
Ch26. Narcissa Malfoy 1

Narcissa Malfoy was enjoying her morning tea and favorite potion book in the garden of Malfoy Manor. She was relishing her peaceful moments, for they were rightly deserved and she didn't have much of them. Not to mention these moments and her very life were her only reward for the services she provided to House Malfoy.

Narcissa knew her life expectancy is directly proportional to the benefits her breathing state can provide to Lucius and his House. She understood her 'worth' early on.

Being sold to House Malfoy as a bride by her own Aunt for worthless gold that House Black didn't even need was a massive eye-opener for her younger self. She only regrets not having a chance to do the exact same thing Andromeda did.

After her escapade with that muggle-born boy, their parents and aunt pushed the activation of Narcissa's contract forward.

And so, at the tender age of sixteen, barely after her O.W.Ls Narcissa was taken from school and was expected to wed Lucius Malfoy. Oh, she didn't make it easy on them. Of course not. She made sure her body was as... experienced as possible by the time the git claimed her as his own. She decided to follow Andromeda's example and dated her share of boys. Even if she was not nearly as discrete as Andy was and the punishments her family put her through because of it were especially painful or mentally demanding. Well, at least she does not remember most of it. Yay for a mindwipe...

She especially relished remembering Lucius's expression after the rumors of her exiting a broom cupboard with boys from Gryffindor started flooding the castle. Oh, the speeches about Slytherin and pureblood supremacy, and yet... Nobody actually found out it was her who spread these false rumors. So much for the cunning of Slytherins. She was only glad that House Black did not care much about her reputation after she signed the contract it reflected more on Malfoys than them and quite frankly, her existence already provided benefits to the House Black. She was not needed anymore. And Malfoys at that time were unable to punish her for sullying their name. She was after all still considered Black, if only in name.

And after the ponce that was to be her husband started paying attention to her nightly adventures? She started 'sleeping' around even more. Just to spite him. But to be honest, it was just clever planning of meeting spots with her boyfriend at the time. A student seeing them enter a broom cupboard here, another seeing them snog there, and the rumor mill of Hogwarts did the rest.

'Ah, good times. I was still young and naive, thinking myself clever.' Narcissa ruefully thought as she savored her tea. 'Making the prideful poof's ego hurt... Just a pity most boys were so afraid of Lucius that they quickly scurried away after getting to know I am his betrothed. But then again, I was not really as courageous as Andromeda to just up and elope.'

But her reminiscing turned swiftly dark when she remembered what came afterward.

After her wedding with Lucius, she... was made aware of her 'place'.

Narcissa shudders to this day the tortures her 'husband' put her through for being a 'common whore'. The amount of pain she was made to feel, day by day, just wishing they killed her already. She remembers vividly how every night, Lucius would come to her, disable anti-pregnancy ward and have his way with her until she is black, blue, and bloody. All in order to impregnate her with his heir, not caring that her punishments and the regular beatings would ruin any chance for that. Nobody from the Malfoy family or the guests cared her body was perpetually filled with bruises. She was Malfoy's spouse and it was her duty, they all said. If he enjoyed it a little rougher in the bedroom... Nobody cared.

Her 'husband' at that time was but a young boy with a penchant for violence when he was in control. She was simply just the very unfortunate soul that crossed his path and was given under his absolute control. And her biggest mistake was to resist it. These rumors... One of her deepest regrets as the pain she suffered due to them was almost not worth it. But... given a chance, she would resist yet again. Consequences be damned.

Then Malfoys started to support the Dark Lord and her suffering increased.

It was no longer just Lucius paying her bed visits. Nor was she given a chance to avoid it. Lucius was a sick man. A sick man who appreciated his closest friends much more than her, however. And she was... she was unable to fight a direct order from the owner of the contract. Her body moved on its own. In a way, it was a reprieve. Pain, she was used to. They at least tried to not... damage her.

The disgusting experiments with dark spells performed on her quite unwilling self. The sight of the potions made out of ingredients painfully and forcefully taken from her own body as she just laid there, unable to move. The fact it was her who was forced to brew these potions before Lucius found Snape and his talent. No matter what they did to her, no matter how painful it was, no matter how disgusting it was, the only requirement was she survived it.

The things they did to her...

'Perish the thought! You are stronger than this! You are a survivor!' Narcissa tried to forcefully calm down her shaking hands as she bit her lip enough to draw blood. Tears tried to burst from her eyes but she forcefully suppressed them. She could not afford to be seen in this state! No, she would not give Lucius the satisfaction of seeing her like this. After all, enjoying her misery is the worst thing he can do to her nowadays.

'Yes, I am a Survivor.' She assured herself, calming down her nerves.

Then the Malfoys literally started to worship the ground The Dark Lord walked upon and moved him into their manor alongside with his inner circle.

'Bella...' A lone tear streamed down Narcissa's soft pale cheek as she remembered her favorite rebellious older sister. The sister who always made her smile. Who always protected her. The sister who... decided it is easier to be insane than living with the choices others made for her.

Their father rearranging Bella's brain one too many times in an attempt to make her obedient didn't help her sanity.

Needless to say, he succeeded. Spectacularly at that! Just that, Bella's obedience wasn't toward the family anymore but the Dark Lord.

Narcissa remembered the beautiful bond she had with her amazing sisters before it all went to hell.

'Together, forever, and ever.' She recalled the promise she and her sisters made during their childhood as they quivered under a blanket during a particularly long storm.

And how it all crumbled down. All because of her own parents. Because of her own Aunt. Her own 'family'.

Two became slaves without any hope for freedom while another was thrown away for finding her own happiness, betraying their vow and her sisters.

Her beloved Bella, insane.

Andromeda suddenly leaves out of blue, no 'bye', no explanation or even mention of what she planned to do, leaving her all alone.

And she?

She was forsaken, made into but a potion ingredient, and whore for her husband's vain friends while he enjoys having his ass dickled.

And for what...

Blood purity... Something worthless, abstract. Something no spell can prove. No test can disclose. Something people will know about you only if you tell them with utmost honesty.

Narcissa cracked a slight smug smile. The Black family all but perished for it. Oh, the speeches her 'beloved' father made about the need to pop children for their noble husbands as if by duplication charm in order to replenish the Black blood.

Yet, their direct lineage is finished.

'The only remaining direct line of Black blood left, Tonks.' Narcissa clicked her tongue in distaste, remembering Andromeda. 'Disowned. Inconsequal.'

'And Sirius...' Narcissa hummed in exasperation. 'The idiot of the family.'

She thought about her dear cousin. Wrongfully convicted in Azkaban. Poor sap. And what a blast it was for her when she heard what happened to that 'blood-traitor'.

No, she had nothing against his wish for freedom from the blood purity crap. After all, it was her dream too. To be free. But she was jealous. So incredibly jealous. He actually managed to get it. Free of their family. Free of the traditions. Free of anything that restrained him!

Potters helped him and yet, he threw it all away for some childish impulse to chase the killer of his friends instead of taking care of their child.

'Typical.' Narcissa scoffed.

The kid, Harry Potter. Who knows where he is now. Not that she cared.

Oh, Narcissa knew well Sirius is the kid's godfather and couldn't betray Potters without being six feet under in a heartbeat. But... even if the contract didn't prevent her to even squeak about it, she would still keep quiet. She was jealous, after all. Maybe a few decades of imprisonment would be good for that idiot and give him at least some smarts.

'Betrayed Potters. Pfft' She rolled her eyes in amusement.

When the Dark Lord came into the Malfoy Manor. Narcissa for the first time in a long while saw Bellatrix. It was no touchy meeting of beloved sisters. Bella was crazy. And Narcissa was tired. Tortured, abused, used... She was exhausted and it showed. She remembers her skinny frame and massive dark circles under her eyes she had to hide with tons of make-up. How she stuffed her clothes in order to not seem malnourished. The pain that plagued her body every time she forced it to move.

But her sister helped her. In a rare lucid moment, she begged the Dark Lord to make Lucius treat Narcissa better.

Needless to say, the Dark Lord wasn't amused by her request and didn't see any advantage in it. It would only make him order his men to abuse Narcissa even more if... a miracle didn't happen.

In a meeting of his inner circle, she was made to attend as an... entertainment, the Dark Lord distractedly asked her about some of his political problems. Narcissa doubted he even intended to ask her specifically. Not likely, since her throat was at that time otherwise preoccupied. But, she had a chance to showcase her talent in politics and the economy. And she did precisely that.

She gained 'worth'. She survived.

Voldemort made Lucius swear an unbreakable oath that as long as Narcissa's existence is beneficial to the cause and House Malfoy, he won't abuse her and will treat her as his rightful spouse.

Narcissa giggled. The constipated expression of her 'husband' when he heard the order was something she will remember for years to come.

Since then, she was no longer considered just an entertainment. She was a subordinate of the Dark Lord. Well, not really. She still had to, from time to time, be poked by Lucius. Mostly when he was dead drunk, didn't have his butt-buddies around, or no raid was in sight.

Nevertheless, that was nothing memorable and she often forgot the unsatisfactory experience the next morning even without any magical help. No wonder her husband became a Death Eater.

But she also had to service the Dark Lord himself alongside Bellatrix. And that was... memorable.

She... felt dirty. Tainted even. Much filthier than even when Lucius gave her away for favors. The Dark Lord at that time wasn't yet ritual-riddled noseless scaly-face. But he always enjoyed using exotic Dark Arts and enjoyed seeing her in pain. Every time she breached the contract by sleeping with someone else than her 'husband', any pleasure she could get from the act was converted into pain. While Bella was the most trusted aide, Narcissa was well aware she was the most entertaining sight for the Dark Lord. She only thanked whatever deity looked over her that her 'Lord' was never interested in what is in her mind. It would be her demise. Or worse.

Narcissa gave a side-glance at her hands with stony, cold, and ruthless eyes.

Her hands. She was unmarked but she WAS a Death Eater. Her hands were bathed in a sea of blood. Blood, she will never be able to wash away. She never went out for a raid but not having the mark didn't stop her 'Lord' from making her torture and kill prisoners until he was satisfied with her performance. She often had to do it in front of him and his inner circle while being damn efficient in causing the maximal amount of pain and suffering.

It was a test at first. Torturing innocent strangers while servicing the Dark Lord. The test of her resolve and ability. Then, it became a sick hobby for him to observe her kill. But it was either 'them' or 'her'. The choice was obvious.

That didn't help her nightmares. Not really. But she survived.

And after the demise of her 'Lord'? Her prospects were all-time high! Her future was blooming!

It was such a pity her slimy husband got scot-free! Imperius, he claimed. Narcissa couldn't help but gape at the stupidity of wizarding sheeple. Nevertheless, he couldn't hurt her due to his oath, nor could he 'gift' her to his friends. Since then, she had no one but herself to satisfy her itch. Her husband lost all interest. Even when drunk. In a way, she was glad for it.

During the peace, Narcissa single-handedly elevated House Malfoy to prominence financially with her managerial skills and politically by whispering advice to Lucius.

Now, if only she didn't have this uncomfortable nagging feeling her 'Lord' will return to make her life into a literal hell again...

She shivered.

Dobby suddenly popped out nearby, interrupting her thoughts, making her flinch back in surprise, almost falling down from her seat.

"Mistress Cissy Madam, Dobby be getting this from another elves!"

Dobby handed Narcissa an envelope addressed to House Malfoy. She promptly ripped it open and read the letter inside.

'So my dear Auntie is finally dead.' An enchanting smile bloomed on her gorgeous face. The kind of innocently malicious smile that would send even the devil running. 'And all it took was a whisper to my husband that he could make Draco into Lord Black. Heh, as if the family magic would ever accept the inept twerp.'