
Stuck with my Vampire Mate...

Atarah Davidson led more than a simple life despite being a teenager. She was raised by her 'good for nothing' grandparents as she was told that her parents died in an accident. But soon her life changed, after being kidnapped by vampires. Though she tried to escape something stopped her. Maybe its him, Mr. Perfect. Ryan O Donnels who's said to be her mate, was full of secrets. He was a man with the heart of steel and many demonic powers. But when each of his secrets started to reveal she knew that all her life was a lie. That she's not just a mere human. That she indeed belonged to him.

Parvdh1_ · Fantasía
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46 Chs

A chance...

"You bitch..."

I was expecting a slap, but Asmodeus was held back by my dark creatures. I was never happier to see them than today.

Ryan threw a protective hand across my waist and pulled me tightly towards him, while the other held Henry. Warmth bubbled in my heart. I belong here, right beside him.

"Any last words, Asmodeus?"

He looked defeated, but there was something else glinting in his eyes. And I am damn sure it's not a good thing.

"Yes, tell 'Hi' to your parents for me."

With that, he threw the dagger he was clutching all this time at me.

As if on cue, Ryan did a 180° turn, and I was on his left side, trying hard to breathe. My brain felt like shaking after the fastest spin I have ever taken.

A small whimper was heard, followed by Asmodeus' scream.

After holding my head tightly to gain balance, I moved away from Ryan to see him carrying a blood covered Henry.

The dagger pierced his fragile chest and ran straight to his heart.

Though Henry was a danger to the world, I still found myself crying. He was a small child, after all. None of the things he did were his fault.

Asmodeus, on the other hand, was hysterical.

"You bastard! You made me kill my own son. My only family"

Somehow, I felt a little pity for him. Killing your own blood knowingly or unknowingly was so much to take in. My father should have felt the same when he stabbed me that night.

"Karma is a bitch, Asmodeus. You have killed so many people and made many families suffer for your own pleasure. Atarah's parents, James's family, Ignacia..."

I snapped my head at Ryan, hearing her name. Ignacia is dead? Sure, I hadn't seen her till now, but was she dead?

Sensing my shocked eyes on him, Ryan gave a stiff nod, confirming his statement.

Tears flowed from my eyes uncontrollably. I loved her like my mother, even though we met only for a few days. She became a part of my life. And now she's also gone.

"You have to pay a price for cruelty, Asmodeus. And unfortunately, it was your son. Your children are the ones who suffer from your mistakes."

Asmodeus kneeled down, still having dark creatures around him. The whole ground was silent, everyone staring at one person.

"Kill me."

Though Asmodeus said it low, I am sure everyone with vampire ears heard it. His voice was desperate and filled with sorrow.


Ebenezer came and joined us.

"We are not allowed to kill a Royal."

Asmodeus is a Royal? Of course he is.

"But we are."

Cole, out of nowhere, along with Alex and others, stood in front of the raised ground.

I looked at him with tearful eyes, and he gave me a small smile in return.

Alex's eyes trailed between me and Ryan, and the way he was holding me.

After a minute, a small sigh escaped his lips and he eventually smiled at us. He has finally approved our relationship. And I think I can consider him now as my grandfather.

My eyes suddenly darted to the long sword held by Cole. He was slowly closing towards Asmodeus, whose head was so low that one would doubt if he had a neck.

I shut my eyes forcefully, not wanting to witness another murder again.

What surprised me, though, was that no one in the room stopped Cole. Not even his so-called followers. Some even managed to escape without being noticed.

Did no one care for him?

"I think we should give him a chance."

All eyes turned to see James leaning on the roofless pillar.

His eyes were solely focused on Asmodeus.

My jaw bone dropped to the ground, not willing to mask the shock.

Out of all the people, was James giving Asmodius a chance? If anything, he should be the one to tear Asmodius' heart apart.


Sid asked, looking utterly confused, which was a reflection of everyone's, including Asmodeus'.

"Because I know his pain."

That was all James said before marching out of the wooden doors.

Everyone was dumbstruck. Even Ryan opened and closed his mouth several times like a goldfish.

"He is the reincarnation of evil himself. Even so, I think I will go with James's suggestion."

Now it was time for everyone to look at me. Ryan literally burned holes through my head. At least he's out of the daze.

"What? I just voiced out my thoughts."

I looked at Cole in a pleading manner. His sword was stuck high in the air, not knowing where to land after James's sudden declaration.

"I know he did many cruelties, but if James and I could forgive him, then why can't you guys? It was terrible losing my parents and I still want to kill him for that, but now he also knows the pain. He is alone in the world, just like me and James."

"You are not alone."

Ryan's angry eyes reformed to sympathy.

"But he is. I know this is too much, but all we ask is to give him a chance. A chance to correct his mistakes. Please. Otherwise, what is the difference between him and us?"

Pin drop silence followed my statement.

I averted my eyes from Ryan's after hearing the clatter of metal. Cole had thrown his sword to the floor. But no one moved except Asmodeus. He looked at me with grieving eyes and mouthed.

"I am sorry. I am sorry for everything."

I suddenly felt like the most contented person on Earth.

"And I'm sorry for your loss."

I mouthed back at him. And I really meant what I said. A ray of sunlight divided the room, showing the beginning of a new day for everyone.


We stayed at Asmodeus' palace for two days, burying every individual who lost their lives, including Henry.

I couldn't sleep three whole nights thinking how peaceful Ignacia looked while being cremated (for she is the fire goddess).

On the way to our castle, Ryan told me that Ignacia gave her life to bring back Helena. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad after hearing that. Of course, only Ignacia would do such a stupid thing. But the death of Helena would also have affected us so much. The emotion I felt was bipolar. I was glad to get my best friend back, but giving up my mentor and life saver was hard.

As she gave me her power of fire, only life was transferred to Helena.

Sid said that Helena was hysterical after knowing how she regained her life. She even tried to reverse the spell, but it was in vain considering Ignacia was much more powerful. But somewhere deep inside, I felt a little revealed that the reverse spell did not work.

Was I being selfish?

I groaned into the pillow of my bed, muffling my sounds.

Elizabeth was so happy seeing us all in one piece. Can't blame her there, though. Marg tackled me to the floor, giving me bear hugs. Eva and Rosalie were always with me, while Nami didn't leave my side, even at night. Nathan was more than happy to see me and surprised everyone by carrying me from the floor and hugging me like I was his child.

I felt relieved coming back home. Yes, home. This is my home. This is where I should be. But Ignacia's death somehow created a hole in me.

I was startled when someone knocked on the door.


"Can I come in?"

Of course, the velvety voice is always welcome to the room. But I did not dare say it out loud.

"Yeah sure"

Disheveled hair greeted me, followed by tired, jet-black eyes.

He had been busy for the past week and the occasions we met were rare.

He had to break down the gigantic walls and minimize the guards to only for the requirement.

After all, there's nothing to be scared of anymore.

The dark creatures were all being good boys and helped Ryan through everything. I have learned a few words of their 'God knows what' language, though it is not at all necessary. Our mind link is pretty good on its own.


Ryan joined me on my bed, where I was sitting cross-legged, leaning on the headboard.

"Hey to you too. How was your day?"

I enquired while ruffling his hair.

"Hectic as usual. But I think I managed to settle, almost."

"Really? So no more MIA."

Ryan chuckled at that and shook his head, yawning in the process.

"When have you last slept properly, Ryan?"

Dark circles and bags were visible around his eyes. He seemed to be thinking while yawning again. Is he being serious?

"I don't remember."

I sighed at him and patted my lap.

"Care to join?"

"But I have little more to do."

"That can wait until you get your beauty sleep. Now come on."

He thought for a second, but gave up too soon. Like an obedient child, he placed his head on my lap and covered himself under the duvet.

I massaged his scalp, and within seconds, his eyelids started to become heavy.


His sleepy voice filled the room. And God, is it hot?


"I love you."

Ryan's breathing steadied shortly after, giving me a flutter in my stomach.

"I love you too, Ry."

All the gaps in my heart were filled with love for him. Everything was for good. Ignacia's body may have left us, but her soul is always within me, as I am continuing her legacy.
