
Striking Collision | + 18

Moving to another city to start a new job seemed a good idea for Rose but when some guy starts to stalk her at home, it doesn't feel safe anymore so what happens when one day she runs away from him, just to collide with another man who seems to be her neighbor but this time the rescuer will save the day? Sparks fly and light goes everywhere when her neighbor starts to save her every time she needs him, like he knows she will be there and knowing he is some millionaire who owns the building she lives in, should be already warning signs but it is too late when both are too deep to back out. Maybe moving in wasn't a bad idea, after all.

LaraHart · Ciudad
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1 Chs

1. Collision


This was the third week now when I introduced myself to this one guy and now he was stalking me like a creep every day.

Speeding my pace, I look behind me just to see the Ben guy going after me calling my name but I don't stop until I'm in my building and at the elevator. I see some tall guy going the same way as me so I start to run fast. When I'm at the elevator, I don't even look at the stranger when I collide with his body. I stumble hard and almost fall but two strong arms reach out and catch me before I do and keeps me steady in place.

I breath in relief and lean closer to his body which seems to be more stronger and muscular, I try to ignore my embarrassment and the delicious cologne he has on which seems to distract me for a second but shaking myself out of it, not even looking at his face, I start to whisper when I form a plan in my head.

"Please, sir... Can you pretend to be my boyfriend? That man is following me," the fear still grips me but with this stranger I feel much safer, I don't even know why. I wait for a second but hear my name calling again from behind us.

"Rose! What are you doing?" The anger is obvious and I feel disgust and wait for my stranger to respond. I feared that he won't help me but a second passes by and a strong arm sneaks around my waist before I can catch a breath from sudden shock.

"Its him?" my stranger speaks up on the first time and I feel goosebumps on my flesh from the deep rumble from his voice.

"Yes," I can only whisper back, suddenly feeling hot.

"I've got you, all right. Let me do the talking," His smooth talk has me nodding right away when he forces us to turn around to see the creep standing there, a flush on his face when he sees me with another man but I don't really care. I just want to be done with this once for all.

In the past weeks it seems like he is stalking me and waits for me on purpose near the building so he can talk to me when I get home. Everyday and at the same time at 6pm when I get from work to go home.

At first I thought that he is being friendly and thinking nothing about it, he gave me his name and I gave him mine, sharing some daily news but thats it. I didn't know that he will want something more from me because I already said that I'm not interested in him or any men that matter. I was only here for the job after I moved to the big city from my small home town where parents still are.

Now? I'm afraid every time when I get home because I know he will be here, waiting for me like a creep he is.

"Rose? Who is this? I didn't know you had a friend here," Ben pretends to be surprised with a fake smile on his face but I know better.

Before I can reply, my saviors speaks again.

"Are you giving my girl trouble? She is already taken if you don't see yourself." When the words leave his mouth, my own lips part from surprise and I look up at him. I wish I didn't.

The stranger has a cap on his head but that still doesn't mean that I don't see his face clearly. I see his side profile only but the beauty of that masculine face and jaw freezes me on the spot, seeing how handsome my rescuer is. Its a shame, really.

"Bullshit. My Rose isn't interested in other men so please better step away from her," Ben is angry all of a sudden and I jerk my head towards him when I register the words he is saying.

His Rose? The nerve!

I feel a deep chuckle above me, it goes straight to my core and shamefully I clench my thighs together when I feel desire for this stranger who is saving me. What is wrong with me?

"Yours? I think I didn't hear you right. Sweetheart, do you even know this guy besides his name?" Grinning down at me, I feel starstruck for a moment seeing dimples each side of his cheeks and the white smile he is showing me. I won't even start for his dark eyes who seem to see inside my soul, staring intensely at me.

"I... No...I don't know him but he is stalking me every day," I feel myself trembling but not from fear.

Appreciating my words, he squeezes my waist tighter and gives a lopsided smirk when he turns back to Ben.

"I think that is your cue to leave. My girl doesn't know you so please leave us alone and if you ever go near again..." chuckling deeply, he gives a warning look in his way and I see Ben visibly becoming pale, " I will make sure you're not wanted in this building ever again, get me? "

The threat even has me shivering but playing along I lean in his chest and give a grin to the man who is still standing in front of us.

"You heard him, Ben. Please leave me alone because if you don't, my boyfriend will show you what happens if you don't, yes?"

Thinning his lips, Ben showes his hands in his jacket pockets and backs away a step, still gaze lingering on the arm around my waist.

" When this even happened? You were single the last time I saw you, you are always alone and suddenly you have a boyfriend?"

"You're still here?" My savior asks him with annoyed voice pinning him with a dark glare because he becomes tense besides me like he would pounce on him if the man shows some opportunity to do it so I do the only thing I can and gently put my hand on his hard chest. I feel his abs through the T-shirt he wears under the leather jacket and almost drool at the feel but suppressing my urges, force him to look at me again.

"Leave him alone, please. Can we just go?"

The stranger gives me a long look and I feel really small under his gaze when his eyes slides over my face and I think its my imagination because his stare softens, the longer he looks at me, and it melts my insides. I forget for a second that I don't know him at all but I feel like we have known each other for years.

"All right, love. Everything is under control, just trust me." To prove the point so we look like a couple, he gives a gentle kiss on my temple.

I can't help but sigh from pleasure and for a second I think he knows it when the stranger smirks and turns to the elevator so he can reach his other arm around me and tap the button on the wall which activites elevator sliding down.

Before we know it, Ben gives a growl, turns around and goes away, leaving us both alone.

"Oh my god, it worked! Thank you so much, sir!" Still whispering so my stalker doesn't hear us, the man besides me gently lets go of me and chuckles seeing me so happy.

"Dominic will do, sweetheart. He seemed pretty desperate to get you. Can't allow that to happen to a little thing like you, right?"

Feeling myself blush, I start to fidget with my fingers, looking down at my shoes, now feeling really shy while we wait the elevator to go down.

"Don't get nervous, now. I think we are past that. Rose, yes?"


"I'm sorry if I'm crossing the line here but how come no one protects you while you get home? You said you have no boyfriend, you have no friends either?"

My face was red as tomato when I shook my head, still looking down.

"I moved here all alone, only two months has passed while I'm here and at work... Well... I'm still adjusting."

Hearing a ping, I was forced to look up to see elevator doors sliding open. Finally.

"Which floor you have? I haven't even see you around here before because I live here myself, I would know if someone new has moved in."

We step inside the small box and I slyly smile at him, " Are you some owner or something? The eight floor. My boss gave this place because of a job. He said this is one of the safest buildings in the city so I don't have to pay for it that much knowing these kind of apartments are expensive. What about you?"

Tapping my floor little button, Dominic leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest while regarding me with some unknown curiosity in his dark gaze.

I'm unable to look away this time seeing him casually standing there, all tall and powerful, his cap shielding his face in shadows a little bit but I feel him watching me anyway.

"I live on the top floor and you're right, the building is mine."

Almost choking from the shock, I start giggling hearing his words because it has to be some joke but when I see he is not laughing with me, I get serious.

"You're what? You're are joking, aren't you?"

Before he can respond, we are on my floor and elevator stops, doors sliding open.

Giving me a little smirk, the man nods his head in the direction of the exit, still casually leaning against the wall.

"See you around, gorgeous."

I step outside the elevator, my heart suddenly leaping out of my chest hearing the nickname and when I turn around to look at him, the door slides back in place and the man dissappears from my sight.

Hands trembling, face flushing from some hot heat, I force myself to go to my apartment after still standing there like a fool but still the handsome savior in my mind doesn't let me calm down.

When I get to my door, I manage to drop the keys many times while trying to unlock the door but in the end when I get finally in, shut the door behind, then and only then while leaning against my door, I let out a long breath and start to relax.