
Stuffed into Potter

A soul woke up as Harry Potter after the unfortunate child died from one too much blow to the head. Will the new Harry be a blessing or a curse for the Wizarding World? Or... will he even care about it at all? Accompany the new Harry on his journey through the hardships his new identity brings him and watch as he uses his fore-knowledge to turn the scales into his favor. And who knows... maybe, just maybe Harry is much more Slytherin than anyone ever thought possible! Will his enemies understand this simple truth in time though...

KasiCair · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
94 Chs

Ch13. Lineage and Inheritance

After the document with Harry's lineage and rights to vaults was generated, he was not shown it. Harry was promptly but politely ushered by the goblin shaman to a comfy-looking office. There sat a well-groomed goblin in a smaller version of a business suit. It was obvious at the first glance the goblin is trained for interaction with humans. No sneering, no scowling, no glaring. Just a polite smile.

The shaman respectfully handed the document to his hands and relocated to the door. After studying it, the important-looking goblin behind the table looked at Harry with the most humane smile he ever saw from a goblin and introduced himself.

"I am Manager Sharpfang, the manager of Potter vaults. Heir Potter, I must confess, I never thought we would meet in circumstances quite like this." The goblin politely quipped calmly.

"Greetings Manager Sharpfang, I must agree yet I can't say I fully understand what you mean by that." Harry answered, completely confused.

Before the goblin could respond he spotted the goblin shaman standing at the door gape at Harry in surprise at his politeness. Harry turned around and spotted the shaman.

"If you were polite from the start, so would I." He offhandedly told him with a slight smile. "Respect is a two-way street, goblin."

The shaman showed a conflicted look but after a while nodded in acknowledgment.

"Ritualist Clawhook, please, leave us alone." Sharpfang dismissed the shaman without care, waiting for him to get out of the room before continuing.

"Now that we are alone Heir Potter. Did you see the results of your blood inheritance yet?" He asked curiously.

"No, I was instantly pulled here." Harry narrowed his eyes.

"I see." Sharpfang gave him a disarming smile and handed him the document.

Harry James Potter

Primary Heir Potter - by blood(father)

Peverell lordship included in Potter line - by blood(father)

Potter Family Vault - 8 524 galleons 22 sickles 1 knut + items.

Potter Trust Vault - 1 knut

Lordship - claimable

Heir Black - by magic(godfather) and blood(grandmother)

designated by: Sirius Black

Black Family Vault 35 246 851 galleons 2 sickles 25 knuts + items

Black Dividends Vault - 19 752 659 galleons 15 sickles 12 knuts

Lordship - claimable

Heir Gryffindor - by blood(Potter line)

Lordship - unattainable

Vault information not provided due to the insufficient status

Primary Heir Slytherin - by magic(conquest)

Slytherin Vault - unknown

Lordship - claimable

Harry looked at the document and wanted to let out a joyful scream. He understood why this happened. He just didn't expect it. Not at all. He defeated Voldemort, becoming new, rightful heir Slytherin. He was heir Potter by blood, therefore he was also heir Peverell. What came as surprise was his Black heirship. He didn't think Sirius designated him as such even before being thrown in Azkaban. Nevertheless, he was thankful. As for Gryffindor? The guy probably had so many heirs there is no telling which has the strongest claim. Neville, Dumbledore, heck even Ron may be one with his stupidity and charge-on attitude!

Harry didn't dally and chanted the chant to claim lordship he read in a book.

"I, Harry James Potter, claim Lordship over Slytherin, Black, and Potter/Peverell lines."

The light in the room dimmed as small green wisps of magic started to seep into Harry, painfully inscribing themselves into his being. He gained Slytherin's family magic! He could feel his tongue vibrating as his parseltongue strengthened. He wondered if he could communicate with dragons now.

After the Slytherin line was finished, black wisps, much less potent did the same, left Harry panting on the floor yet oddly satisfied. He felt his affinity for all things dark shot through the roof and gaining a certain resistance to corruption. He guessed when family dabbles in dark arts so much as Blacks did, they must gain resistance to its corrupting effects if they want it or not.

There were no wisps of magic for the Potter/Peverell line because he was already such from birth. He was just disappointed in having no clue what advantage the family magics gave him.

He was also sure he missed a lot of other traits the family magic imbued him with. He just noticed the obvious since he already expected them.

"Wow, never thought I would see someone dumb enough to claim lordship of three lines at the same time and survive to tell the tale." Sharpfang exclaimed rudely as he stared at Harry with comically wide eyes.

"Uh? Did I perhaps do something bad?" Harry scratched the back of his head.

"Bad? No." The goblin dryly stated. "Insane? Yes. I guess the Black blood is strong with you."

Harry tilted his head to the side in even more confusion than before.

"The family magics are not always compatible, that's why there are no lords with lordship over more lines. They usually get shredded to pieces when they try to claim more than one line. Moreover, taking Lordship is basically an oath sworn on your very own life. If magic deemed you didn't have the unconditional right to inherit the family magics fully, becoming the lord, no matter whether through blood, magic or last will, your life would be forfeit." Sharpfang barked out.

"Oh, lucky me, I guess." Harry projected an uncaring attitude even though inwardly he was sweating elephant-sized bullets. He almost died!? Lucky me indeed!

"I swear, you wizards!" Sharpfang cursed. "And pray tell, how would we explain the hero of Wizarding Britain dying in Gringotts?" He admonished Harry.

"Oh." Harry looked at him like a deer in highlights completely missing that angle.

"Yes. Oh." Sharpfang annoyingly stated. He sighed in exasperation and rubbed his forehead.

"Now that you took three lordships at once," He gave Harry a pointed look. "we have to go through the obligations of each family and decide what to do with them. It is now my problem as your family account manager but more importantly, it is also your problem, Lord… which name do you want as your primary?" He asked.

Harry pondered over it for a second.

"Black. Hadrian Black has a nice ring to it." He smiled.

"Oh, I completely understand why you are ashamed of the Potter name, I do." The goblin for the first time in their interaction sneered, and it was because of the mentioning of the Potter name. "I certainly would be ashamed too!"

Harry was yet again utterly confused. He understood there must be something he missed. Something big, at that. But he first had to be sure about more pressing matters.

"Tell me, Manager Sharpfang, will ministry know about my lordships?" He asked evadingly, making Sharpfang grin savagely.

"Do you want them to know?"

"Not really." Harry said, feeling as if a mountain was just lifted from his shoulders.

"Then they won't be informed. At least not by us." Sharpfang said with finality.

"Can't they know through magic?" Harry asked.

At that, Sharpfang gave him an 'are you insane' look and shook his head in exasperation.

"And pray tell, how would magic inform them? Will it grow a mouth and tell them? Or do you think it will send them a howler? Lord Black, I even forgot you are still a child." Sharpfang quipped, making Harry want to dig himself a hole and hide there.

"Anyway, back to your obligations!" Sharpfang said as a goblin hurriedly brought three thick tomes. "These," He pointed at them. "contains the contracts of your families. You as the lord has to decide what to do with them." Sharpfang gave Harry a vicious smirk. "Let's see if you don't owe your soul to somebody."

'Uh-oh. That doesn't sound ominous at all.' Harry thought as he stared at the thick old tomes in distaste.