
Strongest In The Apocalypse

A random night the world fell into a new era where laws don’t apply anymore. Monsters, Magic, Power, and things that look like it came straight out a fantasy novel plunged the world into despair. The only way to survive was to take on the quest of defeating these monsters and acquiring new abilities to help you along your way. ** I don’t have a specific exact idea on how this story will play out since I’m just going with what my mind comes up with. Also this is complete fantasy so logic doesn’t apply anymore.

J0KERR · Fantasía
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5 Chs


Barry kept running down the street and avoided all the demons he came across since h already wasted enough time-fighting.

He kept going until he saw a huge mansion in the distance he quickly picked up the pace.

'Also I think I know what endurance does now. It acts as stamina and defense.'

Barry tan full speed and got there in no time. He barged through the door not caring if it was demon-infested.

"Mom, Dad, Kayden!"

Barry shouted but heard no response so he quickly ran through the house and found nothing he then headed upstairs and scanned each room and found nothing.

He took a turn into another hall and saw a trail of blood leading into his parent's room.

Barry's eyes widened up and his body started heating up causing sweat to drip from his forehead. He was hoping this was the blood of a demon and not his parents.

He slowly followed the blood into the room when he got there his hopes of finding dead demons were right.

'Yes, it was demons.'

Barry sighed in relief but noticed that the demons looked familiar the girl had short black hair and the other demon had curly black hair.

He walked closer to the demons to inspect them.

He kneeled and started tearing up when he noticed it was his mom and dad. He looked towards their stomachs and noticed it was eaten by a demon just like that time in his apartment.

He closed his parent's eyes and spoke to them.

"I promise I'll kill the demon who did this."

Barry's eyes were filled with rage and resolve to kill the demon who killed his parents.

He remembered his younger brother and noticed he wasn't in the room so he had a thought that he was still alive.

Barry stood up from the floor and with tears still dripping from his eyes he prayed for his dead parents and then started to look for his brother.

"B-Barry is t-that you?"

Barry instantly noticed the voice and replied to it.

"Yes, that's me Kayden where are you?"

"I'm in the corner behind the bed don't come close to me."

"Why? We have to go it's too dangerous here."

"I can't I did s-something horrible."

"W-What do you mean."

Barry started putting the pieces together. Kayden does not want to be seen. His parents being eaten and Kayden saying he did something horrible.

He didn't want to believe it so to confirm it he walked toward the bed and peeked over.

His eyes widened and tears started to water.

His brother was covered with blood and he had the traits of a demon.

The only different thing was his hand had a pattern on it.

"K-Kayden d-did you d-do it?"

Kayden then started to tear up. "I didn't want to I tried my best to resist but my body moved on its own and this stupid voice in my head kept talking to me."

"Voice? What is it saying?"

"I-It keeps telling me to kill."

Barry backed away from Kayden even though he was his brother who he loved the voice Kayden spoke about was too dangerous.


Barry's sentence was cut off by the shout of his brother.


Barry was surprised by the yell of his brother but he couldn't t leave him behind.


"My body I can't control it anymore the voice is trying to take control run or else I'll kill you."

Barry tried to run but his body froze when he was in the doorway.

His body slowly started moving backward. He tried resisting but it was futile.

He looked behind him and his brother's hand was out in front of his body and the pattern on his hand was glowing purple.


Barry tried to resist once again but nothing worked.

He held onto the bed but the bed started moving as well.

"It's pointless. My telekinesis is too powerful for a lower being to handle."

A deep ominous voice coming from Kayden's mouth said with a grin.

"You're the voice in the brother's head. Let him go or else I'll kill you."

"Hahaha. Kill me? You could never plus killing me would kill your brother I don't think you'd want that now would you."

Barry knew what the demon said was true but that didn't mean he couldn't hurt the demon.

Barry with his new strength ripped a piece of the wooden bed off and swung it towards the demon.

When the wood came into contact with the demon's face his body backed up a little and his power over Barry weakened.

Barry took this opportunity to attack the demon with the wood multiple times to the face.

With every hit, the demon backed up a little and with Barry's new speed he was able to hit him plenty of times in a matter of seconds.

Barry was with this last hit put his all into it and hit the demon causing the wood to break into pieces.

Barry stood there hoping the demon was very injured but the demon turned its head slowly and looked at Barry while spitting broken teeth out of its mouth.

"For a lower being you have plenty of strength but that's all I can tell you have to experience fighting."

The demon raised its arm and lifted Barry into the air slamming him repeatedly to the ground.

'This hurts badly and I might die if I don't do anything.'

Barry tried thinking of an idea but couldn't come up with anything then he remembered about Kayden.

'Kayden, That's still his body he should at least have some control over it.'

Barry had one idea left and if it didn't work he was as good as dead.


Barry waited a few seconds but the demon still had complete control over Kayden.

"It's useless his will isn't strong enough to overtake me."

The demon said with an evil laugh.

"I'll finish this now since your body is destroyed."

Barry's body was in bad condition. All the bones in his body were nearly broken and he couldn't even feel his hand.

The demon then let go of his control over Barry and let him drop onto the ground.

"Pathetic. The human race is truly weak. Well, now goodbye."

The demon grabbed Barry by his hair with his left hand and with his right hand he was getting ready to pierce his heart.

"K-Kayden please."

"Enough, just die quietly."

The demon moved its hand swiftly but stopped suddenly. The claws of the demons were touching Barry's chest causing a little blood to leak from it.

"Impossible, a human and a kid at that is taking over my body."

Barry stared at the demon and a familiar voice rang out.

"Barry q-quickly you have to kill him I can't hold on much longer."

"No, if I kill him you die."

"It's alright my consciousness is slowly fading eventually I will seize to exist so I'd rather die knowing I saved my brother."

"Plus this is me repaying my debt. Remember you saved me from those bullies behind the school a few years ago. There were 3 of them but you still fought for me."

"So this is me repaying you. So quickly you have a few seconds."

Barry's heart started aching. Killing a brother was something that he couldn't do no matter what but right now he had to.

"Enough of this love chit chat when I get complete control of this body I'll rip you from limb to limb."

The demon said with pure rage in its eyes.

[Due to the excessive amount of dark matter, the systems creating an appropriate power for the user]

[Power 100%]

[Power: BlackHole]