
Students, Just Leave Me Alone!

Eden woke up as an extra in the novel he had read. He acts like a decent teacher and spends his life peacefully. As per the contract, this miserable extra will die protecting his student. He will die when his 'character' die. He encounters many chances to die as a hero but bypasses them. He realizes that his students are becoming too strong! ***** Class L students were considered failures but genius troublemakers. For them, the academy is just another place that increases their suffering. They acted like villains and sought chaos. They trust no one. Not even each other. It was snowing that day. Under the dark and cloudy sky, they meet him. A teacher, a master, a father figure, and a brother. For them, he is the dependable adult they are looking for. They hate each other, but they will work together to protect him.

Trisa_39 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


"Hey, I want to offer you a contract. Can you help me?" Louis tries to remember the lonely voice. He seems to have forgotten so many things that occur in his life. Everything went wrong the moment he met the Goddess, Hespana.

The beautiful pair of obsidian eyes stared at him as he took a few glances. It's been six months since the day he appeared in this world. Unknown to everyone, his deepest wish is to die. As long he takes his final breath, he will return to a place he belongs to.

Somehow, he started to regret it weeks ago. But he wants to return. Even though nothing was waiting for him, he wished and longed for the place called Earth. Smiling gently as if nothing is wrong, he laughs happily. Nothing awaits him in the real world. But he knows nothing is worth enough to make him stay. It's all the same. Darkness, death, and despair are the only things waiting for him. It appears that he will end up breaking the promise again.

'Teacher, you will keep teaching us even after we graduate, right?'

'Teacher, you will help us sneak into the academy after the curfew, right?'

'You will accompany me down the aisle as my father figure, right?'

'Teacher, you promise.'

How horrible. He will break all the promises that he made. Jumping back a few steps, Louis dodges the attack from the Grey wolf. It's more than 3 meters tall. He is too confident with his knowledge that he becomes arrogant. He knows the expedition is dangerous.

He knows that the protagonist will go berserk today. He knows everything, yet he can do nothing. Once again, he used his ability and analyzed the characteristic of the monster. It's the same as her. The same. His arrogance and overconfidence somehow took her away from him again. He can barely hear Hespana's voice. He lost both of them, the people that he cherished and loved.

[Name: Grey wolf

Rank: A-SS

Analysis: Despite having a large body mass, Grey wolves are enforced with agility and speed. It encloses their body with an aura similar to a barrier to stop magic attacks.

Weakness: Physical attack]

Since magic does not work on the monster, he can't use any magic scroll. If he runs away using the teleportation scroll, the children will be the target again. He will hold out as much as he can. The wolves lunge toward him as Louis rolls to his right. Dealing with a wolf will be fine, but now he is standing against a pack of wolves. There are four of them.

[Begin synchronization]

Synchronization will allow him to fight with calculation against the monsters. But if he does that, his soul fragments will crack again. He might not be able to return to Earth. He might forget the existing name, Eden. Even so, considering his unfulfilled promise, the smile, and the warmth he gains, maybe staying here is not that bad.

A flash of lightning appears and hits the grey wolf. Holding a bow while standing at the top of the tree, a familiar silhouette appears. The pair of light green eyes are glaring at him with resentment. Louis recognizes the gaze. He opened his mouth and shouted.

"It's dangerous! Dios, run away from here!" Despite his warning and scream, Dios merely stares at him blankly. Louis wants to smack that bastard right now. Before he manages to shout at Dios, another beam of light emerges with a tower of blazing flame. The flowing bright silvery hair engulfs his sight.

The girl looks at him with an angry smile. Her silvery hair obstructs his sight. The red blazing eye shines brightly. A familiar voice rang in his ears as he realized the identity of the person standing. "Teacher, are you planning on dying?"

"I don't think it's like that sister. The teacher doesn't think we're strong enough." Another familiar voice can be heard. Unlike the former, this voice is slightly colder and emotionless. It sounds a little vicious too.

"We are your student. Can't you trust us?" A figure appears from the bushes as he glances to his side. Louis grits his teeth. A young man with blue hair is peeking at him with a guilty expression. Louis has to admit he is somehow tempted to apologize. Damn, this protagonist and their aura!

"What nonsense are you spouting? Leave immediately!" Louis tries to stand, but his legs finally give up on him. Even the system has stopped the synchronization. He coughs out blood as he calms down his heart. Louis doesn't see it, but all the class L students share the same thought. Instead of innocent and child-like faces, powerful waves of killing intent were pouring out from their bodies.

'Kill them.'

Due to the nature of Hespana's blessing and immunity, Louis has no problem ignoring the coldness of his surrounding. He knows what he must do now is let the students escape. "I have secured the area. Based on the gate perimeter, there are only grey wolves in them. We can take them down if we work together. Please stand back, uncle."

"I hate the fact that I must obey that four eyes. But, if we can escape here and send the scrawny-looking instructor to the hospital, I'm in." A boy is walking around while observing the wolves. Despite his arrogant stance, all the students know their priority is not to kill the Grey wolves. It's to protect and heal their teacher.

"Yeay! Temporary alliance!" A pink-haired girl is jumping around and hugs Louis from the back. Observing his surrounding, Louis starts to count. All the L-Class students are standing and blocking the grey wolves while protecting him! These arrogant kidlings! Are they not afraid of death?

"You brats!" Louis once again shouts. All of them are here!

"You can curse us, hate us or even despise us. We won't blame you. It doesn't matter, teacher. This is our choice to protect you. Instead of looking at your back, you can now look our back, teacher."

Louis looks toward the students that are standing near him. Ah, how annoying. He should be the one who takes the responsibilities. He always stands in the front line. But at this moment, he is utterly speechless. He should be their guardian.

So, why is he still sitting while looking at his students? He shouldn't let the children face their fate like this. He is the teacher.

'I just want to retire and spend all the money, you know?'

'Eh, being a teacher is the easiest, right? Instead of the army or dungeon, we secure our life.'

'The children are stupid. We get the money from the parents. Whether they learn or not is not our problem.'

He doesn't know anymore. What should he do? Should he stay and protect this world? Should he return and forsake it? This world is just a novel. They are just characters. He only needs to prevent Lionel's rampage. Everything will be fine after that. He can return to the world he came from and start everything over.

Yet, he can't bring himself to do that. Since when? When did it start? The warlock incident? Does the dungeon break? or even the terrorist incident? He starts to see them as a human. Not as pieces of paper with information data.

Louis stares with horror as the grey wolf lunges toward the white-haired girl. All of a sudden, blood spilled on his face. Louis can see it. A dagger is stuck on the Grey wolf's neck as it dies. Something is wrong. Wrong. It will take more than that to shut down a gigantic existence like them.

The girl smiles smugly as she manages to take down her enemy. Louis stares at the level above her head. She is still level 25, above average. What is wrong with her skill level? 131? Something is wrong at this moment. At the same time, another corpse of the grey wolf can be seen.

This icicle struck the abdomens of the wolf. A blue-haired girl smiles proudly as she manages to showcase her evolution on mana creation. She is level 31 but her mana management is level 150!

Two heads of wolves fall on his feet. Louis stares at the main character. His blue hair flows slowly. Their eyes meet each other. Lionel walks towards him unhurriedly and dropped the coat on his shoulder. Something is wrong. Those eyes are not the eyes of Lionel that he knew. He senses someone older yet colder.

Louis looks towards the status window as he swallows his saliva. Lionel hugs him like a child who misses his parents. Level 30. But the skill level is chaotic. The transcendental swordsmanship level is unrankable. A small yet cold voice can be heard from the beautiful face.

"Teacher, I won't let you die. Not this time. I will protect you. I promise."

Louis knows one thing. He didn't know how. He somehow messed up.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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