
STRIKE : Remnants of The Thunder Spear

Humanity was ruled by gods and in the circle of the gods, they all worked together to create a world where everything would not turn into an endless cycle of chaos. Humans abide by anything that the gods yearned for to achieve perpetuity and peace. Yet, the god of knowledge, intellect, and wisdom chose to betray them to which he belongs and decided to create a rebellion against the other gods. Because according to him, the promised perpetuity and peace were a hoax to earn the trust of mankind into a greater and selfish desire of the divinities. He found this answer while witnessing a taboo action caused by his fellow deities. And now, his ambition to create a new world for humanity has been passed on by his descendants and they were called "Anshiantiae"

zhxien · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs


For he was an honorable man. A figure of a courteous General who had inherited his title in the Yozou household. There was no one on the land who had not known of his playful smiles and compassionate heart. Nevertheless, his colleagues would always give him an earful about taking his time off his responsibilities. It was his name that the people had always turned to—without feeling a sense of uneasiness.

The chirping of birds and the gushing of water echoed through the forest. Towering trees shadowed surrounding them, while squirrels and insects lingered around searching for food. Plants of each kind filled the ground; some bore flowers that glowed through the light of the sun. And piles of wood logs carrying weapons sat in front of the two figures listening to a man lecturing them about battle etiquettes.

"You're late"

A boy hurriedly approached the two kids, giving the blond girl a teasing smile.

"Did you miss me, Yumi?" The boy said. At the age of eleven, it would be a wonder where he had learned to have a way with such words. Yumi ignored him, focusing on her training as the curve on the boy's lips remained.

"You brat!" A wooden stick landed on the boy's head which created a cry of pain. The man crossed his arms, giving him a serious look.

"Master Hideo! That hurts!" Caressing the top of his head, he displayed a frown at the man.

"Didn't I tell you to come at six!?"

"Huh? When did you—ouch!" He received another smack, making his eyes almost shed tears.

"Algard..." Said the other boy who has dark hair, glancing at him.

"Lucien, I saw a cute lady a while back. Let's go check her out" He showed him a thumbs up, winking. Lucien responded to his idea in a deep breath—shaking his head in disbelief, that made Algard give a scowl.

The girl spoke, averting her eyes from the ground that carried drawings of battle stances and how they would control their energy to aim at a certain point. "You shouldn't be thinking about those futile deeds, we're still young and you needed to-"

"Ah, I know. I know" Algard scratched the back of his head while gazing at the moving clouds. The tranquil heavens have always given him peace of mind. If he had a choice, the only thing that he wanted to do is to stare at it for the rest of his life. "Maybe you're just jealous, Yumi," He said, still focused on the skies.


"O-oh! Wait! I'm just joking" Algard held both of his hands in the air, alarmed on his feet. "Unless..."

A sharp look was directed to him as Fuyumi faced him. Her patience and calm demeanor will always be tested whenever the boy would provoke her with those tactics. It annoys her, yet at the very least it is what made her grow comfortable with the two.

"Let's take a break and eat," Said the man, reaching for the boxes of food above the rock that's beside the trunk of a tree not far from where he was.

The three of them sat beside the man while he gave them their meals. "You arrived exactly at lunch. In that case, you'll be training with me until midnight"

Algard's eyes widened. But he had changed his expression—trying to persuade Master Hideo with pleading eyes. Though it didn't work, their instructor ignored him while taking a sip of his tea.

Hideo was a teacher and trainer for several nobles. Polishing the young ones of certain aristocratic houses to be prepared with the yearly selection. For they were expected to inherit honorable titles to serve the land and give pride to their bloodline.

Minutes have passed since they have finished their meals. And as always, the four of them would sit at the rocky grounds of the stream banks to offer a time for silence. It was a method of meditation, before resuming their training again.

"You three must continue your training after, I'll go somewhere" Giving out a sigh of exhaustion, Hideo stood up walking ahead of them.

While Algard had thoughts of grabbing the chance to escape his task. His eyes roamed around and once he had confirmed that the coast was clear he slowly stood, carefully tiptoeing his way out of the area.

"Where are you going?" Said Fuyumi. Her knees were bent on the ground as her hands rested on her lap, feeling the calm breeze hitting her. Her eyes opened slowly, taking a glance at the boy whose back is turned on them hesitantly.

"To pee?" Algard stuttered, feeling an inch of nervousness creep on him.

"Liar" Lucien spoke, looking at him with speculating eyes.

They had always known his attitude towards training and classes. Algard doesn't take them seriously as if he wasn't pressured about certain circumstances such as being worthy of inheriting their family's legacy.

Having no options for escape, Algard immediately ran onto the stream of water. He smiles at them while splashing the water through his steps. "Catch me if you can!" He waved his hands to Fuyumi and Lucien, rushing on the flow of water that reached over his ankles. It splashed his now barefoot that came in contact with them. The shoes that were designed for him as a gift, were now lying empty on the stream bank.

His blue-black hair danced with the breeze as he continued to run—feeling the fresh air hitting his skin. It felt good, that he was almost in bliss. How he had wished that the wind could always caress him like this.

Algard's smile never faded when he saw his two friends running after him. Their footwear and clothes were also soaking from the splashes. Fuyumi was quite cautious of the water while Lucien focused on chasing him.

Letting out a laugh, Algard stopped in his tracks to face them. He reached for the ends of his pants to fold them as he slid his fingers through his hair. And his hands touched the water just then, scooping some of it into his palms. With a final grin at the two—splashes of liquid came to them repeatedly as he kept on spooning amounts of it.

"You!-" Fuyumi didn't finish her phrase when the water hit her face. Her hair and clothes were now completely soaked.

"Stop it, Algard" Lucien begged. But the boy didn't consider his plea, he continued to throw water between the three of them—enjoying the play he had created.

With all the patience left from the two, they had enacted their revenge on him—also splattering water all over Algard. And as if not caring about a single thing in the world, they played in freedom, enjoying every second as the stream continued to flow below them.

It was only at this moment that the innocence of being a child had driven them to the happiness that nobility could not provide. They were always fixated on completing duties bestowed by them that they did not realize how it was like to unchain themselves from everything.

And at this moment, they had found what it was like to smile genuinely—to laugh at your heart's content and be carefree of the world. Even if it was impossible, they had hope that this time could last forever.


Algard was slowly falling to the ground. The traces of his energy and aura had vanished and the thought of him falling on the battlefield had never lingered through the soldiers' thoughts. Fear consumed Fuyumi and Lucien. Without thinking twice, they rushed to Algard's aid.

White strings emerged from Lucien's hands forming into a cobweb in a swoosh. The threads caught the 6th General's body filled with burns and wounds as Fuyumi began to cool him with the cold of her prowess.

General Kazahana reached for Algard's wrist "Lucien! His pulse has stopped!" Even her serene personality had faded in panic and stress. She's one of the people who can maintain themselves even if faced with harsh battles. But this time, she had no idea what to do.

"Algard! Algard! Can you hear us!? Algard!" Lucien had continuously pumped his chest. Their calls and approaches were futile since the 6th General's chest had stopped from rising.

The remaining Generals wanted to rush to them. Yet, Fajra won't give them a piece of break—leaving them no choice but to draw their defenses.

"What are you looking at? Focus on me!" The god's hand glowed, and three streaks of flames emerged from thin air. It charged straight to where the two upper Generals, Seratsuki and Akaru, were hit by the flames creating burns on their arms. The sleeves of their uniform turned to ashes exposing the wound.

A sound of annoyance escaped from Seratsuki's lips. Annoyed by the fact that the battle was taking way too long and their energy might be consumed before they could even defeat the god.

Akaru searched everywhere in hopes to create a strategy to turn the tables. But his eyes caught the giant Surtr who once again was releasing an enormous amount of energy. The creature's stamina was far superior to theirs.

Surtr continued to create amok through the land. The black flames were the ultimate source of his real power, it can burn something in an instant. Luckily, the 6th General was skilled to prevent his body from fading into dust. But still, it had caused an inescapable fate.

"Sera, can you guard me while I cast my first zone? I'll triple the sphere this time." Akaru said. Seratsuki gave him a nod. "No, that won't be enough" Akaru continued while dodging the flames brought by Fajra. "I'll put five layers because Surtr might lose it again"

A quick change in position and stance with the two upper Generals was all it took to begin executing their strategy. General Hermes and Nova who were still battling with the fiery figures had complied with the plan—focusing all of their attention on taking down their enemies and not letting them get close to Akaru.

As every second passed, the Generals could feel their exhaustion. Their energy was almost depleted, yet the god before them still had tricks under his sleeves. They had always known that gods are superior to mortals like them. But, as an Anshiantiae they had desired nothing but to bring an end to these more than a thousand year long bloodshed. Their Lord, the god of wisdom who had forsaken being one of the deities to bring justice upon the world—free humanity from the sham of gods and create a home where everyone would be brought together without the slavery of immorality—that is Lord Giansh's will, carried by every Anshiantiae.

"First zone, moonlit realm...construir" Akaru muttered. The golden light changed and Anshiantum was covered in a blinding white glow as if everything had turned into nothingness. It devoured the whole land that everyone stopped in their tracks covering their eyes with the sudden beam. For a short moment, they had thought that maybe Fajra had taken their vision because it had almost left them blind.

From every corner of Anshiantum, people didn't speak a word and were left to catch their breath when the light had slowly faded. Their eyes pried open and high above them five layers of a transparent sphere covering the whole land were summoned. They're almost combining through thin air, glinting on the skies. It engulfed the whole land apart from where Surtr was. There are millions of honeycomb patterns on the sphere, each consisting of a unique defensive property folded by the strength of the 2nd General's prowess—the manipulation of light.

The Generals regained their vision's focus, grabbing the chance to land a hit on the enemy. While Lucien and Fuyumi hurriedly equipped their abilities to venture to the east in the hopes of saving Algard. Surtr gave out a loud growl, continuously pounding the unbreakable shield. Yet no matter how tough his punches are, the sphere didn't bulge.

There was nothing Raijin could perceive at the moment. His thoughts lingered on the idea of the 6th General. Even things that would normally leave him shocked don't give the same effect as what he is now. And the only thing he could do is stand frozen, unable to feel his surroundings.

The General who had taught him various things that lead him to win battles—had suffered and was slowly straying further away. As if no matter how far he stretches his hands, he can't stop him from leaving. Just as he had done to his grandfather.

Is there a purpose in saving everyone when you don't have the chance to protect someone close to you? And was there any reason if the General was not there to share battles with him, to watch him grow, and witness him fulfill his aim?

"Ack!" He cried in pain as the furious fist of the giant landed on him. It shocked his entire body that he had fallen across the ground in an impact. If it wasn't for the lightning engulfing him, Raijin would've been shredded to pieces. Blood flowed on the corner of his mouth. And since he was close to Surtr, the sphere that protects everyone inside did not reach him.

"Hey! Come inside the shield!" Hermes shouted from the other side while he landed on his feet deflecting an attack from their enemy.

Raijin slowly turned his head towards the 7th General who was holding two-winged blades. The man wears a lazy expression on his face as if he had not taken a rest for a couple of days.

Raijin did not respond. He was not in the condition to think things thoroughly even if a General had approached him. He turned his eyes to Surtr once again, ignoring the man.

The ignorance of the boy struck a nerve at the 7th General.

"Just leave him alone," The 8th General Nova said.

Breathing a sigh of exhaustion, Hermes had no choice but to agree with the woman—who had continuously inflicted a clean hit on their enemies. She specializes in hand-to-hand combat, where her energy is focused on increasing her body's strength and mobility in battle. General Nova Corvinus, was also known as a master of martial arts throughout Riagi.

"Maybe that boy is in the phase where he had suicidal thoughts. Ah, really? Teens these days,''said Hermes. He's recognized to have contributed to the technology and Science progress in Riagi. Though to him, his prowess in commanding the wind was branded quite useless to his studies. For he always mutters to himself: 'I don't plan on being a walking ventilator, I just want to explore things. That's it'

"Didn't you also have thoughts like that?" Said Nova, once again landing a flawless kick at one of the fiery figures.

"You don't need to mention that"

Their coordinated attacks were executed without fail making their opponent lose control of their defenses.

"Go," Hermes whispered, as the aggressive gushing of the wind took control again. The 8th General positioned her stance. The wind had supported her weight to land rapid kicks and punches on the enemy.

One hit, two hits, three hits, and hundreds had come on their way. Making the two fiery figures helpless but to just receive the charges. The 8th General's forceful energy had managed to penetrate them. But her hands had suffered through the burns in hitting the flames.

Translucent teal energy surrounded Nova's fists and legs. And with a final blow, one of the fiery figures had faded into thin air—screaming in agony for his defeat.

Hermes had immediately rushed to the other one, slashing from its upper part down to its feet with the winged blades until the fiery figure had completely disappeared. "It took us quite the time to find their weakness"

"Weakness?" Nova asked, her eyebrows were creased.

"Yeah, basically they don't have a physical body so we needed to suppress their energy by manipulating our aura to alter its sensation to them. In that case, we can- wait, don't tell me you didn't know?"

"I don't." Nova answered, showing him a blank expression.

"Then how are you able to hit them?" Disabling the wind, Hermes faced her. Their eyes met as the 8th General spoke.

"I was just following your lead"

Raijin's cold hands clasp at the chushin, feeling the unusual current of energy towards it. If there was something he needed to do at the moment—is to put an end to the creature before him. He had never felt this kind of loathing and disgust. The way Surtr growls and moves angers him. The sole existence of it shall perish at all cause.

"I'll defeat you right here" His tone was cold as his eyes were shadowed in a violet light. "No. I'll kill you"

In a blink of an eye, Raijin's whole was flashing in lightning—striking the creature aggressively. He had blamed himself for what happened to the General, and the last thing he could do for him is to grant Surtr death and throw it into the pits of agony and grief.