
Stuck in an Island with Twelve Beautiful Women

Zombies...... The world fall into their hands, and the humanity was almost got eradicated. But there are some survivors, that's what Jude thought but is that the truth? He and some other people used a cruise ship and escaped from the mainland, but due to some twist of fate his wife betrayed him. Now he is stranded in an abandoned island, he thought he was alone in that place, he thought he finally became free. But is that the reality? There are some others were in that place too but he didn't know about them at that time. He didn't know that meeting those people will change the course of his entire life. [ warning........] ** The story contains many more erotic scenes, so only recommended to those who are above 18+** Harem - yes Yuri - No Please support me by adding it to your collection and gifting with anything you like and golden tickets. Your support to me is more important than you can imagine.

minatoflash · Ciudad
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692 Chs


As Jude swam tirelessly through the vast expanse of water, his arms cutting through the waves with determined strokes, he felt a sense of frustration and despair creeping into his mind. The shoreline remained elusive, hidden from view by the endless horizon stretching out before him.

"Why me?" Jude thought, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of uncertainty and resignation. "Why do I always find myself in these challenging situations?"

Despite the doubts that gnawed at his resolve, Jude refused to succumb to despair. With each breath, he pushed himself forward, drawing strength from the rhythm of his own heartbeat and the knowledge that giving up was not an option.

As the water surrounded him, embracing him in its cool embrace, Jude's determination burned brighter than ever. He knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, fraught with obstacles and uncertainties, but he also knew that he possessed the courage and resilience to overcome whatever challenges lay in his path.

With each stroke, Jude propelled himself forward, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. Though the shore remained out of sight, he pressed on, fueled by the unwavering belief that hope lay just beyond the horizon, waiting to be discovered.

As Jude pressed forward, his weary limbs propelling him through the water with renewed determination, he began to discern the outline of land on the horizon. His heart quickened with anticipation as he realized that he was nearing his destination, a small island nestled amidst the vast expanse of the ocean.

But as the island came into clearer view, Jude's excitement turned to apprehension. For he saw that the island was surrounded by a series of treacherous whirlpools, their swirling currents forming a formidable barrier between him and his goal.

The island itself had a shape reminiscent of a half moon, its rugged coastline battered by the relentless onslaught of the sea. But it was the whirlpools that commanded Jude's attention, their presence casting a shadow of doubt over his quest.

As he surveyed the scene before him, Jude couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The whirlpools formed a perfect triangle around the island, their churning waters creating a formidable obstacle that seemed insurmountable.

But Jude refused to be deterred. With each stroke, he drew closer to the island, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity. For he knew that beyond the whirlpools lay the answers he sought, the key to unlocking the mysteries that had brought him to this remote corner of the world.

With a final surge of strength, Jude forged ahead, his eyes fixed on the distant shore. Though the journey ahead would be perilous, he remained steadfast in his resolve, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited him as he ventured into the heart of the unknown.

As Jude swam towards the island, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, he was suddenly overcome by a strange sensation. The whirlpool in front of him, which had seemed like an impenetrable barrier only moments before, began to dissipate, its swirling currents slowing to a halt until it vanished completely.

Incredulous, Jude stopped in his tracks, treading water as he looked around in astonishment. The water around him seemed to calm and still, as if the very elements themselves had conspired to usher him towards the island.

With cautious optimism, Jude continued his journey, his strokes steady and purposeful as he moved closer to the shore. As he drew nearer, he felt a sense of serenity wash over him, as if the island itself were extending a silent invitation, welcoming him with open arms.

With each passing moment, the water seemed to part before him, guiding him safely towards the sandy shores of the island. And as Jude finally stepped onto solid ground, he knew that he had embarked upon a journey that would forever alter the course of his destiny.

With a sense of wonder and gratitude, Jude gazed out at the tranquil waters that surrounded him, marveling at the mysteries of the universe that had led him to this moment. And as he took his first steps onto the island, he knew that his adventure had only just begun.

As Jude set foot on the island, he was greeted by an overwhelming sense of tranquility and peace. The ground beneath him felt firm and solid, a stark contrast to the tumultuous waters that surrounded the island.

Turning his gaze back towards the sea, Jude watched in awe as the whirlpool that had once barred his path now churned with renewed vigor, its turbulent waters serving as a formidable barrier between the island and the chaos of the outside world.

Above him, Jude sensed the presence of an invisible barrier, a protective shield that encircled the island, shielding it from the horrors that lay beyond. And as he looked out at the horizon, he could see the faint outlines of a world in turmoil, the signs of an impending apocalypse looming on the horizon.

The news of the zombie attack spreading sent a chill down Jude's spine, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of the island. But even as fear threatened to grip his heart, Jude felt a sense of gratitude for the sanctuary that he had found amidst the chaos.

With a deep breath, Jude turned away from the chaos of the outside world and set his sights on the mysteries that awaited him on the island. For he knew that within its tranquil shores lay the answers he sought, the key to unlocking the secrets of his own destiny.

With each step forward, Jude embraced the unknown with courage and determination, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead on his journey of discovery and redemption. And as he ventured deeper into the heart of the island, he knew that he was embarking on an adventure that would forever change the course of his life.

As Jude stood on the tranquil shores of the island, memories from his past flooded his mind, stirring up emotions that he had long buried beneath the surface. He remembered his youth, a time marked by tragedy and deceit.

At the tender age of sixteen, Jude had found himself thrust into a world of wealth and privilege following the untimely deaths of his parents. With no one to guide him, he had become the wealthiest young man in the country, his inheritance a burden that weighed heavily upon his shoulders.

But amidst the chaos of his newfound fortune, Jude had fallen prey to the manipulations of a woman twice his age. She had wormed her way into his life under the guise of caring and affection, only to reveal her true intentions once she had secured her place by his side.

She had been his father's assistant, a trusted confidante who had seized the opportunity to exploit Jude's vulnerability for her own gain. And before he knew it, Jude had found himself trapped in a loveless marriage, his dreams of happiness shattered by the cruel realities of betrayal and deception.

As Jude reflected on his past, he felt a surge of anger and resentment welling up within him. How could he have been so blind, so naïve as to trust someone who had only ever seen him as a means to an end?

But even as he grappled with the pain of his past, Jude knew that he could not allow himself to be consumed by bitterness and regret. For he was standing on the threshold of a new beginning, a chance to forge his own destiny and reclaim the life that had been stolen from him.

With a steely determination, Jude vowed to leave the ghosts of his past behind him and embrace the future with open arms. For he knew that within the depths of his own resilience lay the power to overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger than ever before. And as he set forth on his journey of self-discovery, Jude knew that he would never again allow himself to be deceived by the false promises of those who sought to exploit his vulnerability for their own gain.

As Jude's memories unfolded like a series of painful snapshots, he recalled the bitter truth of his marriage to the woman who had deceived him. Despite the facade of affection she had shown him, their relationship had been devoid of true intimacy and trust. The only satisfaction Jude had found in her arms was fleeting and hollow, a cruel mockery of the love he had yearned for.

But the depths of her betrayal ran far deeper than Jude had ever imagined. For she had not only deceived him with other affairs, but she had also orchestrated a calculated scheme to strip him of his wealth and autonomy.

It was on a seemingly innocent trip aboard a ship that the full extent of her treachery was revealed. As Jude innocently boarded the vessel, unaware of the sinister intentions that lurked beneath the surface, she had manipulated him into signing away his property and assets with the help of her conniving friend.

And then, in a moment of unfathomable cruelty, they had pushed him overboard, casting him into the unforgiving embrace of the churning waters beside the whirlpool.

As Jude relived the harrowing events of that fateful day, a wave of anger and betrayal surged through him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. How could someone who had once professed to love him betray him in such a callous and heartless manner?

But even as the memories threatened to consume him, Jude refused to be defeated by bitterness and despair. For he knew that he was stronger than the sum of his past traumas, and that within him burned a flame of resilience that could never be extinguished.

With a steely resolve, Jude vowed to reclaim what was rightfully his, to rise from the depths of despair and reclaim his place in the world. For he knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but he was determined to face them head-on, armed with the knowledge that he was a survivor, capable of overcoming even the darkest of trials.

As Jude's thoughts swirled with memories of betrayal and deceit, his attention was suddenly drawn to a captivating sight on the island. There, standing beside a coconut tree, was a naked woman whose seductive demeanor seemed to beckon him with irresistible allure.

For a moment, all thoughts of his past were forgotten as Jude's gaze locked onto the mysterious figure before him. Mesmerized by her beauty and the promise of escape from his troubles, he felt an overwhelming urge to draw nearer to her, to succumb to the temptations that she represented.

With each step forward, Jude felt a strange sensation coursing through his veins, a heady mixture of desire and anticipation that clouded his judgment and dulled his senses. The woman's siren call seemed to echo in his mind, drowning out the nagging doubts and fears that had plagued him moments before.

But as he drew closer, a flicker of doubt crept into Jude's mind. Something about the woman's presence felt off, as if she were not quite what she appeared to be. And yet, despite the nagging sense of unease, he found himself unable to resist her pull, drawn inexorably towards her like a moth to a flame.

With each passing moment, Jude's resolve weakened, his thoughts consumed by the promise of pleasure and escape that the woman seemed to offer. And as he reached out to touch her, he felt a rush of exhilaration wash over him, drowning out the voice of reason that whispered warnings in the back of his mind.

Lost in a haze of desire and longing, Jude surrendered himself to the unknown, ready to embrace whatever fate awaited him in the arms of the mysterious woman who stood before him. For in that moment, all he could think of was the intoxicating thrill of the forbidden, and the promise of a new beginning that lay just beyond his grasp.