 o'clock I'll call you . shivli enjoyed whole ride by listening music through earphone . watching clouds in the sky through the window . passing high building .and vehicles .

she enjoyed the gust of wind she get .

her eyes hold an gaze of admiration and powerfull ambition.

( full afternoon was packed with class schedule until 2 o'clock . )

Marvel come out from his Ambrance Empire. mark came and they went for there night work to moniter the events in life of humans ,they are given some people at their watch .

an popular public figure Temon they watched him between the crowd being photographed outside of Night Star club . photographers asked .. Mr Temon is it your favourite night club ??? Mr Temon are you with someone??

who is that lady?? is it your friend?? or girlfriend . Mr temon tell us your fans might want to know this ..

Mr. Temon . Mr ....

he replied in awkwardness, no pics please it's my private time .

and left with his car . marvel said let's watch him , Marvel and mark left with him in his car without Temon knowing they were present with him.

Temon reached his home after an hour ride . he got an anonymous mail box from watchman . sir 15 min ago an courier boy came and give me this . okey I'll keep it , it doesn't seems to be heavy temon said with smile .

he reached his room and his expression become dark and anxious he opened the box . an bloody figurine jumped at him . ahhh wh_at is_s-s thisss temon shouted in fear . he grabbed his phone and called his manager with trembling hand ..

what are you doing Ales , there is another horrible thing send to me . are you even able to trace that crazy person yet . how many days it will take ...

Temon don't get afraid i am going to search that insane person ,... keep calm ....

Temon did you had fun at club .. should i accompany you .... hearing an voice came from figurine phone slipped from his phone and silence took over him . Temon should i came at you place ... Temon please say something Alen keep speaking through phone. beep sound of phone and everything become silent . marvel lift that figurine it was Temon . Mark find a letter in box ... give it to Marvel .he read it ..

My love Temon ,

did you miss me .. here is my present for you .don't forget it you can only love me . wait for me .

Marvel looked at Temon freezed with fear . he took out his purple gem and close his eyes ..

rewind the scene Night Star club . Temon is drinking with his group of friends of men and women .

someone keeps staring at them from distance . face covered with mask and cap in disguise disappear among the people .

Marvel came to close to Temon face and whispered in his ear" Night Star club ".

on the flip of sound Marvel and mark reached the sky .

Temon came in his sense grab his phone saw the Article about him , "our dear Temon found to be having fun with their friends at Famous Night Star club ". he called Ales..

Ales search cctv footage of Night Star club .

this box delivered 15min ago when I got back at home . we will find some clue there. Article published only 10 min ago. okey Temon we will find it hold it for some time .

Mark said in deep breath ,let's go now . Marvel nodded at his expression.

they head towards their another visit.he accompanied his friend through his visit at dark night . Marvel look at this girl , shivli was walking on her roof in the middle of darkness .Marvel got surprised by different view of her than morning . she open her phone screen and watched some videos . tears appear from her eyes . some times later she started laughing .

Mark explained , she watch those expression able video to accompany and lift her mood by laughing together.

Marvel went near her and exclaimed isn't it Temon.