

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Cómic
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107 Chs

Abducting Dr. Stern

After returning to Wall Street Yueyi Building, Fang Ye called Dr. Connors into his office.

"Dr. Connors, this is the data of the human enhancement potion developed by Osborne Industries. Take it back and study it!"

"Human enhancement potion?"

The human enhancement potion was a core secret of Osborne Industries, and Dr. Connors naturally couldn't know about it. It was also the first time he had heard of the name "human enhancement potion."

Seeing Dr. Connors looking puzzled, Fang Ye explained, "The human enhancement potion is something similar to the Super Soldier Serum, but just like the Super Soldier Serum, it also has fatal flaws!"

"Super Soldier Serum..."

Dr. Connors' eyes lit up when he heard this. He had certainly heard of the name Super Soldier Serum.

After all, the deeds of Captain America, Steve Rogers, were well known and widely publicized by the U.S. government. He was the only person who successfully injected the Super Soldier Serum.

Because of the injection of the Super Soldier Serum, Steve Rogers' physical abilities, such as strength, speed, and endurance, surpassed human limits.

Now hearing that Osborne Industries had developed a potion similar to the Super Soldier Serum, Dr. Connors couldn't help but be interested.

Then, Fang Ye took out a wooden box containing three super spiders.

"Here are three super spiders cultivated by Osborne Industries. You are a leading expert in arachnology worldwide. You might be interested in these three spiders. Take them and study them!"

"Boss, thank you so much..."

Dr. Connors' face lit up with joy. He was indeed thrilled to receive the wooden box containing the super spiders.

As Fang Ye had said, Dr. Connors was a top expert in the field of arachnology, and compared to the human enhancement potion, he was more interested in the three super spiders.

"You may leave now!"

Fang Ye waved his hand, and the matter was explained. He had other things to attend to.

Dr. Connors left cheerfully, eager to start studying the three super spiders.

"Everything is ready; all that's left is the east wind..."

Fang Ye sighed inwardly.

Now that he had the Hulk's blood serum and the human enhancement potion, the next step was to continuously refine both potions until they met Fang Ye's standards.

A person's life was only given once, and Fang Ye valued his life more than anyone else.

Before he had significant certainty, he wouldn't rashly attempt to fuse the two potions.

The fusion of the human enhancement potion might lead to failure, and one might develop a second personality that only sought destruction, as Norman Osborne did in the original work. But as long as one survived, there might still be hope for salvation.

However, if the fusion of the Hulk's blood serum failed, there was absolutely no possibility of survival!

The energy contained in the Hulk's blood serum was too terrifying!

Even if the serum was diluted and processed in various ways to make it more suitable for human gene fusion, the energy it contained was still quite terrifying and far beyond what an ordinary human body could withstand.

This was why, in the beginning, Fang Ye looked down on the human enhancement potion, but now he was considering it.

The idea was to inject the human enhancement potion to enhance physical qualities before fusing with the Hulk's blood serum, to increase the chances of success during the fusion process.

Dong Dong Dong!

The sound of knocking interrupted Fang Ye's contemplation.

"Come in!"

"Boss, this is the intelligence information just received from Shulong."

Jennifer, dressed professionally, with her beautiful hair flowing over her shoulders, her stunning figure, and her almond-shaped face adorned with light makeup, all combined to make it difficult for an ordinary man to resist her charms.

Fang Ye glanced at her lightly, then patted the sofa beside him.


Jennifer blushed slightly and lightly responded.

Then she sat naturally beside Fang Ye, intimately holding his arm, while also pushing the information toward him.

Fang Ye's attention, however, did not linger on Jennifer, but instead furrowed his brows as he perused the information.

Shulong was a code name for one of Fang Ye's capable subordinates, responsible for gathering intelligence and collecting various information. Even some assassination activities were handled by Shulong secretly.

"Carlton University, military fighting with unidentified green creatures..."

The keywords "Carlton University" and "green creatures" immediately caught Fang Ye's attention. While others might not understand what the green creatures were, how could Fang Ye not know?

Those green creatures were none other than the future world-famous and invincible Hulk!

However, since the Hulk was already fighting the military, it meant that Dr. Stern would go to Dr. Connors soon.

Dr. Stern was a professor of cell biology at Carlton University and an outstanding expert in gamma radiation research, making him one of the best in the world. Such talent must not be allowed to slip away; Fang Ye must persuade him to join his research team.

Although Dr. Banner was also an expert in gamma radiation, Fang Ye never had the idea of recruiting him. Banner was like an unstable bomb, and Fang Ye would never attempt to recruit him.

Who knew that if he succeeded in recruiting Banner, the Hulk might suddenly appear and destroy the research facility he had spent so much to establish.

Putting down the intelligence information, Fang Ye made a call.

"Shulong, how is the situation over there?"

A low, hoarse voice came through the phone, and the gender of the speaker was hard to discern.

"Boss, I've been following Dr. Stern as you ordered recently. Last night, I even sent someone to infiltrate his lab..."

After listening to Shulong's report, Fang Ye fell into silence.

Based on Shulong's report, Dr. Stern's research on the blood serum had reached a crucial point, and the completion of the serum was expected within the next two to three days.

Now Fang Ye had two choices:

The first was to immediately abduct Dr. Stern.

The second was to wait for Dr. Stern to complete the serum and then abduct him.

The first option wasn't difficult; Dr. Stern was just an ordinary person, and abducting him posed no real challenge.

The second option depended on luck. Both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military were closely monitoring Dr. Banner now. If Dr. Banner went to find Dr. Stern, it would be nearly impossible for Fang Ye to abduct him without a trace.

Fang Ye quickly made a decision. Compared to the serum, people were more important. As long as Dr. Stern was still alive, Fang Ye could continue his research on the serum.

"We're running out of time. Bring Dr. Stern to see me immediately. Also, remember to destroy those semi-finished serums!"


Fang Ye hung up the phone and let out a light sigh.

Over the past two years, Fang Ye had cultivated his own power, mainly consisting of international mercenaries.

Shulong was one of Fang Ye's trusted subordinates, a native of China, and also a mutant. However, Shulong's strength was not remarkable; his ability was only invisibility.