
Training With Fae Magic

As soon as Ethan returned inside his room, he made sure to lock the door first.

This is done so that no one would accidentally barge in, while he was testing the magic he acquired from the Fairy, Ruby.

As soon as the blue-haired boy took out his wand, he felt a familiar presence and his environment once again changed to that blue world, where the Mermaid Princess, Illumina, was waiting for him.

“Congratulations on absorbing some magical energy,” Illumina said with a smile. “Because of this, I am able to communicate with you again. Let’s see… Fae Magic this time huh? Although not as strong as Moon Magic, it is still a potent magic.”

Ethan was surprised when Illumina appeared in front of him once again. The only thing he wanted to do was test his Magic, but seeing her again put a smile on his face.

“Illumina, do you know about Fae Magic?” Ethan inquired.