
You Make It Sound As If That’s A Bad Thing

‘Congratulations, Ethan!’ Sebastian said after the young man woke up. ‘You and Samantha are about to have twins!’

‘Not twins,’ Ethan’s Other Half commented. ‘Triplets.’

‘Oh right! She said triplets.’

‘Yes, and she’ll name them Hermione, Ginny, and Minerva.’

‘Good names, but won’t we have problems with copyright?’

‘You can’t copyright names. Do you know how many Harry’s there are in the world?’

Ethan, who had just woken up, ignored the two people from his peanut gallery because he felt something unusual in his chest area.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Samantha suckling on his chest even lightly biting its tip, making him take in a deep breath in surprise.

“… What are you doing?” Ethan asked, ignoring the laughter of his two supporters inside his Sea of Consciousness.

“I was just curious about something,” Samantha said after releasing Ethan’s nipple from her lips. “Now I understand why guys love to suck on lady’s chests.”