
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
93 Chs

Chapter 1

Modern World

Every human, animals and all living creature on earth shed tears without them knowing why. Even the vilest and most evil of humans cried without their control

The men chasing Kence and Kence himself is not an exception for this. It's like a big part of them left

Because of the sudden voice and melancholy that humans felt accident occurred, car drivers bump into anything that was on their way, doctors and nurses stopped their operation and some of the patients died because of that, some dropped what they are holding. It's okay if what they are holding are just some normal things but what if they are holding bombs or any explosive thing that can explode if not handled with care

Some airplanes crashed because the pilot was distracted and did not operate well the plane

These are just some things that happened in earth and sadly it causes death and casualties

Even though Kence was shocked on what happened he immediately used this chance to further increase the distance between him and the men chasing him seeing this the men immediately continued their chase but they only take a few steps when


An explosion occured on every living creature's body, no it's not like the physical explosion that we know of that will make one's flesh mangled and flesh pieces shooting out from their body but instead it's like something exploded on the inside of all the living creatures and soon everyone felt comfort that they never felt before

It's like there are some shackles on their body was removed making them feel extremely comfortable and free

Some closed their eyes to savor this wonder feeling but soon the moan of comfort become a moan of extreme pain

On a place faraway from any civilization on earth a fissure on space can be seen and there came out an angel like being, with the purest of pure white wings and fairest of fair white skin. No, this is not just an angel like being but this is a real angel. Not just an ordinary angel but a Queen of Angels

Raphaela the [Angel Queen] a mythical creature that is comparable to Gods in terms of strength

The earth looks like that it will taint the purity of this being and everything around her started to grow and become full of life. Whether it is the grass, tress or animals around her they started to grow in a rate visible to the naked eye

Despite her appearance a sorrowful expression was painted on her beautiful face and tears are continuously flowing from her beautiful jade like eyes

"My Goddess" she murmured while crying

The trees, grass, and bushes around her started swaying lightly as if comforting or also feeling the sorrow that the angel felt

The animals stopped whatever they are doing and looked at the angel but none of them dared to come close to Raphaela as if they will ruin the purity of this being

At the same time that all living creatures on earth cried out in pain Raphala looked around her and felt the changes on the small planet earth

"Energy" she muttered

At the same time that the Goddess Gaia removed the restrictions on earth energy started to fill the earth. This energy is what they called mana, qi, chakra and other energy depicted on novels that will make one wield supernatural power

The earth of before was devoid of any of this energy and all the organism living on it has a seal on their body the moment, they are born making them unable to sense and store this energy from their body. That is why they all remain a [Normal Rank] creature without any powers. But once they sense, stored and be able to use this energy they will enter the ranks of [Supernatural Being] making them far stronger than any normal creature and also do things that a normal person can't like using magic

The abrupt change was too sudden for the creatures on earth and it is inevitable that some of them will die because of the sudden influx of this energy in their surroundings. Failure to adapt and endure only has one outcome, the energy will strengthen the creature's body but it will also destroy it that will cause them to have strength comparable to [Supernatural] rank being but their body are essentially destroyed even their brains. With a destroyed brain a creature will not retain their intellect, they will become crazy and attack any other living creature

And that is what happened on humans and animals that failed to adapt

Apocalypse Phase One: The Fallen

The Angel feeling energy filling the earth come to her senses

"My last duty" she thought

It is her duty to make humanity feel the need to gain strength but although some will die and become one of the fallen it is only at most 20% of earth's total population that will failed to adapt. With the use of modern weapons, they will surely be able to fight the fallen and with the restrictions being lifted from their body they will learn how to use it and become a [Supernatural] rank being but that is not enough

[Supernatural] rank beings can be easily killed by [God] rank being, in fact the Gods don't even need to lift a finger just a simple thought is enough

The [Angel Queen] Raphaela decided to interfere with the earth's law. Angels may have the strength comparable to Gods but they are not as good as the Gods when interfering with a world's law. But with a low rank planet like earth it is so easy for even an ordinary angel to do it much less an angel one and with Gaia giving her authority to Raphaela it is much easier.

Raphaela decided to make humans unable to use any of modern inventions including weapons and any devices of modern technology like cellphones, computers or even a washing machine!

Doing this will make more humans die but Raphaela steeled her heart to do this, only in a face of pressure will one's potential explode!

Raphaela closed her eyes and thread like thing that looks like DNA that is not visible to ordinary eyes was released from her body and started to slowly cover the earth. After it slowly covered the earth all modern machinery is now unusable

Airplanes crash, land vehicles cease to move and ships stopped in the middle of the seas. One can only cursed their bad luck if they are on any aircrafts as it will cause them an almost certain death

After this Raphaela tear the space and she is now in the earth's atmosphere where the Absolute World Protection that only high rank creatures can see

The earth may now have energy on it but it is not enough, it may be easy to be easy to be a level 5 [Supernatural Rank Being] but further than that will be as hard as scaling the heaven that is why Gaia asked the Angel Raphaela to purify the energy from the void and fill earth with the purified's energy

Raphaela started her task and a formless chaotic black energy started to surround her body until it becomes transparent and released to earth


Kence felt a pain that he never experienced before, although he already experienced different form of pain from getting punched, kicked, sliced by a knife or breaking his bone the pain that he felt before combined was not as painful at what he is feeling now

Fuck it!! First a voice that is like directly talking to my mind then that sudden melancholy but now this incredible pain!!

Because of Kence's current body condition it is not shocking that he will be one of the 20% of earth's population that will be a fallen, heck it is even surprising if he didn't. Being a fallen is a natural outcome for Kence

But... his incredible will is still withstanding the severe pain that he is experiencing now. The human's body will reject the foreign energy making it unable to destroy the human's body but that is only if and only if the humans is awake, if the human succumb to pain and lose consciousness the body will just let the foreign energy destroy itself

N-no I can't faint! I need to get away from here or they will catch me!!

Despite the severe pain Kence manage to stand and started walking, thinking that those men are still chasing him but what he don't know is that all living organism on earth are experiencing the same pain and the men chasing him are busy trying to withstand the pain assaulting them and they can't be bother to chase him now

After what felt like years of pain that in reality only took 1 minute the pain subsided and the pleasant feeling of comfort and being free from before is now what all organisms are feeling then a new voice different from Gaia's voice resounded to all intellectual beings

*Ding* earth's restrictions are now lifted, all creature with intellect can now heard the Voice of the World

A voice as neutral as it can be was heard by all the humans in their head, after all humans are the only species on earth that has awareness, wisdom and intellect. Well that is for now

A pale blue window appeared from the human's vision and yes, it is what they called 'status screen' but compared to those in fictions that has fix numerical value on their stats theirs don't have. After all a human may have a punch power of 200 pounds but what if that humans were pushed to his limits? Like his life depends on it then that human may have greater punch power than in normal times

And this is what Kence's status looks like

Name: Kence Russel (brink of dying)

Species: Human

Rank: Normal Rank Creature

Supernatural Skills: none

Skill Ticket: 1

On normal times Kence will be shock or maybe even scared to suddenly see a screen in front of him but now he is lying in a tree's thick roots with a puddle of his own blood. Because of Kence's senses weakening he didn't notice the roots and tripped on it, making his originally spinning blurry vision to worsen and more blood flowed out from his terrible wounds

No! I can't! I still need to avenge my parents! Gritting his teeth or at least tried to grit it, Kence thought but he now can't even breathe much less grit his teeth

Kence continued fighting his imminent death, in the future he will surely thank his past self from not giving up on life because...

*ding* because this is the first time that the Voice of the World can be hear on this planet the world decided to give gifts to those who are worthy

*ding* congratulations for host for meeting the requirement to receive gifts from the world

*ding* Host received the World's Blessing

World's Blessing: the world will bless the Host and save the Host from any situation even if it is from Gods

Note: A random scenario will happen to save the Host, the Host may like or hate what will happen so please use with caution

Am I hallucinating? Where does this voice come from? What Voice of the World? What World's Blessing?

Even if I'm hallucinating or not, even if I need to have a deal with a devil, I will accept it! Just save me from death, I can't die yet. There is a revenge that I still need to take with my own hands!

System or whatever Voice of the World you are use World's Blessing and fucking save me now!

*ding* Is Host sure to use the World's Blessing?

Fucking yes! I screamed on my mind

*ding* using World's Blessing a random scenario will happen to save the Host

And that is what Kence heard before he felt like something on his body was extracted and flew inside the tree where he tripped.