
The Flesh Eater Of Great Eagle Forest [Part 3]

Just like a raging bull, Koko charged at its target fearlessly.

As it was about to hit its target, the Wendigo turned into a black mist, completely avoiding the White Gorilla’s charge.

Koko, who had already expected this to happen, stomped its foot on the ground, stopping its charge completely before going for a backhand blow.

As if knowing that its opponent couldn’t remain in its mist form for a long time, the White Gorilla’s fist connected with the side of the Wendigo’s body, sending the creature smashing against the tree behind it.

Koko didn’t give its opponent any time to recover and jumped high in the air using its entire weight to body slam its opponent.

Unfortunately, the Wendigo managed to roll to its side, evading the Gorilla’s attack, making the latter smash against the tree, destroying it completely.

While the two Overlords were fighting against each other, Luna was finally able to approach Ethan to check his condition.