
Chapter 1

As I open my eyes, I was surprised when I found I was no longer in my secluded cave trying to breakthrough, but was rather within an unfamiliar forest. Smelling blood, I quickly jump up but felt incredibly wrong in an instant.

My body is much weaker than before, and it seems to be smaller as well, for some reason. Staring at the small and soft white hand instead of my normal large rough hand, I was shocked to say the least. A scary thought came to mind as I pulled open my very old and torn looking shirt, and was shocked to see 2 small and soft looking bumps on my chest. At this moment, my now long hair also caught my attention.

Not wanting to believe it, I slowly reached my hand towards my groin and felt around, and to my horror, it was smooth. This confirmed my horrible idea. I was somehow a female now. And most likely a female child at the moment, considering how small I am.

I heard a growl behind me and was shocked that something could sneak up on me without my notice, but I quickly reacted and jumped a few meters away from the sound of the growl before spinning around, coming face to face with a quite large boar.

Staring at it, I could confirm it was incredibly weak compared to the beasts I usually kill, but I also realized my strength at the moment wasn't even 1% of was it normally is. I wasn't able to think about it much longer as the boar decided to charge at me, it's tusk aiming for my gut.

Rolling out of the way, I thrust my right hand out like a knife and push it into the left eye socket of the boar, easily crushing the eye. Not minding the crushed eye on my hand, I jump back a few inches to dodge the boars tusk and repeat the same thing with the right eye socket, blinding the boar.

I was about to attack again but was shocked to realize that the boar was no longer moving, much to my confusion. I then realized that it was an incredibly weak beast that didn't have an ounce of Dou Qi nor Magic in it's body, which is why it died so easily.

[User has killed a Level 3 Wild Boar. Obtained 30 experience and 10 points.]

[User has leveled up to 2 and obtained 2 Attribute Points.]

'What the hell is this thing?' I thought while instinctively swiping my hand at it, but was surprised when it merely passed through it, as if it was an illusion.

Staring at the line of words that didn't disappear yet, I was confused at the unfamiliar terms it said. What are these experience, points, level and attribute points? Why is this so confusing to me?

[Does User want to start the System Rundown? It will explain everything about User's current situation.]

'Explain everything about my situation, eh? Fine, why not.' I thought as the words changed again.

[User has died on their original world by trying to ascend to a higher level than the world allowed. As User's soul was about to dissipate, it was found by a passing System God and gave the User it's System and then threw it into a random world. This world is the same as User's original world, but it is still different. It has Dou Qi and Magic as well as beasts like User's original world, but there are a few reincarnated people in this world with a System similar to User's. The System is an assistant to the User to help increase the User's strength. The System can show the User their own Status, which says all the necessary details about User, while the Shop allows the User to buy anything they wish as long as they have enough points. Think either Status or Shop within User's mind to bring them up. If User has any questions, please ask whenever they wish.]

'Right. That explains a lot. I died while I was trying to ascend, no wonder I feel so weak. Still, to be reborn in another world that is similar to mine is good for me, but why did I have to change genders so abruptly... Whatever, let's see this Status thing. It said I leveled up to 2 and obtained 2 Attribute Points earlier.' I thought while thinking Status.

[Name: Ren Frost(Takatsuki)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 11(128)

Level: 2(5/50)

Dou Qi Rank: Apprentice Warrior Stage 1

Dou Qi Type: Shadow

Dou Qi: 100/100

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Spirit: 10

Skills: Shadow Sword(Tier 1), Shadow Walk(Tier 1), Shadow Cloak(Tier 1)

Points: 10

Attribute Points: 2]

'Hm, this is very weird. I still have Shadow as my Dou Qi Type, and I also have Tier 1 Skills for the Shadow Class of Dou Qi, which helps me greatly. Still, what is this Dou Qi Rank being Apprentice Warrior Stage 1? What does that mean? Also, what are these Attributes and Attribute Point used for?' I asked the System thingy.

[Attributes are how strong User is. Strength=Damage User can do, Agility=How fast User can move, Vitality=How strong User's body is and how quickly User heals, Intelligence=How strong Magic is and Spirit=User's senses and how strong Dou Qi is. The Apprentice Warrior Stage 1 is part of the Dou Qi System of this world. Would User like a rundown on this worlds Dou Qi System?]

'So Attributes are useful, especially that Spirit one since it strengthens my Dou Qi. Right, tell me about the Dou Qi System in this world then.' I thought.

[The Dou Qi System has the following ranks: Apprentice Warrior Stage 1-10, Intermediate Warrior Stage 1-10, Advanced Warrior Stage 1-10, Peak Warrior Stage 1-10, Master Warrior Stage 1-10, Grandmaster Warrior Stage 1-10, Ancestor Warrior Stage 1-10, Heavenly Warrior Stage 1-10, Saint Warrior Stage 1-10 and God Warrior Stage 1-10. The Magic System has the exact same ranks, just with Warrior being replaced with Mage instead. For User, every 10 Levels is a Stage for User's Dou Qi Rank. For example, User is Level 2, so User is Apprentice Warrior Stage 1, but if User was Level 10, User would be an Apprentice Warrior Stage 2.]

'I see, that's easy to know. Now then, how do I use these Attribute Points? Do I just think about what Attribute to allocate them to like how I bring up the Status?' I thought to myself before doing just that, and it surprisingly worked.

[Spirit has increased from 10 > 12.]

'Huh, so it does work like that. That's good to know.' I thought to myself.

Now that I could get a good look at where I am, I noticed that there was a broken carriage a few meters away with about a dozen dead bodies surrounding it. They are all wearing plate armor and have either a sword or spear on them, but that apparently didn't help them against whatever killed them.

Walking to the carriage, I look at the wounds on the bodies and notice that they were killed by a sharp weapon, probably a dagger since the cuts are small. Were they attacked by assassins or something? Most probably my current body was from this carriage. Looking inside the carriage, I found a few dead women in rag like clothing, similar to what I am currently wearing. Were the owners of this carriage slavers? Not the first time I have seen them.

I decided to look through the carriage and dead bodies to see if I can find anything useful for the current me, and was surprised to find a black cloak. It was too big for my current body, but I could easily cut it down to fit me, which is what I did. Cutting it nearly in half, it now fit my current body perfectly, and it even had a hood I could use to hide my face from my nose up, leaving just my lower face visible.

Finding nothing else of use inside the carriage, I exit it and head straight to the dead bodies outside and begin looking through their corpses to see if I find anything useful. On the guards I could only find a few copper and occasionally a silver coin, which means the currency is the same in this world as my own, which is good.

I then noticed a large fat guy with half his head cut off and realize he is probably the slaver. I head to his body and was surprised to see a pitch black ring on his finger, which reminded me of a Space Ring from my world. Thinking it is the same thing, I pull it off the slavers body and cut my finger slightly and drip a bit of blood onto the ring, and sure enough it sucks my blood in, meaning it should be what I think it is.

I put it on my finger and insert a tiny bit of Dou Qi into it, and sure enough it was a Space Ring. Looking through what was inside it, I could tell the slaver was quite rich. I counted about 300 or 400 hundred gold coins, as well as a few thousand silver and copper coins, which will be of use to me.

I was also surprised by how many weapons were inside the ring. Then, I laid my eyes upon a set of weapons similar to what I used in my last life, much to my excitement. They were gauntlets that had scythe-like daggers on the end of them, and they are even retractable! This is my favourite type of weapon to use as I am an assassin!

I excitedly bring them out of the ring and fasten them onto both my arms, slightly surprised that they shrunk to fit them perfectly, meaning the rank of these gauntlets are quite high. If I remember correctly, only Rank 7 equipment could do that in my last life, but I don't know if it is the same on this world, but it probably is.

I was a bit sad that I couldn't find a mask or anything in the ring, but I guess I am already lucky enough as it is. Here I thought I would need to spend a lot of time to find weapons like these, but I managed to find them instantly after coming to this world, which is odd but helpful.

Now that I have proper weapons and a bunch of money, it is time for me to get stronger. Since I don't need to spend years at a time to increase my Dou Qi since I can just do it by killing things, I should go hunting in the forest since I am already here. Not to mention my body is so small that it is weak, so I should stay here for a few years to get stronger.

I just hope it is as easy as I hope to get stronger earlier on. I noticed that the experience thing the System told me increased my level by 1 and had a leftover of 5 experience from the total of 30. Now I need a total of 50 to level up again, meaning the experience needed probably doubles each time I raise my level, meaning it will be hard to level up at a higher level.

Still, it should be easy to level up early on, as a weak boar gave me 30 experience. I just hope I can find a few dozen more of them, since they will be very easy to kill with my current weapons, not to mention I still have 3 of my Shadow Dou Qi skills, even if they are only Tier 1.

[Name: Ren Frost(Takatsuki)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 11(128)

Level: 2(5/50)

Dou Qi Rank: Apprentice Warrior Stage 1

Dou Qi Type: Shadow

Dou Qi: 120/120

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Spirit: 12

Skills: Shadow Sword(Tier 1), Shadow Walk(Tier 1), Shadow Cloak(Tier 1)

Points: 10

Attribute Points: 0]

Shadow Sword let's me summon a sword made out of Shadow Dou Qi to shoot at my enemy, which is useful for sneak attacks or distractions. Shadow Walk let's me enter the shadows all around me to move quickly, and at a higher Tier I can even move through walls. Meanwhile Shadow Cloak lets me cover my body in Shadow Dou Qi to increase my defence, and it even let's me appear to be hazy to others as I am basically made out of shadows at that point, meaning they won't be able to see me clearly. Still, I don't know how much of my Dou Qi it will take for each of these skills. I have a total of 120 Dou Qi, which is probably what my maximum output is currently at. It seems that 1 point in Spirit increases my Dou Qi limit by 10 points, which is greatly convenient. In my last life it took me ages to increase my Dou Qi even by a fingers worth in length. Now I can easily increase it just by placing Attribute Points into Spirit.

Well then, let's go explore this forest and find some prey to increase my level quickly.


And something to fill my stomach...