
Striving To Reach The Apex

On the Planet Faraway, a Martial God appeared and with his appearance the Golden Era began. One after the other geniuses appeared across the world, hoping to match even a sliver of his brilliance, but the world was cruel and sometimes no matter how hard one tried he'd never succeed. But simultaneously this Golden Era brought about a great disaster to the people. As the powers that be fought to grow stronger those who were weaker than them were trampled underfoot. And unfortunately Atlas was no exception, until that one fateful day. ---------------------------------------------------- No update schedule.. No harem. Read if you want. Comment if you want. Drop a powerstone if you want. This is for fun That is all.

AlbinoSpider · Oriental
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Power, Power, and More Power

Standing above the corpse of a monkey, the young man moved to grab the corpse before taking it to a location further away. 'This should be the last one.' He thought before making his way back to the pond.

To ensure that no beasts would accidentally stumble upon the pond, the young man had ran around and killed the surroundings beasts before moving their corpses away. Like this while it was still possible that a beast could come across the pond the chances were also much lower.

Arriving back at the pond he immediately began to drink from it once again. Gulp after gulp, his body filled with more and more Spirit Qi, but reaching higher Levels got exponentially harder as one progressed.

He sat there for hours drinking from the pond. Due to the energy the liquid contained he had no need for food and subsequently had no need to defecate or urinate during this time.

Like this a week passed without interruption. Taking his head out of the pond the young man looked around, he'd gotten lucky. No beast had interrupted him during this time, if they had he could've died without even knowing how.

Drinking all that Spirit Liquid had brought about a transformation in his body and aura alike. He gave off a powerful Spirit Qi just by existing and he had reached the 9th Level of Spirit Gathering, which was absurd to say the least.

'Back then I was told I'd be lucky to reach this level.' The young man thought to himself before flexing his arms a bit. It was hard to tell how much stronger he'd gotten without a battle, but he wasn't about to go and pick fights with random beasts.

"Still not enough." He sighed, while he'd indeed gotten stronger he knew he wasn't at a level where he could attain revenge yet. 'Those people were at a Realm of cultivation beyond my knowledge. That General alone with one fist ruptured the City Walls like they were tofu.'

Looking back on that day only brought about a burning smoldering rage within the young man. His jaw clenched, his hands curling as his nails dug into his palms. Hatred, that was the emotion that clouded the young man's mind and the main reason he wanted to escape the Forest.

Only if he was outside could he fight the Blood Flame Empire and attempt to take revenge. He continued seething internally until a thought dawned on him. 'Just from one gold line alone I am at a level of power I could've never hoped to reach before.... If I could reach the level of that General I can do much more than right now.....'

Thinking about it deeply the young man realised he'd been too rash. It may delay his revenge but the most thing he could do right now was not to escape the forest, but to use the ability he gained as best he could.

'In fact isn't that another gold line?' Noticing the gold line in his vision, the young man put all his attention on it. It soon began to pulsate and the red lines disappeared from view.

Following the golden line the young man arrived at his destination nearly an hour later. Unfortunately things weren't so simple as when he encountered the pond.

The golden line led to a round red fruit, but the alarming thing was that it was surrounded by a pack of 20 wolves. Which meant if even one of them noticed him he'd be in a world of hurt, unless of course he was stronger than all of them combined.

'I remember seeing that fruit in a book once. A Crimson Blood Fruit, it feasts on blood and gains large amounts of vitality over time, if one consumes it their body's strength will grow exponentially.' The young man recalled the information a sharp glint in his eyes.

It wasn't a treasure he could forsake, at least that is if he wanted his revenge, with meant that there were only 2 out comes, he'd die or those wolves would.

Grasping a nearby 40 meter tall tree, the young man empowered his arm with Spiritual Qi before wrapping it around the tree pull it out of the ground by the roots.


He pulled out the entirety of the tree alarming the wolves. Immediately they rushed towards him attempting to surround him. Naturally the young man was no push over, swinging the tree at the wolves.

Almost on instinct a number of the wolves dodged the attack but an unlucky few ended up being hit by the large tree trunk, splattering into meat paste dead.


The wolves howled enraged at the death of their fallen comrades. One of the wolves stood out from the rest, it had silver fur and was twice as large as the others, this was their pack leader.

The pack leader shot towards the young man as fast as he could, its claw swiping towards the young man's face. Due to swinging the tree the young man's mobility was restricted, but that didn't matter he had no intention of dodging.


As if the wolf's claw hit metal, the attack bounced off the young man's face. On closer inspection it was clear to see that the young man's entire body was coated in a fine layer of Spirit Qi. This meant that unless the wolves managed to drain his Spirit Qi they had no way of killing him.


Swinging the tree once again the pack leader was completely caught of guard due to being unable to damage the young man. A number of the remaining wolves were also hit, dying on impact with the tree.

At this point only about 5 wolves were left alive including the half dead pack leader. Seeing this the young man tossed the tree away before charging at the remaining wolves. At this point the wolves instinctually knew they had no chance but still tried to do what little they could.

The remaining 4 wolves clawed at the young man to no avail. Each of their attacks simply bounced of his Spirit Qi barrier allowing him to easily punch them all in the head killing them.

Now only the pack leader remained half dead on the ground. "Goodbye." With that said the young man crushed the pack leader's head before moving towards the Crimson Blood Fruit.

It was only about as large as a fist but its power was evident. Grasping the fruit the young man pulled it out before eating it on the spot.

He had created such a large commotion for a reason. If a commotion was big then naturally beasts would gather, but if it was too large most beasts would run away in fear, which was his goal. When dealing with fruit's like the Crimson Blood Fruit eating them on the spot was best, and he had no means of storing it. Because of this he decided to just eat it on the spot.

In an instant the young man's skin turned bright red as a strong vitality spread throughout his body. And thus began a cycle of destruction and recreation as the young man's body improved at a rapid rate.