
Strongest Superhuman System

Four years ago, the first-ever Armageddon Class Anima appeared on Earth, destroying everything that it touched and threatening the lives of the entire world's population! But along with it came Superhumans that had the blessing of mana. They rose up to fight against the Armageddon, and leading them was the strongest Superhuman, KING. After two days and three nights of nonstop battle, KING gave his life to stop the Armageddon and give the Superhumans a fighting chance against the invading Anima, and everyone in the world remembers his good deeds and sacrifice! ... Mark was just an average Superhuman living in City A. His daily routine was skipping classes and hanging out with his only two friends while hunting for Anima in secret whenever he could. But this easy life was not going to last for long as the hidden power he sacrificed a long time ago began to awaken once more! [Initializing Superhuman System...] [Recognizing Host... Host Recognized.] [Parsing Constitution. Host Fully Healed. No Traces Of Residual Damage.] "Hello once again, Mark Vanitas. Has it already been four years?" ... Posting Schedule: Two chapters a day everyday, except days when extra chapters are posted along with the regular ones.

Legioneer_1000 · Fantasía
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533 Chs


"I don't know if I'll be able to, but I ain't going nowhere without giving you lovely people a first-class view of the handsome devil himself…!!"

There were multiple journalists and even some Metube influencers surrounding the helicopter on every side as it landed! No matter what the guards did, they couldn't stop the reporters from going crazy and trying to break through to see Mark and ask him some questions! It felt like the president himself was walking out from the copter! In fact, the president wouldn't even have these many people coming to see him! This was the largest crowd that the NSA has ever seen since superhumans started appearing four years ago!

Mark could hear the sounds of the reporters even over the loud sound that the helicopter was making as it landed outside the National Superhuman Association building and Mark came down from the helicopter along with Tyler and Fiona.

"Mark! Mark! Do you have anything to say to the people at home?"

"How do you feel now that your identity has been revealed!?"

"Was there a reason behind you hiding your identity!? Are there people after you!?"

"Markie! Won't you take a picture with Cutiepie!? Smile for the camera!"

"Are you afraid that there will be more monsters to fight now that you defeated such a powerful Anima!?"

"You are with Fiona and Tyler from the Artemis guild, do you intend to finally give up the solo act and join a guild!? Are you going to join the National Superhumans Association or are you going to remain as a vigilante!?"

Questions were raining down on Mark nonstop, and Mark had to try his best to not hurt anyone as he pushed the cameras and microphones away from his face! Journalists were always so annoying; this is another reason why Mark didn't want to reveal his identity in the first place! Superhumans were some of the most popular people in the world, and there was never any privacy when they were involved. Journalists and the press were always trying to get either an interview or an exclusive statement! It was too overbearing because they just didn't know when to stop! They would keep trying until they got too far!

There have been situations where superhumans have become too annoyed with journalists and injured them while trying to get them away! It was probably just a small mistake since a superhuman is so strong that a simple slap would be enough to decapitate a human at once! But the media did not see it that way, and the superhuman was fined and restricted from going out in public by the NSA for a long time as punishment! As far as the media and the NSA were concerned, the humans were the weaker ones, so they deserved to be treated better than the superhumans!

Mark constantly had to move microphones out of his face, and he grabbed one of the microphones and threw it behind him when a journalist constantly tried to press it against his face!

Fiona and Tyler were also being asked a lot of questions, but they both ignored the press just like Mark, and the three of them finally managed to make it to the building and enter inside to get away from the journalists. It was silent inside the building, but there were many people who stopped moving once they saw Mark, and they began to point to him and murmur among themselves! The staff here were mainly humans, so they were just as awed by Mark's presence as the journalists outside!

There were a few people that didn't bother to stop and stare though, and one of them walked up to the trio of superhumans and spoke to Fiona! She was a beautiful woman with large breasts and a short stature that only made her chest stand out far more than it should have! She had red hair and blue eyes, and her eyes were constantly glancing towards Mark as she spoke.

She wore a business suit and a black skirt that only went down to her knees, and she carried a tablet that she was constantly looking down at when she talked! She also wore a pair of large glasses, and Mark noticed that she was always touching it while glancing at him! She would push it up or just brush her hand against it, so Mark could only assume that she had some sort of complex about it! She looked to be around twenty years old, so she must have just graduated from the university recently. Did they use to tease her about her glasses?

Mark was too confused to notice that she was trying to grab his attention by what she was doing, and Mark did not even bother to give her another glance! He couldn't start thinking of what she was trying to do since his mind was too occupied thinking about what Arit could be going through. He wanted to be done with this as quickly as possible!

"Madam Fiona, we've prepared a room for you all. You can come right this way. The chairman is not in the building right now, but he heard about your request, and he has given us permission to show you what you want. There will be restrictions placed on what you can see since Master Mark has not yet been registered with the NSA, but I believe we can give enough information to allow Master Mark to make a decision."

The woman looked down at her clipboard again before she started to lead them away from the main reception area and deeper into the building. Mark couldn't help but notice that she was walking directly in front of him and her hips were swaying more than necessary! The woman didn't even try to hide the way that she was walking, and when they got to the room that they were meant to go into, she held the door open and glanced right at Mark.

"I hope you have a pleasant meeting. If you need anything. Anything at all~ Please, don't hesitate to find me."

The woman handed her card over to Mark, and Mark only glanced down at it for a moment before looking back at her curiously. Her suggestive tone and the things she said while looking right at him immediately made him realize what she was talking about, and Mark raised a brow as she turned and walked down the hallway while still swaying her hips like crazy! Was this some sort of joke? She was definitely trying to flirt with him, and there was no doubt that her last words were an invitation for him to find her. Mark shook his head and looked away from the woman as she turned the corner. He put her card in his pocket and decided that he would forget about it. This was something that he had never experienced before, so it was a big surprise for him! Were all superhumans treated like this? When he was a vigilante, no one ever tried something like this with him!

"Unimaginative slut. It will do you good to ignore people like her. There are a lot of them in the world of superhumans, and they will all want a piece of you since you are so powerful. You might bite off more than you can chew if you are not careful, little brother~"

Sigh~ I want a contract~

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