
The Trial of Janvidr [Part 2]

When morning came, Chloe slowly opened her eyes.

She saw her lover’s head buried in her chest, and he was hugging her in a loving embrace.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but smile, as she planted a kiss on his head.

His sleeper breaths felt a bit ticklish on her naked skin, reminding her of their night together.

Since they had a task at hand in the morning, the two of them didn’t do anything too tiring the night before.

Even so, the two of them still shared an intimate moment together before going to sleep.

As the sound of birds chirping in the windows reached her ear, Chloe thought about the Trial that they would be facing soon.

Of course, they could have chosen to not take it and simply explore the Sylvan Realm. However, Ethan believed that they would need the help of the Firbolgs in the coming battles ahead.