
Invaders From The Other Side [Part 3]

“Ugly Chameleons! How dare you enter our domain!” Lapis, who led the Water Fairies, shouted in anger. “Sisters, eliminate them all!”


The majority of the Fairies formed a protective ring around Ethan, who had just lost consciousness, and unleashed their spells against the Monsters who were invading their Celestial World en masse.

The countless Water Swords that Ethan had created to protect his Domain also moved independently even if their Master was unconscious.

Amidst the Chaos, two powerful beings emerged to slaughter the Red Chameleons, who were disoriented after suddenly finding themselves in a different plane of existence.

Sebastian, in his Hydra Form, and Ethan’s Other Half, in his Human Form, rampaged to their heart’s content, decimating any and all monsters in their path.

The Fairies knew that both of them were allies, so they fought alongside them and collaborated to repel the invaders, who had broken the peace within their Celestial Domain.