
Stuck in a Chinese novel

An amazing world of cultivation. A majestic world where miracles happen. There is a warrior who defies destiny and forge his own path facing innumerable difficulties ahead. Come and join the life of the person who will go against the set destiny of the cruel world and become something extraordinary. ===== Extraordinary my foot. What is this illogical cr*p? Does it even make sense? If you are doctor, then work in a hospital. What the hell are you doing going after girls? If you are a commander in the army, then bring your army to get revenge on those who wronged you. Why go through the trouble of pretending to be a weakling. You are a useless son in law? Your wife's family thinks you are good for nothing? Then how the hell did you score her in the first place?!!! If they like money so much and you are a hidden millionaire, then why in the name of sanity would you hide this fact and be berated every day?!!! The hell is all this?!!! The more I read it, the more illogical it becomes. Like this all came straight out of someone's as-- [Host, why don't you calm down?] 'You shut up!!! You're the reason I'm stuck here in the first place!!!!' [Host, you need anger management] 'THE FU*K DID YOU SAY?!!!!!' ===== Hello everyone! This is my second novel and so far, nothing is decided. This is just an idea that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time and I decided to let it out and let you guys decide whether or not I should work on it. Give it a proper read and let me know. You guys will decide the fate of this novel. Also, I would like you guys to come up with proper genres for this story. Bonus chapters: 150 PS for one chapter 300 PS for another chapter 20 GT for two chapters 50 GT for another two chapters 1 Review of 4 stars or above, 1 extra chapters Maximum extra chapters per week: 7 ===== The cover is A.I generated and is not mine. If the real owner would like me to remove it, let me know in any chapter comments. That's it. Enjoy!

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
205 Chs

System Introduction (2)

Chapter 5

'In the end, it didn't tell. Which means there is someone else in control.' Wei Jun thought inwardly as even after grilling the system for a few minutes, no reply came regarding the identity of the person who sent him to that world.

Seeing that there was no other choice, Wei Jun decided to move on. 'Show me the last tab.'

The system hurriedly complied, afraid that its host might once again become angry.


[Side quests]

[Main quests]

'Open side quests.' Wei Jun commanded but the tab was empty. There was no side quest so he moved on to the next one.

[Main Quest I]

[Run Long]

[Description: The first protagonist of the world and the novel you are a minor villain of will try to kill you as you are a stepping stone.

But you, who aren't who you are supposed to be won't be able to sit and wait for the protagonist to show up and kill you.

Make Run Long, the first protagonist's life a living hell. Make him fall to the deepest pits of despair and when he has nothing left, finish him off.

Objective: Kill Run Long


#1: All stats +10

#2: System update

#3: Shop level update

#4: A three percent discount on all items in the shop permanently

Punishment: The world will kill you in 365 days]

'Hmmm….' Wei Jun deeply analyzed the information given by the quest system before he made a list of questions to ask the system. He found many odd points in the quest so he wanted to know about them.

'From the description, the quest isn't just telling me to kill him but kill him after making him worthless, why?' Wei Jun asked. If he just had to kill him, he could have killed him easily but what if the additional description wasn't just for show but a condition?

[The host suspects correctly]

[You can't kill the protagonist unless you rob him of his luck before]

[Until it falls below a certain point, you will not be able to kill him]

[The world will somehow save the protagonist no matter how illogical]

'I see.' Wei Jun replied before asking, 'And I take away his luck by taking his opportunities? Can he replenish it?'

[Yes and he certainly can if he gets his hand on the designated opportunities before you can]

'And how am I able to know of his opportunities?' Wei Jun asked about the next concerning matter. He had no idea how to rob the protagonist of his luck because he didn't know how to obtain the things to do so in the first place.

[From the novel]

'I haven't read the novel.' Wei Jun replied, suppressing the small amount of anger that almost poured out.

[That… For a small amount of gold coins, the host can read the first of the three volumes of the novel]

The system, seeing no other choice offered an alternative. Wei Jun, who hadn't read a novel of this category before was completely oblivious to the logic of this world so getting just this was something.

'Why can't I read the rest of the two?' Wei Jun asked, a little worried by the lack of information. If he missed something, what if it backfired? 'I can't take a chance.' He thought inwardly before focusing on the answer provided by the system.

[Usually, the host wouldn't have had a need of this because he would have already read it but if I have to be the one to provide, I can only bend my authority by this much]

'And what if I want to read the next two and you can't provide?' Wei Jun was a little irritated by the reply but still chose to be rational.

[There is a method for that but for that, the host would have to sacrifice his own growth]

'What do you mean?' Wei Jun asked curiously.

[The luck you would obtain from the protagonist, instead of using it to increase your own stats, you could use it to read the next volumes]

'And my level would still increase?' Wei Jun asked.

[Yes but the stat increase with each level won't]

'I get it.' Wei Jun replied and slumped back into the car seat. The next question he had was this, 'Why the time limit?'

[Because that is the time frame the protagonist gets involved with the host and kills him]

'So he gets involved with me and kills me in a year. I see. Makes sense.' Wei Jun understood the essence of the logic. Now that he had cleared all the doubts, he just had one question to ask.

'How long before the novel begins?' Wei Jun asked. It would give him the time frame to get involved with the novel and make preparations.

[One month from now]

'Which means I have a month to raise my stats and prepare. Also, I would have to find a way to make money. It would be a waste to not use such useful items.' Wei Jun prepared a plan inside his head.

Just as he had finished everything, the car stopped outside his mansion. The familiar large door came into his view from the car window.

The butler, Chen Xian opened the door to the car and Wei Jun stepped out, still dressed in his underwear.

"Tell me," Wei Jun addressed Chen Xian and once he was attentive, Wei Jun asked, "Do I have money in my account?"

Chen Xian made a strange face to that question as he wasn't sure why he was asking him that but he still replied nonetheless. "You would have about seven million Yuan, Young Master Ruan." Chen Xian respectfully replied.

'That would be seventy thousand gold. How much is needed for the first volume?' Wei Jun calculated and then asked the system about money.

[It would take only ten thousand gold to do it, host]

Wei Jun nodded and turned to the butler and said, "Withdraw two million. I need them by an hour." Chen Xian nodded and replied, "You will have them in an hour, Young Master Ruan."

Wei Jun nodded and made his way inside the villa but instead of going to his room, he headed for the kitchen. He was hungry.


This is it guys. The first five chapters.

I hope you like them and stick around for more.

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