
The Pestis’ Empire’s Revenge [Part 1]

An army that numbered tens of thousands marched down the Cloudwall Mountains—their destination was none other than the Duchy of Morgau.

Several years ago, the Humans there had attacked the Ratmen as the latter was running from the Lizardmen of the Slarka Swamp. Since then, the Ratmen had kept their grudge bottled up.

They weren’t originally an aggressive race and were fine living in their colony. However, when bombarded with violence and brutality, even the gentlest creature would have no choice but to adapt or die as per the rule of natural selection.

Perhaps it was this sense of desperation that made several members of this pitiful race give birth to individuals with the ability to use magic.

And one among these special individuals had the vision to ensure that his race would thrive enough to be capable of seeking vengeance on those who almost pushed their race to extinction.

His name was Keznir.

And he was now the Rat King of the Pestis Empire.