

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Cómic
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107 Chs

Human-enhancing Drug

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, nearly two months had passed.

During this period, everything had been calm, and there were no more incidents of mutants infiltrating Yueyi Tower. As for ordinary commercial spies, they were no match for the intelligent program J.A.R.V.I.S.'s subroutines, which handled any infiltration attempts swiftly. At present, there were no spies daring enough to sneak into Yueyi Tower.

In addition to the Dennis family countering Hydra in secret, S.H.I.E.L.D. had not caused any trouble for Fang ye again.

Black Widow Natasha had resigned, possibly receiving orders to do so as early as two months ago.

Another noteworthy development was that Yueyi Fund had already gone public and issued shares a month ago. In just two months, the market value of Yueyi Fund had multiplied several times over. In terms of financial strength, Yueyi Fund was now on par with large corporations like Osborn Industries and Stark Industries.

If there was any difference, it was only in terms of background and connections. However, such connections and background required time to accumulate and couldn't be achieved overnight.

In the past two months, there were several interesting incidents in New York, and one of them caught Fang ye's attention—the appearance of a new superhero!

This superhero fought crime all around the city, and thanks to his presence, the crime rate in New York had decreased significantly.

This superhero dressed in blue and red tight-fitting clothes with a spider pattern on his outfit. He also used spider silk skillfully. The citizens of New York now called him Spider-Man.

Fang ye had already anticipated Spider-Man's appearance, as he had encountered Peter Parker back in Osborn Industries. Fang ye knew that Parker would be bitten by a super spider, undergo a genetic mutation, and gain the abilities of a spider.

However, Fang ye had no intention of recruiting Spider-Man. The young man's sense of justice was too strong, making him unsuitable to work under Fang ye.

As for the Hulk, perhaps because of Fang ye's influence, a butterfly effect occurred. General Ross and Dr. Banner's relationship did not improve as in the original story, and due to multiple battles, their relationship had become increasingly strained.

However, as long as the Hulk didn't rampage through Wall Street, Fang ye had no intention of getting involved. He already had enough troubles to deal with.

In an underground research center room.

The conference room was full of people, with Fang ye sitting at the head, his gaze sweeping across everyone.

"Dr. Stern, you can start first!"


Dr. Stern stood up, adjusting his tie, and gave a slight cough.

He began reporting on the progress of the Hulk serum's research in the past two months.

"Boss, after two months of research, we have made significant breakthroughs with the Hulk serum. The success rate of fusion has increased by four percentage points. With more time, I am confident that we can further improve the serum..."

Fang ye nodded with a smile, affirming Dr. Stern's efforts.

When the Hulk serum was just developed, the fusion success rate was 1% to 3%. Now, the success rate had increased by four percentage points, reaching 5% to 8%. Although it was still very low, it was a significant improvement compared to the initial stage.

Fang ye was relieved. He was glad that he had tied Dr. Stern to Wall Street; otherwise, the Hulk serum's progress would have been much slower.

The development of the Hulk serum had almost reached Fang ye's expected goal. Now, it was time to focus on the human-enhancing drug.

After praising Dr. Stern for a while, Fang ye turned his gaze to Dr. Connors.

Dr. Connors stood up and began his report.

"Boss, we have also made significant progress with the human-enhancing drug in the past two months. We have overcome the fatal flaw of personality fragmentation. However, the drug still has its shortcomings. After injection, it may have some impact on one's psyche..."

"Impact on the psyche? Can you elaborate?"

Hearing that the human-enhancing drug still had flaws, Fang ye frowned. It was not the answer he wanted to hear.

Seeing Fang ye's frown, Dr. Connors felt a bit uneasy.

"For example, after injection, one's emotions may become volatile and prone to anger. If not properly controlled, it may even distort a person's character..."

"Can this flaw be overcome in a short time?"

"If you give me half a year, I am confident that I can completely perfect the human-enhancing drug!"

"Half a year, huh..."

Fang ye sighed inwardly. He didn't have half a year to spare. He had paid a great price to gain three months. He had even risked offending Hydra for that time. Half a year was almost an unrealistic dream.

"I can only take a risk!"

Fang ye had made up his mind. He was going to inject the human-enhancing drug.

Now that the fatal flaw of personality fragmentation had been resolved, Fang ye didn't have too many concerns. As for the emotional impact?

Fang ye was confident in controlling his emotions because his mind was different from ordinary people's. He could maintain absolute calmness whenever he wished.

Fang ye had been guessing that perhaps the reason for his unique mental state was his precognitive ability.

So far, Fang ye was not completely clear about his precognitive ability. The only thing he could be sure of was that it granted him two abilities.

The first ability was the perception of danger. He could sense any impending danger that was about to happen to him.

The second ability was the control of his emotions. Even when he was in a state of fury, he could maintain a clear consciousness. It was a strange state, akin to being half-crazy and half-calm.

However, compared to the first ability, Fang ye rarely used the second one. It could even be said that it was practically useless.

But now, this ability that had been of little use in the past might be the solution to a current problem.

After a moment of contemplation, Fang ye raised his head, looking at Dr. Williams.

He had great expectations for the research progress on the spatial teleportation device.

However, the rental period for the waist belt had already expired, and Fang ye had to continue renting it. Deadpool didn't mind at all; he was more than happy for Fang ye to keep renting it for five million dollars a day.

"Dr. Williams, how is the research progress on the spatial teleportation device?"

"Boss, I have already grasped the operating principles of the energy circulation system matrix. As long as I find a suitable metal material as the core of the matrix, I am confident that I can manufacture the spatial teleportation device!"


Fang ye smiled. Dr. Williams did not disappoint him.

However, Fang ye had not yet found a metal material suitable for the matrix operation. He had sent people to investigate Heinrich Zemo's place, but as of now, Heinrich Zemo did not possess the type of metal material suitable for the spatial teleportation device. It was possible that he hadn't obtained it yet since the events of the Avengers were still quite some time away. Thus, Fang ye continued to keep an eye on Heinrich Zemo while also searching for other suitable metal materials.

"Everyone, go back to what you were working on. Dr. Connors, you stay!"


After everyone else left, only Fang ye and Dr. Connors remained in the conference room.

Dr. Connors hesitated to speak; he knew exactly why Fang ye had kept him.

However, he genuinely did not want Fang ye to take any risks. Fang ye was not only his boss but also his main financial backer. He absolutely did not want anything to happen to him.

"Dr. Connors, you should know the reason why I kept you here."

"Boss, won't you reconsider? You only need to wait for another half a year, and I guarantee that I will thoroughly perfect the human-enhancing drug within that time!"

"My decision is final. There's no need to persuade me further."

"Ah, Boss, then let's go to the lab."

Fang ye stood up, adjusting his clothes.

He was nervous; there was no denying that fact. Although the success rate of the human-enhancing drug fusion was very high, there was still a possibility of failure, and the consequence would be genetic breakdown...

Fang ye took a deep breath, controlling his nervous emotions. In an instant, he regained absolute calmness and rationality.

He nodded to Dr. Connors. "Let's go!"